
Tian Lan

Department of ECE

E-mail: tlan@gwu.edu

Google Scholar:



Phone: 1-202-994-5079
Fax: 1-202-994-0227
Office: SEH 6580

I am a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the George Washington University, which I joined in 2010. I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University in 2010, M.S. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto in 2005, and B.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Tsinghua University in 2003. I'm currently serving as a member of Federal Communications Commission (FCC)'s Technological Advisory Council (TAC), a senior member of GW Competition Innovation Lab (GW CIL), and a fellow at National Quantum Lab at UMD (NQL).

My research focuses on machine learning, optimization, cyber security, and cloud/edge computing. The research projects have been supported by NSF, ONR, DARPA, ARO, USMA, CISCO, AT&T and Meta - Truly appreciate it!

Awards and Honors:
IEEE VR Best Demo Honorable Mention Award, 2024.
ACM MobiHoc Best Paper Award Runner-Up, 2023.
CISCO Research Award, 2023.
VT Bradley Distinguished Lecture, 2023.
Meta Research Award, 2021.
Runner Up Prize at GW New Venture Competition, 2021.
CISCO Research Award, 2021, 2019.
SecureComm Best Paper Award, 2019.
SEAS Faculty Recognition Award, GWU, 2018.
AT&T VURI Award, 2017.
Hegarty Faculty Innovation Award, 2017
AT&T VURI Award, 2014.
IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Award, 2012.
Gordon Wu Prizes for Excellence, Princeton University, 2010.
IEEE GLOBECOM Best Paper Award, 2009.
IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, 2008.
Excellent Undergrad Thesis Award, Tsinghua University, 2003
First Class Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 2001, 2002
Nortel Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 2000

Member, Federal Communications Commission Technological Advisory Council (FCC TAC) 2024 - Present.
Fellow, National Quantum Lab at UMD (NQL), 2024 - Present.
TPC Area Chair, IEEE INFOCOM 2024.
Co-Chair, NSF CISE CAREER Program Workshop 2024.
Co-Chair, NSF Workshop on Post-Quantum AI and Security 2024.
TPC Chair, IEEE CloudSummit 2024.
Senior Fellow, GW Competition Innovation Lab (GW CIL), 2024.
Associate Editor: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022-now.
IEEE R2 (Eastern US) Regional Chapter Coordinator, 2022-now.
Local Arrangement Chair for MobiHoc 2023.
Panelist for MILCOM CyberNet Workshop 2022.
Guest Editor for Frontiers in Computer Science, Special Issue on ML for Communication Networks, 2021.
Local Arrangement Chair for PAC 2018.
Industry Chair for CCGrid 2018.
Breakout Session Lead for NSF Workshop on Grand Challenges in Edge Computing 2016.
Panelist for ATARC Federal Mobile Computing Summit 2015.
Publications Chair for IEEE SECON 2015.
Publications Chair for IEEE LANMAN 2014.
Web Chair and Career Development Panelist for WiOpt 2011.

Media Coverage/Interviews:
Cell Phone Reception is Getting Worse? Times, 2023. Link
5G and Starlink technologies. Middle East Broadcasting Networks, 2023.
Slow cell phone speeds, dropped calls could be related to 5G rollout. Fox 5 DC, 2022. Link
GW Researchers to Display Their Technologies at eMerge Americas. GW-Today, 2019. Link
Individualized Cyber Security Could Keep Hackers at Bay. GW-Today, 2016. Link

Research Team

Current Students:
Yongsheng Mei (PhD student)
Zuyuan Zhang (PhD student)
Zeyu Fang (PhD student)
Guanyu Jiang (PhD student)
Steven Yu (PhD student)
Andre Mattos Barretto Cunha Ferraz (undergrad, 2023-now)
Tharun Saravanan (undergrad, 2023-now)
Alex Vasilev (undergrad, 2023-now)
Joshua Shapo (undergrad, 2023-now)
Jenny Wang (Summer Intern, Langley High School, 2024)
Jimmy Do (Summer Intern, Thomas Jefferson High School, 2024)

Hanhan Zhou (Runner Up Prize at GW New Venture Competition 2021, Lin Weng Graduate Scholarship, now at AWS AI Labs)
Jingdi Chen (N2Women Fellow 2023, PICKHOLTZ and ZHANG&WANG Scholarship 2024, ECE Best Dissertation Award Runner-up 2024, now at CMU)
Shijing Li (ECE Best Dissertation Award 2022)
Yimeng Wang (now at Google)
Yurong Chen (2nd Place in 2018 SEAS R&D Showcase, SecureComm Best Paper Award 2019, now at Google)
Yongbo Li (2nd Place in 2018 SEAS R&D Showcase, ECE Best Dissertation Award 2018, now at Facebook)
Yu Xiang (ECE Best Dissertation Award 2016, now at AT&T Research Lab)
Hongfa Xue (Co-advised, 2nd Place in 2018 SEAS R&D Showcase, now at Ford Motor Company, Research and Innovation Centre)
Maotong Xu (Co-advised, 1st Place in 2016 and 2nd Place in 2018 SEAS R&D Showcase, ECE Best Dissertation Award 2019, now at Facebook)
Sultan Alamro (Co-advised, 1st Place in 2016 and 2nd Place in 2018 SEAS R&D Showcase, now at Qassim University)

Current Research Projects

Courses Taught

ECE 6882: Reinforcement Learning,
ECE 6565: Network Security,
ECE 6035: Introduction to Computer Networks,
ECE 6510: Communication Theory,
ECE 2210: Circuits, Signals, and Systems,
ECE 3410: Communications Engineering.
