Department homepage
GW homepage
MeCP2 Deficiency Alters the Response Selectivity of Prefrontal Cortical Neurons to Different Social Stimuli, eNeuro, 11(9):0003-24,
(with Boyle, N., Li, Y., Sun, X., Xu, P., Lai, C.H., Betts, S., Guo, D., Zeng, C., Du, J., Lu, H)
The Justification Effect on Two-Tier Multiple-Choice Exams,
ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 2024
(with P.Frank-Bolton, M.Lawson, and L.R.Lehr).
- Undergraduate Computer Science Curricula: First-job readiness versus long-term career preparation,
Comm. ACM, Jan 2024 (with A.Kumar, R.Raj).
- Using Dimensionality Reduction Techniques to Understand
the Sources of Software Complexity,
2022 6th International Conference on Computer, Software and Modeling
(ICCSM), Rome, Italy, 2022, pp. 9-13 (with B.Johnson).
Pattern decorrelation in the mouse medial prefrontal cortex enables social preference and requires MeCP2,
Nature Communications (2022)13:3899
(with P.Xu, YYue, J.Su, X.Sun, H.Du, Z.Liu, J.Zhou, C.Zeng and H.Lu).
Report on a US-Canadian Faculty Survey on Undergraduate Linear Algebra: Could Linear Algebra Be an Alternate First Collegiate Math Course?
Notices of the American Mathematical Society,
Vol. 69, No. 5, pp. 806-812, 2022
(with C.Andrews-Larson and J.Siefken).
Motor training improves coordination and anxiety in symptomatic
Mecp2-null mice despite impaired functional connectivity within the
motor circuit, Science Advances, 2021 Oct; 7(43)
Y.Yue, P.Xu, Z.Liu, X.Sun, J.Su, H.Du, L.Chen, R.T.Ash, S.Smirnakis,
L.Kusner, C.Zeng and H.Lu)
Lack of pattern decorrelation in the prelimbic circuit disables social
discrimination in Mecp2-deficient mice, Abstract in
Neuroscience 2021 (Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience), Nov
(with P.Xu, Y.Yue, J.Su, X.Sun, H.Du, Z.Liu, R.Simha, C.Zeng, H.Lu).
- Annotation Scaffolds for Manipulating Articulated Objects
Autonomous Robots, July 2021
(with P.Frank-Bolton, R.Leontie, E.Drumwright).
Precise Cache Profiling for Studying Radiation Effects,
ACM Trans. Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3,
March 2021
(with J.Marshall, R.Gifford, G.Bloom, G.Parmer).
The Reverse Exam: A Gamified Exam Structure to Motivate
Studying and Reduce Anxiety, ACM SIGCSE, Portland, OR,
March, 2020
(with P.Frank Bolton).
Stochastic Tree-Based Generation of Program-Tracing Practice
Questions, ACM SIGCSE, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
February, 2019
(with A.Thomas, T.Stopera and P.Frank Bolton).
Using the contrast within a single face heat map to assess
personal thermal comfort,
Building and Environment, Vol. 160, August 2019
(with A.C.Cosma)
Machine learning method for real-time non-invasive prediction of
individual thermal preference in transient conditions
Building and Environment,
Volume 148, 15 January 2019, Pages 372-383
(with A.C.Cosma).
- Blockchain for the common
good: A digital currency for citizen philanthropy and social
IEEE Blockchain 2018, Halifax, CA, July 2018 (with S.Jain).
Thermal comfort modeling in transient conditions using real-time local body
temperature extraction with a thermographic camera.
Building and Environment Vol. 143,pp. 36-47, 2018
(with A.C.Cosma).
Docendo Discimus: Students Learn by Teaching
Peers Through Video.
SIGCSE, February 2018, Baltimore, MD
(with P. Frank Bolton).
Peer-Reviewed Exploration in Teaching:
A Program for Stimulating and Recognizing
Innovations in Teaching.
Int. J. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,
Vol. 11, No. 1, 2017.
(with R.Teodorescu).
Automatic Generation of Context-Based Fill-in-the-Blank
Exercises Using Co-occurrence Likelihoods and Google n-grams.
In Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP
for Building Educational Applications (NAACL 2016),
San Diego, June 2016 (with J.Hill)
Designing a Literacy-Based Mobile Application for Adult Learners.
In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '16),
San Jose, May 2016 (with J.Hill).
Balancing Symbolic and Computational Thinking:
Reinforcing Engineering Math Via Programming
, ASEE Mid-Atlantic Conference, April 2016, Washington DC.
Teaching Design Thinking, Writing, and Oral Presentation:
Lessons Learned from the Computer Science
Senior Design Course at GW
, ASEE Mid-Atlantic Conference, April 2016, Washington DC
(with G.Parmer, C.Toombs, T.Wood, P.Vora).
LockDown: An Operating System for Achieving Service
Continuity by Quarantining Principals,
European Workshop on Systems Security (EUROSEC),
London, UK, April 2016 (with G.Bloom and G.Parmer).
- Boolean Models of Biological Processes Explain Cascade-Like Behavior,
Nature Scientific Reports 7, article 20067,
January 2016 (with H.Chen, G.Wang, C.Du and C.Zeng).
- "FPGA SoC Architecture and Runtime to Prevent Hardware Trojans
from Leaking Secrets,"
IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and
Trust, HOST 2015, May 2015.
(with G.Bloom, B.Narahari, A.Namazi, and R.Levy)
Hardware-Enhanced Distributed Access Enforcement for Role-Based Access
Control, Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Access Control
Models and Technologies, SACMAT '14, June 2014 (with G. Bloom).
Hardware and
software support for fine-grained memory access control and
encapsulation in C++.
In Proc. 2013 companion publication
for conference on Systems, programming, & applications:
software for
humanity (SPLASH '13), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 81-82.
Network Class Superposition Analyses,
PLoS ONE, 8(4): e59046, 2013 (with C.Pearson and C.Zeng).
Shared Hardware Data Structures for Hard Real-Time Systems
12th International Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT
2012, October 2012
(with G. Bloom, G. Parmer, and B. Narahari).
Process-driven inference of biological network structure:
feasibility, minimality, and multiplicity.
PLoS ONE, 7(7): e40330, 2012
(with G.Wang, Y.Rong, H.Chen, C.Pearson, C.Du, and C.Zeng).
No Principal Too Small: Memory Access Control for Fine-Grained
Protection Domains.
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System
Design (DSD), Sept 2012, Ismir, Turkey
(with E.Leontie, G.Bloom and B.Narahari).
Load Equalization on a Two-Armed Robot via Proprioceptive Sensing.
To appear in 13th International Symposium on Experimental
Robotics (ISER 2012), June 17-21, Quebec City, 2012
(with R.Leontie, E.Drumwright and D.Shell).
Hardware and Security: Vulnerabilities and Solutions.
Book chapter in Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure ?V Foundations and Challenges, Elsevier publishing, March 2012
(with G.Bloom, E.Leontie, B.Narahari).
Languages and Security: Safer Software Through Language and Compiler
Book chapter in
Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure ?V Foundations and Challenges, Elsevier publishing, March 2012
(with C.Smith).
Automation for Creating and Configuring Security Manifests for
Hardware Containers.
4th Symposium on Configuration Analytics and Automation (SafeConfig),
November 2011, Arlington, VA
(with E.Leontie and G.Bloom).
Scheduling with Hardware Data Structures,
Work-in-Progress Session,
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), December 2010.
(with G. Bloom, G. Parmer and B. Narahari).
Fab Forensics: Increasing Trust
in IC Fabrication,
IEEE International Conference on Technologies
for Homeland Security (HST), November 2010.
(with G.Bloom and B. Narahari).
Process-based network decomposition reveals backbone motif structure,
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 107:23, June 2010, pp.10478-10483.
(with G.Wang, C.Dua, H.Chen, Y.Rong, Y.Xiao, and C.Zeng.)
A Compiler-Hardware Technique for Protecting Against Buffer
Overflow Attacks,
J. Info. Assurance and Security (JIAS),
Vol. 5, No. 1, 2010
(with E.Leontie, G.Bloom, O.Gelbart and B.Narahari).
Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Oxidation of Peroxisomal Malate
Synthase and Catalase,
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics,
Vol. 491, pp.25-31, Nov 2009
(with P.Anand, Y.Kwak and R.Donaldson).
Hardware-Enforced Fine-Grained Isolation of Untrusted Code,
Proc. ACM Workshop on Secure Execution of
Untrusted Code (SecuCode), Chicago, Nov 2009
(with E.Leontie, G.Bloom, B.Narahari and J.Zambreno).
- An Introductory Mechanics Approach to Cells and Molecules,
Association of American Physics Teachers, Ann Arbor, MI,
2009 (with M.Reeves, R.Donaldson, C.Pearson and C.Bennhold).
Hardware Containers for Software Components: A Trusted
Platform for COTS-Based Systems,
Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Trusted Computing and Communications
(TrustCom), Vancouver, August 2009
(with E.Leontie, G.Bloom, B.Narahari and J.Zambreno).
OS Checks for Detecting Trojan Circuit Attacks,
2nd Int. Workshop on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust
(HOST), poster presentation, 2009
(with G.Bloom and B.Narahari).
Providing Secure Execution Environments with a Last Line
of Defense Against Trojan Circuits,
J. Computers and Security (COSE),
Vol.28, No. 7, pp.660-669, Oct 2009
(with G.Bloom, B.Narahari, R.Simha and J.Zambreno).
Vote Verification using Hard AI Problems,
Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS),
Vol.3, No.4, Dec 2008, (with P.Vora).
A Compiler-Hardware Approach to Software Protection for Embedded
International Journal of Computers and
Electrical Engineering, Special Issue: Circuits and Systems for
Real-Time Security and Copyright Protection of Multimedia,
Vol. 35, No.2, pp.315-328, March 2009.
(with O.Gelbart, E.Leontie and B. Narahari)
Assessing the Energy Costs of Computing Devices for Developing
2nd IFIP Int. Symp. on Wireless Communications and
Information Technology in Developing Countries,
Pretoria, South Africa, October 2008 (with K.Gopinath).
Application-Kernel Collaboration Mechanisms for Real-Time
Cluster Server under Overloading,
10th IEEE International Conference on High
Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-08),
Dalian, China, Sept, 2008 (with Y.Tang, S.Chen, C.Bu, G.Chang).
Architectural support for Securing Application Data in Embedded
IEEE Conf. Electronics and Info Tech (EIT),
May 2008 (with O.Gelbart, E.Leontie and B.Narahari).
Pathway Switching Explains the Sharp Response Characteristic
of Hypoxia Response Network,
PLoS Computational Biology Vol.3, No.8, August 2007
(with Y.Yu, G.Wang, W.Peng, F.Turano and C.Zeng).
Privacy Preserving Programming Using Sython,
J. Computers and Security (COSE), Vol.26, 2007, pp.130-136
(with M.Gaiman and B.Narahari).
Vote Verification Using CAPTCHA-like Primitives,
IAVoSS Workshop On Trustworthy Elections (WOTE 2007), Ottawa,
Canada, June 20 - June 21, 2007.
Held in conjunction with 7th Workshop on
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (with P.Vora).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
Compiler-Directed Region-Based Security for Low-Overhead
Software Protection,
DASC 2007 (with V.Kongubangaram, O.Gelbart and B.Narahari).
A Simple Compiler-FPGA Technique to Detect Memory Spoofing
in Encrypted Execution Platforms,
6th Annual Security
Conf, Las Vegas, March 2007 (with E.Leontie, B.Narahari).
Blaise: Free, Open-source Software Provides Paperless Support for Writing Courses. In TECHNOS March-April 2006, Vol.3
(with S.Hanlon, M.Gaiman, J.Kiraly and E.Arai).
SPEE: A Secure Program Execution Environment tool using code integrity
Journal of High Speed Networks,
Volume 15, Number 1, 2006 pp. 21-32
(with O. Gelbart, B. Narahari).
High Performance Software Protection using
Reconfigurable Architectures,
(Invited Paper) Proc. IEEE, Vol.94, No.2, Feb. 2006
(with J.Zambreno, D.Honbo, A.Choudhary, B.Narahari).
Simulated Chemotaxis: A Biologically Inspired Framework for
a Class of Wireless Coverage Problems,
Int. J. Adhoc and Sensor Wireless Networks,
Vol.2, No.4, 2006
(with O.Sanli and B.Narahari).
- Courses to Integrate Biology, Computer Science and Physics
for Undergraduate Science Majors, poster at
Am. Soc. Cell Biology, 46th Annual meeting, San Diego, 2006
(with R.Donaldson et al).
Secure execution with components from Untrusted Foundries,
Advanced Networking and Communications Hardware Workshop (ANCHOR),
held in conjunction with Int.
Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2006), June 2006
(with B. Narahari, J. Zambreno, A. Choudhary).
Insurable Storage Services: Long-Term Document Archival,
ICCS, June 2006 (with K.Gopinath).
SAFE-OPS: A Compiler/Architecture Approach to Embedded Software
ACM Trans. Embedded Computing,
Vol. 4, No.1, Feb 2005
(with J.Zambreno, A.Choudhary, B.Narahari and N.Memon).
A Joint Design Approach for Communication
Schedule and Layout of Wireless Sensor Networks,
Int. Conf. Wireless Networks, Las Vegas, June 2005
(with H.O.Sanli).
A Hierarchical Key Pre-Distribution Scheme,
Proc. IEEE EIT Conf., Lincoln, NE, May 2005
(with M.Ramkumar and N.Memon).
Performance Study of the SAFE-OPS Compiler/Hardware
Approach to Embedded Systems Security,
Proc. IEEE Conf. Intelligence and
Security Informatics, Atlanta, GA, 2005
(with K.Mohan, B.Narahari, A.Choudhary, J.Zambreno).
Codesseal: A Compiler/FPGA Approach to Secure
Proc. IEEE Conf. Intelligence and
Security Informatics, Atlanta, GA, 2005
(with O.Gelbart, P.Ott, B.Narahari, A.Choudhary, J.Zambreno).
SPEE: A Secure Program Execution Environment Tool
Using Static and Dynamic Code Verification,
3rd Int. Trusted Internet Workshop 2004 (part of HiPC 2004),
Bangalore, India, 2004 (with O.Gelbart and B.Narahari).
Energy-Aware Allocation of Dynamic Variables in Partitioned
Memory Architectures,
Workshop on New Horizons in Compiler Analysis,
Bangalore, India, December 2004
(with R.Levy and B.Narahari).
An Overview of Security-Driven Compilation,
Workshop on New Horizons in Compiler Analysis,
Bangalore, India, December 2004
(with A.Choudhary, B.Narahari and J.Zambreno).
- Assembly Code Level Power-Aware Optimization
for Partitioned Memory Architectures, ACST 2004,
St.Thomas, November 2004
(with R.Levy and B.Narahari).
- HomeOS: Context-Aware Home Connectivity,
Int. Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Applications,
Las Vegas, June 21-24, 2004
(with N.Rosen, R.Sattar, R.Lindeman and B.Narahari).
- Addressing Application Integrity Attacks Using a Reconfigurable
In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International
Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA),
2004 (with J.Zambreno, A.Choudhary).
Flexible Software Protection Using Hardware/Software Codesign Techniques
In Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE),
2004 (with J.Zambreno, A.Choudhary, B.Narahari).
- Strong Minimum Energy Topology: NP Completeness and Heuristics,
IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing,
Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.248-256, July-Sept 2003
(with X.Cheng, B.Narahari, X.Cheng and D.Liu).
An Algorithm for Gradient-Free Simulation Optimization
Using Sampling-Control
Int. J. Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003.
Preloaded Key Based Multicast and Broadcast Authentication in
Mobile Adhoc Networks,
Globecom 2003, San Francisco, December 2003
(with M.Ramkumar and N.Memon).
Optically Disjoint Paths in an All-Optical Network,
Optical Fiber Communications Conference,
March 2003 (with N.Garg and L.Kohli).
Energy Balance in Wireless Networks using Connection
Segmentation and Range Control,
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf.,
New Orleans, LA, March 2003 (with N.K.Singh and B.Narahari).
An Efficient Algorithm for Reducing the Number of Add-Drop
Multiplexers in WDM Optical Ring Networks,
J. High Speed Networks,
Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan-March 2002 (with G.Li).
Augmentation Algorithms for Survivable Network
Topologies in Wired and Optical Networks,
Int. Conf. Comm., 2002
(with N.Garg).
Nature's Algorithms: Natural and Social Metaphors in
Algorithm Design,
IEEE Potentials, Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2001,
pp. 21-24 (with J.Carnahan).
On the Wavelength Assignment Problem in Multifiber WDM Star
and Ring Networks,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking, Vol. 9, No. 1, Feb 2001, pp. 60-68 (with G.Li).
Simulated N-Body: New Particle Physics-Based Heuristics for a
Euclidean Location-Allocation Problem,
J. Heuristics,
Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan 2001, pp. 23-36 (with W.Cai and V.Spitkovsky).
- TRITANIUM: Augmenting the Trimaran Compiler Infrastructure
to Support IA-64 Code Generation,
First Workshop on EPIC Architectures and Compiler Technology,
Austin, Texas, 2001 (with Y.Chobe, B.Narahari and W-F.Wong).
The Partition Coloring Problem and its Application to
Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks,
First Workshop on Optical Networks,
Dallas, TX, 2000, (with G.Li).
- On the Wavelength Assignment Problem in Multifiber WDM Star
and Ring Networks, INFOCOM 2000, March 2000,
(with G.Li).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
On Bounds for the Wavelength Assignment Problem on Optical
Ring Networks, J. High-Speed Networks,
Vol. 8, No. 4, 1999, pp. 303-309 (with G.Li).
- Routing and Scheduling I/O Transfers on a Wormhole-Routed
Mesh, J. Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Vol. 57, No. 1, April 1999, pp. 1-13
(with B.Narahari, S.Shende and S.Subramanya).
- A New Algorithm for Reducing the Number of Add-Drop
Multiplexers in WDM Optical Ring Networks,
SPIE Photonics East, Boston, MA, October 1999 (with G.Li).
- Use of Transforms for Indexing in Audio Databases,
Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia
Applications, New Delhi, India, September 1999
(with S.Subramanya, A.Youssef and B.Narahari).
- I/O Performance of X-Y Routing in 2-D Meshes
under various Disk Load Balancing Schemes,
Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, August 1999
(with S.R.Subramanya and B.Narahari).
- Memory Issues in Power-Aware Design of Embedded Systems: An
Overview, CASES 99,
Washington DC, August 1999 (with R.Levy, B.Crilly
and B.Narahari).
- Automated Classification of Audio Data and Retrieval
ased on Audio Classes,
Int. Conf. on Computers and Their Applications,
Cancun, Mexico, April 1999
(with S.R.Subramanya, A.Youssef and B.Narahari).
Fast Simulation of a Voice-Data Multiplexer,
Int. J. Modelling and Simulation,
Vol.18, No.4, 1998 (with P.Heidelberger).
- Dynamic Load Balancing Schemes for Computing Accessible
Surface Areas of Protein Molecules,
IEEE Int. Conf. High Performance Computing,
Madras, India, 1998 (with E.Suh and B.Narahari).
- New Results for the Wavelength Assignment Problem in Optical
Networks, ACM Southeastern Conf., 1998 (with G.Li).
An Urn Model and its Application to Database Performance
J. Computers and Operations Research,
Vol. 24, No. 4, 1997, pp. 289-300
(with A.Majumdar).
- Algorithms for Mapping Task Graphs to a Network of
Heterogeneous Workstations, ADCOMP 1997, Chennai, India
(with H.Choi and B.Narahari).
- Transform-Based Indexing of Audio Data for
Multimedia Databases, Proc. IEEE Multimedia Conf.,
Ottawa, 1997 (with B.Narahari, S.Subramanya and A.Youssef).
- A Lower Bound for On-line File Transfer Routing and
Scheduling, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference
on Information Sciences and Systems, Baltimore, MD,
pp. 936-941, 1997 (with J.Havill and W.Mao).
Efficient Algorithms for Erasure Node Placement on Slotted
Dual Bus Networks,
IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, Vol. 4,
No. 5, 1996, pp. 779-784 (with B.Narahari and S.Shende).
Static Assignment of Stochastic Tasks Using Majorization,
IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. 45, No. 6, June 1996,
pp. 730-740 (with D.Nicol and D.Towsley).
Static versus Dynamic Load Balancing in a Pipeline
Int. J. Modelling & Simulation,
Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 317-327.
(with A.Brunstrom).
- File Allocation for a Parallel Webserver,
Int. Conf. High Performance Computing, December 1996,
Trivandrum, India (with H.Choi and B.Narahari).
A Distributed List Update Problem,
J. Computing and Information,
special issue, 1995, pp. 331-343 (with S.Shende).
Efficient Algorithms for Partitioning Grid-Structured
Parallel Computations,
J. Combinatorial Mathematics
and Combinatorial Computing,
Vol. 21, pp.3-24, June 1996
(with B.Narahari).
Analysis of Individual Packet Loss in a Finite Buffer Queue with
Heterogeneous Markov Modulated Arrival Processes: A Study of
Traffic Burstiness and Priority Packet Discarding,
J. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 28, 1996,
pp. 653-673 (with J.Bae and T.Suda).
Routing and Scheduling File Transfers in Packet-Switched
J. Information and Computing,
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 560-575 (with W.Mao).
- Experimental Evaluation of Dynamic Data Evaluation
Strategies in a Database System with Changing Workload,
Conf. Info. and Knowledge Management, Baltimore, 1995,
pp. 395-402, (with A.Brunstrom and S.Leutenegger).
- Routing and Scheduling I/O Transfers on a Wormhole-Routed
Int. Conf. High Performance Comput., New Delhi, India,
1995 (with B.Narahari, S.Shende and S.Subramanya).
- Database Compression using Multi-field Pattern Matching,
Proc. Int. Symp. Knowledge Retrieval, Use and Storage for
Efficiency, Santa Cruz, California, August, 1995, pp. 199-203
(with W.Mao).
- Efficient Algorithms for Erasure Node Placement on
DQDB Networks, Proc. Int. Conf. Comm., Seattle, WA,
June 1995, pp. 935-939 (with B.Narahari and S.Shende).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
- Fast Data Structures for Shortest Path Routing: A Comparative
Proc. Int. Conf. Comm., Seattle, WA,
June 1995, pp. 1597-1601 (with G.Oberhauser).
- Bicolored Shortest Paths in Graphs with Applications to
Network Overlay Design,
Proc. Conf. Info. Sciences and
Systems, Baltimore, MD, March 1995, pp. 731-736
(with H.Choi, H.Choi and W.Mao).
- Dynamic Processor Assignment in a Task System with
Time-varying Load,
Proc. IEEE Southeastcon,
Raleigh, NC, March 1995, pp. 300-306 (with A.Brunstro).
- Fast Simulation of a Voice-Data Multiplexer,
IEEE INFOCOM 95, Boston, MA, April 1995, pp. 361-368
(with P.Heidelberger).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
On Lookahead in the List Update Problem,
Information Processing Letters,
Vol. 50, 1994, pp. 105-110 (with A.Majumdar).
Reducing Global Address Recognition Delays in Local Area
Networks with Spatial Bandwidth Reuse,
J. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,
Vol. 26, 1994, pp. 1375-1384
(with Y.Ofek).
Optimal Processor Assignment for Pipeline Computations,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Vol. 5, No. 4, April 1994, pp. 439-445
(with A.Choudhary, B.Narahari and D.Nicol).
On-line Minimization of Call Setup Time via Load Balancing:
A Stochastic Approximation Approach,
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 1141-1152, 1994 (with James Kurose).
(Old version without figures).
- On Partitioning Grid-Structured Parallel Computations,
Int. Workshop. Para. Proc., Bangalore, India, 1994,
pp. 271-276 (with B.Narahari).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
- Static vs. Dynamic Load Balancing in a Pipeline Computation,
Proceedings of the Parallel and Distributed Computing and
Systems Conference, Washington, DC, October 1994, pp. 433-436
(with A.Brunstrom).
- Routing and Scheduling File Transfers,
International Conference on Computing and Information,
Toronto, Canada, 1994, June 1994 (with W.Mao).
- A General File Transfer Scheduling Problem,
TIMS/ORSA Joint Conf.,
May, 1993, Chicago (with W.Mao and D.Nicol).
- Load Balancing of Complex Stochastic Tasks Using Stochastic
Proceedings of INFOCOM 93, San Francisco,
pp. 1306-1313 (with D.Nicol and D.Towsley).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
Single Path Routing with Delay Considerations,
J. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,
Vol. 24, 1992, pp. 405-419 (with B.Narahari).
Some Theorems on Conditional Pasta: A Stochastic Integral
Operations Research Letters, Vol. 11, April 1992,
pp. 173-177 (with W.Rosenkrantz).
- Analysis of Individual Packet Loss in a Finite Buffer Queue
with Heterogeneous Markov Modulated Arrival Processes: A
Study of Traffic Burstiness and Priority Packet Discarding,
Proceedings of INFOCOM 92,
pp. 219-230, Florence, Italy,
May 1992 (with J.Bae and T.Suda).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
A Starvation-free Access Protocol for Full-duplex Buffer
Insertion Ring Local Area Networks,
J. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,
Vol. 21, 1991, pp. 109-120 (with Y.Ofek).
(Old version without figures).
On Sampling-controlled Stochastic Approximation,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol. 36, No. 8,
August 1991, pp. 915-924 (with P.Dupuis).
- On-line Minimization of Call Setup Time via Load Balancing:
A Stochastic Approximation Approach,
Proceedings of INFOCOM 91,
April 1991, Bal Harbour, Florida (with J.F.Kurose).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
- A Starvation-free Access Protocol for a Full-duplex Buffer
Insertion Ring Local Area Network,
Proceedings of the 9th International
Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communication,
1990, pp. 531-538 (with Y.Ofek).
Condensed version of journal paper above.
Relative Reward Strength Algorithms for Learning Automata,
IEEE Transactions on Man, Systems & Cybernetics,
Vol. 19, No. 2, March 1989, pp. 388-398 (with J.F.Kurose).
(Old version without figures).
- A Microeconomic Approach to Optimal Resource Allocation
in Distributed Computer Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
Vol. 38, No. 5, May 1989, pp. 705-717
(with J.F.Kurose).
- Stochastic Approximation Schemes for a Load Balancing Problem,
Proceedings of the 27th Allerton Conference on
Communications, Control and Computing,
1989, pp. 839-848 (with J.F.Kurose).
- Optimal Single Path Routing in Computer Networks,
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Midwest Symposium on
Circuits and Switching,
Syracuse, August 1987 (with J.F.Kurose
and D.Towsley).
- Second Derivative Algorithms for Optimal Resource Allocation
in Distributed Computer Systems,
Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
Berlin, Sept. 1987 (with J.F.Kurose).
- A Microeconomic Approach to Optimal File Allocation,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems, Boston, May 1986 (with J.F.Kurose).
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