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Publications Intro
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To Appear or Published
- Johan
René van Dorp, Ekundayo Shittu (2025). “Modeling heavy-tails
with two-piece Burr distributions via Conditional Values-at-Risk",
Accepted for publication in Metron on 1/19/2025.
- Johan
René van Dorp, Ekundayo Shittu (2024). “Two-Sided Distributions
with Applications in Insurance Loss Modeling", Statistical Methods
and Applications, Volume 33, pages 827–861, (2024).
- Johan
René van Dorp, Ekundayo Shittu (2023). The Generalized
Two-Sided Beta Distribution with Applications in Project Risk Analysis,
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Volume 17, Article number:
- Johan
René van Dorp, Ekundayo Shittu, Cristian Rabiti (2022). An enhanced
two-quantile Wilks methodology for engineering uncertainty analysis,
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
- Andy
Lewin, Ekundayo Shittu, Thomas Mazzuchi & Rene van Dorp (2021).
correlation of cost and schedule variance in satellite programs: level
of effort versus discrete cost accounts, Environment Systems and
- Johan
René van Dorp, Ekundayo Shittu, Thomas A. Mazzuchi (2020). Generalized
trapezoidal ogive curves for fatality rate modeling, Chaos, Solitons
& Fractals: X, Volume 5, March 2020, 100043.
- J. René
van Dorp (2020). A
Dependent Project Evaluation and Review Technique, A Bayesian Network
Approach, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 280, Issue
2, pp. 689-706.
- J. René
van Dorp and M. Chris Jones (2020). The
Johnson System of Frequency Curves – Historical, Graphical and
Limiting Perspectives, The American Statistician, Vol. 64, Issue
1, 37-52.
- J. René
van Dorp, Thomas A. Mazzuchi, Jorge E. Garcidueñas (2014), Comparing
Accelerated Life Testing Designs Within A Single Bayesian Inferential
Framework, Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online,
Published Online, 29 SEP 2014, DOI: 10.1002/9781118445112.stat04190
- Donatella
Vicari and Johan Rene van Dorp (2013), On
a bounded bimodal two-sided distributionfitted to the Old-Faithful Geyser
Data, Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp.
- Amin,
Rohan, Julie Ryan, and Johan Van Dorp (2012). Detecting
Targeted Malicious Email Using Persistent Threat and Recipient Oriented
Features. IEEE Security Privacy Magazine, Vol. 10, No.
3, pp. 64-71.
- C. B.
García, J. García Pérez Mazzuchi and J.R. van Dorp
(2011). Modeling
Heavy-Tailed, Skewed and Peaked Uncertainty Phenomena with Bounded Support,
Statistical Methods and Applications, Vol. 20, No. 4., pp.
- Christian
M. Salmon, Vahid Motevalli, John Harrald, Johan René van Dorp
(2010). Quantifying
Metrics of External Airport Risk Exposure in Vicinity of Public Use,
Nontowered Airports, Transportation Research Record: Journal
of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2184, pp. 31-40, DOI
10.3141/2184-04, Online Date: Friday, December 17, 2010.
- S. Kotz
and J.R. van Dorp (2010), Generalized
Diagonal Band Copulas with Two-Sided Generating Densities, Decision
Analysis, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 196-214.
- J. R.
van Dorp and J. R.W. Merrick (2009), On
a risk management analysis of oil spill risk using maritime transportation
system simulation, Annals of Operations Research, published
online before print December 12, DOI: 10.1007/s10479-009-0678-1.
- G. van
de Wiel and J. R. van Dorp (2009), An
oil outflow model for tanker collisions and groundings, Annals
of Operations Research, published online before print November
25, DOI: 10.1007/s10479-009-0674-5.
- J.M.
Herrerías, R. Herrerías and J.R. van Dorp (2009), “The
Generalized Two-Sided Power Distribution”, Journal of
Applied Statistics, Vol. 36 (5), pp. 573-587.
- D. Vicari;
J. R. Van Dorp and S. Kotz (2008), “Two-sided
generalized Topp and Leone (TS-GTL) distributions”, Journal
of Applied Statistics, Vol. 35 (10), pp. 1115 - 1129.
- J.R.
van Dorp, S. Cruz Rambaud, J. García Pérez, and R.l Herrerías
Pleguezuelo (2007). "An
Elicitation Procedure for the Generalized Trapezoidal Distribution with
a Uniform Central Stage", Decision Analysis Journal,
Vol. 4, pp. 156 - 166. R-package
for Generalized Trapezoidal distribution, Courtesy of Jeremy
Thoms Hetzel (April 25, 2011). New!
- A. Singh,
J. Rene van Dorp and T.A.Mazzuchi (2007). "A
Novel Assymetric Distribution with Power Tails", Communications
in Statistics, Theory and Methods, Vol. 36 (2), pp. 235-252.
- L.S.
Fernandez, J. A. Barbera, and J. R. van Dorp (2006). "Strategies
for Managing Volunteers during Incident Response: A Systems Approach."
Homeland Security Affairs II, no. 3 (October 2006).
- J.R.
van Dorp, A. Singh and T.A. Mazzuchi (2006). "The
Doubly-Pareto Uniform Distribution with Applications in Uncertainty
Analysis and Econometrics", Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics,
Vol. 3 (2), pp. 205-225.
- L. Fernandez,
J. Barbera and J.R. van Dorp (2006). "Spontaneous
Volunteer Response to Disasters: The Benefits and Consequences of Good
Intentionsz", Journal of Emergency Management. Vol.
4 (5), pp. 57-68.
- S. Kotz
and J. R. van Dorp (2006). “A
Novel Method for Fitting Unimodal Continuous Distributions on a Bounded
Domain”. IIE Transactions, Vol. 38, pp. 421-436.
- Merrick,
J. R. W. and J. R. van Dorp (2006). “Speaking
the Truth in Maritime Risk Assessment”. Risk Analysis,
Vol. 26 (1), pp. 223 - 237.
- P. Szwed,
J. Rene van Dorp, J.R.W.Merrick, T.A. Mazzuchi and A. Singh (2006).
“A Bayesian
Paired Comparison Approach for Relative Accident Probability Assessment
with Covariate Information”, European Journal of Operational
Research, Vol. 169 (1), pp. 157-177.
- J.R.
van Dorp & T.A. Mazzuchi (2005),“A
General Bayes Weibull Inference Model for Accelerated Life Testing”,
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 90, pp. 140-147.
- Merrick,
J. R. W., J. Rene van Dorp and A. Singh (2005). “Analysis
of Correlated Expert Judgments from Pairwise Comparisons”.
Decision Analysis, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 17-29.
- S. Kotz
and J.R. van Dorp (2005). "A
link between Two-Sided Power and Asymmetric Laplace Distributions: with
Applications to Mean and Variance Approximations". Statistics
and Probability Letters, Vol. 71, pp. 382-394.
- J.R.W.Merrick,
J. Rene van Dorp, V. Dinesh (2005). “Assessing
Uncertainty in Simulation Based Maritime Risk Assessment",
Risk Analysis, Vol. 25 (3), pp. 731-743.
- S. Kotz
and J.R. van Dorp (2004). " Uneven
Two-Sided Power Distributions: With Applications in Econometric Models".
Statistical Methods and Applications, Vol. 13: pp. 285-313.
- J.R van
Dorp and T.A.Mazzuchi (2004). “A
General Bayes Exponential Inference Model for Accelerated Life Testing”,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 119 (1):
pp. 55-74.
- J.R.
van Dorp (2004). "Statistical
Dependence through Common Risk Factors: With Applications in Uncertainty
Analysis". European Journal of Operational Research,
Vol. 161 (1): pp. 240-255.
- John
R. Harrald, Hugh W. Stephens, and Johann Rene vanDorp (2004) “A
Framework for Sustainable Port Security”, Journal of Homeland
Security and Emergency Management: Vol. 1: No. 2, Article 12.
- J. R.
van Dorp and S. Kotz (2003). "Generalizations
of Two Sided Power Distributions and their Convolution". Communications
in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp. 1703 –
- Jason
R. W. Merrick, J. Rene van Dorp, Joseph P. Blackford, Gregory L. Shaw,
Thomas A. Mazzuchi and Jack Harrald (2003). “A
Traffic Density Analysis of Proposed Ferry Service Expansion in San
Francisco Bay Utilizing Maritime Simulation (2.5mb) ”, Reliability
Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 81, No. 2, pp. 119-132.
- J.R van
Dorp and S. Kotz (2003). “Generalized
Trapezoidal Distributions”. Metrika, Vol. 58, Issue
1, pp. 85-97. R-package
for Generalized Trapezoidal distribution, Courtesy of Jeremy
Thoms Hetzel (April 25, 2011). New!
- J.R.W.
Merrick, J. R. van Dorp, T. Mazzuchi, J. Harrald, J. Spahn and M. Grabowski
(2002). “The
Prince William Sound Risk Assessment”. Interfaces,
Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 25-40.
- S. Kotz
and J.R van Dorp (2002). “A
Versatile Bivariate Distribution on a Bounded Domain: Another Look at
the Product Moment Correlation”, Journal of Applied Statistics,
Vol. 29, No.8, pp. 1165-1179.
- J.R van
Dorp and S. Kotz (2002). “A
Novel Extension of the Triangular Distribution and its Parameter Estimation”,
The Statistician, 51, No. 1, pp. 63-79.
- J.R van
Dorp and S. Kotz (2002). “The
Standard Two Sided Power Distribution and its Properties: with Applications
in Financial Engineering”, The American Statistician,
56, No. 2, pp. 90-99.
- J.R.
van Dorp J.R.W. Merrick , J.R. Harrald, T.A. Mazzuchi, and M. Grabowski
(2001). “A
Risk Management procedure for the Washington State Ferries”,
Journal of Risk Analysis,Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 127-142.
- M. Grabowski,
J.R.W. Merrick , J.R. Harrald, T.A. Mazzuchi, and J.R. van Dorp (2000).“Risk
Modeling in Distributed, Large Scale Systems”, IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man, Cybernetics – PART A: Systems and Humans,
Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 651-660.
- J.R.W.
Merrick, J.R. van Dorp, J.R. Harrald, T.A. Mazzuchi, M. Grabowski, and
J.E Spahn (2000). “A
Systems approach to managing oil transportation risk in Prince William
Sound”, Systems Engineering, Vol 3. pp. 128-142,
- J.R van
Dorp and T.A.Mazzuchi (2000). “Solving
for the parameters of a Beta Distribution under two quantile constraints”,
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 67,
pp. 189-201.
- J.R van
Dorp and M.R. Duffey (1999). “Modeling
Statistical Dependence in Risk Analysis for Project Networks”,
International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 58., pp.
- M.R.
Duffey and J.R. van Dorp (1999). “Risk
Analysis for Large Engineering Projects: Modeling Cost Uncertainty for
Ship Production Activities”, Journal of Engineering Valuation
and Cost Analysis, Vol. 2, 285-301.
- J.R.
Harrald, T.A. Mazzuchi, J. E. Spahn, J.R. van Dorp J.R.W. Merrick, S.
Shrestha, M. Grabowski (1998). “Using
System Simulation to Model the Impact of Human Error in a Maritime Risk
Assessment”. Safety Science, Vol. 30, pp. 235-247.
- J.R.
van Dorp, T.A. Mazzuchi and R. Soyer (1997). “Sequential
inference and decision making for single mission systems development”,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 62, No
2, pp. 207-218.
- J.R.
van Dorp, T.A. Mazzuchi, Lt. Gen. G. E. Fornell and L.R. Pollock (1996).
“A Bayes
Approach to Step-Stress Accelerated Life Testing”, IEEE
Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 45, No.3, pp. 491-498.