EMSE Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Dr. Johan René van Dorp

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Journals & Other:



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I have published so far 53 refereed Journal Publications, 1 Book, 5 Book Chapters, 17 Conference Proceedings and 25 Technical Reports. The research covers topics in probabilistic risk assessment, expert judgement elicitation, reliability analysis, Monte Carlo (simulation) analysis and distribution theory with applications in financial engineering (amongst other application areas). These papers have been published in a wide variety of journals such as:

Statistics and Mathematics Journals: 20 Papers in Total.

  1. Journal of Applied Statistics - 4 Papers.
  2. Statistical Methods and Applications - 2 Papers.
  3. Communication in Statistics: Theory and Methods - 2 Papers.
  4. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference - 2 Papers.
  5. Statistics & Probability Letters - 1 Paper.
  6. The Statistician (JRSS D) - 1 Paper.
  7. The American Statistician - 2 Papers.
  8. Metrika - 1 Paper
  9. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation - 1 Paper.
  10. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics - 1 Paper.
  11. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals: X - 1 Paper
  12. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry - 1 Paper
  13. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice - 1 Paper

Risk and Reliability Journals: 16 Papers in Total.

  1. Risk Analysis - 3 Papers.
  2. Reliability Engineering and System Safety - 2 Papers.
  3. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering - 2 Papers
  4. IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine - 1 Paper
  5. Transportation Research Record - 1 Paper
  6. IEEE Transactions on Reliability - 1 Paper.
  7. Safety Science - 1 Paper.
  8. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics – PART A: Systems and Humans - 1 Paper
  9. Journal Emergency Management - 1 Paper.
  10. Journal Homeland Security and Affairs - 1 Paper.
  11. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management - 1 Paper.
  12. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online

Decision Sciences and Operations Research: 13 Papers in Total.

  1. European Journal of Operational Research - 4 Papers.
  2. Decision Analysis - 3 Papers.
  3. Annals of Operations Research - 2 Papers.
  4. IIE Transactions - 1 Paper.
  5. Interfaces - 1 Paper.
  6. INCOSE Systems Engineering - 1 Paper.
  7. Environment Systems and Decisions- 1 Paper.

Cost Analysis Journals: 2 Papers in Total.

  1. International Journal of Production Economics - 1 Paper.
  2. Journal of Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis - 1 Paper.

The links on the left provide a chronological listing of my publications categorized as shown. If you are interested in my publications categorized by the five interest areas probabilistic risk assessment, reliability analysis, Monte Carlo analysis, distribution theory and financial engineering you should visit my research page.

School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
800, 22nd Street, Suite 2800
Washington, DC 20052
Email:  dorpjr@gwu.edu
Phone: (202) 994-6638