Java API
The modules below mostly, but not always, correspond to lectures.
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Sorting
- Quicksort
- Mergesort
- Heaps and heapsort.
- Lower bound, bucketsort.
Module 3: Ordered Search
- Review of binary search trees.
- Deletion from a binary search tree.
- AVL trees.
- Multiway trees.
- Self-adjusting binary search trees.
Module 4: Equality Search, Hashing, Tries
- Key signatures and addressing.
- Open-chain hashing.
- 2D hashing.
- Digital search trees.
- Tries
Module 5: Pattern Search
- The string search problem.
- The Rabin-Karp algorithm.
- The Knuth-Pratt-Morris algorithm
- Finite-automaton search.
- Wildcards, regular expressions and non-deterministic finite automata.
- Web search engines.
Module 6: Performance testing
- Performance testing and profiling.
- Code tuning in Java.
- Stepwise refinement in problem-solving.
Module 7: Graphs, part I
- Definitions, key ideas, applications.
- Data structures for graphs.
- Breadth-first search.
- Depth-first search.
- Applications of depth-first search.
- Topological sort in DAG's.
Module 8: Graphs, part II
- On-line vs. off-line problems.
- On-line equivalence-class problem and union-find.
- Minimum spanning trees: Kruskal's algorithm with union-find.
- Priority queues.
- Prim's spanning tree algorithm.
- Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm.
Module 9: Shortest Paths and Dynamic Programming
- Assorted topics in Shortest-Paths: negative weights, DAG's.
- All-pairs shortest paths: Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- Distributed routing: RIP, OSPF.
- Dynamic programming: Load balancing problem.
- Dynamic programming: Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
- Dynamic programming: Optimal binary search trees.
Module 10: Problems,
solution spaces and local search
- Combinatorial optimization problems.
- Solution spaces, local neighborhood, walking around solution space.
- Greedy local search.
- Simulated annealing.
Module 11: Problem complexity and NP-Completeness
- Problem complexity.
- Some well-known combinatorial problems.
- Problem transformations.
- NP-complete problems, reducibility.
- Approximations.
- Exhaustive Enumeration
Module 12: Bio-inspired problems and algorithms
- Molecular biology primer.
- DNA sequencing problems.
- Cellular automata and Von Neumann's Quandary.
- Computing with DNA.
- Genetic algorithms.
Module 13: The Discrete Fourier Transform
- Sound and audio signals.
- Digitized sound and sampling.
- The Discrete Fourier Transform.
- DFT application to audio.
- The Fast Fourier Transform.
- 2D DFT.
Module 14: Probability and Algorithms
- Simple Estimation.
- Estimation accuracy: confidence intervals.
- Histograms.
- Monte Carlo estimation.
- Evaluating average-case complexity of algorithms.
- Appendix
(Occasionally useful stuff)