In-Class Exercise 6.1: Write pseudocode to solve the following problem. Suppose you are given a 2D array of integers and that each position in the array has the value 0 or 1. (Thus, a binary matrix). A sub-array of the matrix is considered a "chessboard" if the following properties hold: (1) the number of rows equals the number of columns (i.e. it is square); (2) there are at least two rows; (3) the 0's and 1's alternate as in a chessboard (i.e., none of the four neighboring positions of a 0 has a 0). Your goal is to find the largest sub-matrix that is a chessboard. Analyse the complexity of your algorithm when the array size is N x N. Note: If there's time in class to implement, this template provides a starting point.
Most programming languages include supporting tools such as: (Java example)
A profiler
A Java profiling example:
public class ProfileTest { static int numTrials; // The number of trials to use in averaging. static int size; // Data (array) size. static int[] data; // The data. // Find partial maximum: the max value in data[0],...,data[limit]. static int findMax (int limit) { int max = data[0]; for (int i=1; i < limit; i++) if (data[i] > max) max = data[i]; return max; } // Find partial sum: the sume of data[0],...,data[limit]. static double findSum (int limit) { double sum = 0; for (int i=0; i < limit; i++) sum += data[i]; return sum; } static void estimateMax() { // 1. Maintain total. double total = 0; // 2. Repeat numTrials times. for (int n=0; n < numTrials; n++) { // 2.1 Pick a sub-array randomly. int limit = (int) UniformRandom.uniform (0, size-1); // 2.2 Compute partial max. int value = findMax (limit); // 2.3 Accumulate. total += value; } // 3. Compute average. double avg = (double) total / (double) numTrials; // 4. Output. System.out.println ("Estimate of maximum=" + avg); } static void estimateSum() { // 1. Maintain total. double total = 0; // 2. Repeat numTrials times. for (int n=0; n < numTrials; n++) { // 2.1 Pick a sub-array randomly. int limit = (int) UniformRandom.uniform (0, size-1); // 2.2 Compute partial sum. double value = findSum (limit); // 2.3 Accumulate. total += value; } // 3. Compute average. double avg = (double) total / (double) numTrials; // 4. Output. System.out.println ("Estimate of sum=" + avg); } static void createData () { // Draw the data randomly between 0 and "size": data = new int [size]; for (int i=0; i < size; i++) data[i] = (int) UniformRandom.uniform (1, size); } public static void main (String[] argv) { try { // Command-line arguments contain the array size and number of trials. if ( (argv == null) || (argv.length != 2) ) { System.out.println ("Usage: java ProfileTest"); System.exit(1); } // Obtain the size of the data. size = Integer.parseInt (argv[0].trim()); // Obtain the number of trials used in averaging. numTrials = Integer.parseInt (argv[1].trim()); // Create random data. createData (); // Estimate the average partial-maximum. estimateMax (); // Estimate the average partial-sum. estimateSum (); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
java ProfileTest 1000 100000
java -Xrunhprof:cpu=samples,file=log.txt,depth=10 ProfileTest 1000 100000
java -Xrunhprof:help
CPU SAMPLES BEGIN (total = 37) rank self accum count trace method 1 32.43% 32.43% 12 15 ProfileTest.findSum 2 18.92% 51.35% 7 13 ProfileTest.findMax 3 5.41% 56.76% 2 19 java.lang.StrictMath.floor 4 5.41% 62.16% 2 3 java.util.jar.Manifest.parseName 5 5.41% 67.57% 2 18 UniformRandom.uniform 6 2.70% 70.27% 1 8 java.util.HashMap.put 7 2.70% 72.97% 1 7 java.lang.String.< init > 8 2.70% 75.68% 1 2 java.lang.Character.toLowerCase 9 2.70% 78.38% 1 9 java.util.jar.JarFile.getManifest 10 2.70% 81.08% 1 10 11 2.70% 83.78% 1 6 java.lang.Object.clone 12 2.70% 86.49% 1 4 java.util.jar.Attributes.< init > 13 2.70% 89.19% 1 1 java.util.jar.Manifest.parseName 14 2.70% 91.89% 1 14 java.lang.FloatingDecimal.dtoa 15 2.70% 94.59% 1 5 java.util.jar.Attributes.< init > 16 2.70% 97.30% 1 16 UniformRandom.uniform 17 2.70% 100.00% 1 17 java.lang.Math.floor CPU SAMPLES ENDThus, the most time was spent in findSum, according to this estimate.
public class ProfileTest2 { // ... // findMax now returns the stored value. static int findMax (int limit) { return max[limit]; } // ... static void estimateMax() { // 1. First find partial maximums. max = new int [data.length]; for (int k=0; k < max.length; k++) { max[0] = data[0]; int m = data[0]; // 1.1 Find the partial maximum for each value of k. for (int i=1; i<=k; i++) if (data[i] > m) m = data[i]; // 1.2 Store as k-th partial maximum. max[k] = m; } // 2. Now estimate. double total = 0; // 3. Repeat numTrials times. for (int n=0; n < numTrials; n++) { // 3.1 Pick a sub-array randomly. int limit = (int) UniformRandom.uniform (0, size-1); // 3.2 Compute partial max. int value = findMax (limit); // 3.3 Accumulate. total += value; } // 4. Compute average. double avg = (double) total / (double) numTrials; // 5. Output. System.out.println ("Estimate of maximum=" + avg); } // ... }
CPU SAMPLES BEGIN (total = 28) rank self accum count trace method 1 32.14% 32.14% 9 18 ProfileTest2.findSum 2 7.14% 39.29% 2 12 ProfileTest2.estimateMax 3 7.14% 46.43% 2 15 UniformRandom.uniform 4 3.57% 50.00% 1 3 java.lang.Object.clone 5 3.57% 53.57% 1 16 UniformRandom.uniform 6 3.57% 57.14% 1 20 UniformRandom.uniform 7 3.57% 60.71% 1 14 java.lang.StrictMath.floor 8 3.57% 64.29% 1 7 java.lang.StringBuffer.append 9 3.57% 67.86% 1 1 java.util.jar.Manifest.parseName 10 3.57% 71.43% 1 13 UniformRandom.uniform 11 3.57% 75.00% 1 19 UniformRandom.uniform 13 3.57% 82.14% 1 2 14 3.57% 85.71% 1 4 15 3.57% 89.29% 1 6 java.util.Properties.load 16 3.57% 92.86% 1 8 17 3.57% 96.43% 1 10 18 3.57% 100.00% 1 17 java.lang.StrictMath.floor CPU SAMPLES END
public class ProfileTest3 { // ... static void estimateMax() { // 1. More efficient computation of partial maximums. max = new int [data.length]; int currentMax = data[0]; max[0] = data[0]; for (int i=1; i < data.length; i++) { // Track current maximum. if (data[i] > currentMax) currentMax = data[i]; // The current maximum is tracked in exactly the order we need it. max[i] = currentMax; } // ... } // ... }
A C profiling example:
double *data; // The data. int N; // Size of the data. int numTrials; // Number of trials to use in estimation. // Random-number generator static r_seed = 12345678L; double uniform () { static long m = 2147483647; static long a = 48271; static long q = 44488; static long r = 3399; long t, lo, hi; hi = r_seed / q; lo = r_seed - q * hi; t = a * lo - r * hi; if (t > 0) r_seed = t; else r_seed = t + m; return ( (double) r_seed / (double) m ); } // Build random array double* makeRandomArray (int length) { int i; double *A = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * length); for (i=0; i < length; i++) { A[i] = floor (length*uniform ()); } return A; } // Find partial maximum: the max value in data[0],...,data[limit]. int findMax (int limit) { int i; double sum; int max; max = data[0]; for (i=1; i < limit; i++) if (data[i] > max) max = data[i]; return max; } // Find partial sum: the sum of data[0],...,data[limit]. double findSum (int limit) { int k; double sum; sum = 0; for (k=0; k < limit; k++) sum += data[k]; return sum; } void estimateMax () { double total, avg; int n, value, limit; // 1. Maintain total. total = 0; // 2. Repeat numTrials times. for (n=0; n < numTrials; n++) { // 2.1 Pick a sub-array randomly. limit = floor (N*uniform()); // 2.2 Compute partial max. value = findMax (limit); // 2.3 Accumulate. total += value; } // 3. Compute average. avg = total / (double) numTrials; // 4. Output. printf ("Estimate of maximum=%lf\n", avg); } void estimateSum () { double total, avg; int n, value, limit; // 1. Maintain total. total = 0; // 2. Repeat numTrials times. for (n=0; n < numTrials; n++) { // 2.1 Pick a sub-array randomly. limit = floor (N*uniform()); // 2.2 Compute partial sum. value = findSum (limit); // 2.3 Accumulate. total += value; } // 3. Compute average. avg = total / (double) numTrials; // 4. Output. printf ("Estimate of sum=%lf\n", avg); } int main () { // Set data size and number of trials. N = 1000; numTrials = 100000; // Create random data. data = makeRandomArray (N); // Estimate the average partial-maximum. estimateMax(); // Estimate the average partial-sum. estimateSum(); }
gcc -pg profiletest.c -oprofiletest -lm
% cumulative self self total time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name 48.1 3.15 3.15 100000 0.03 0.03 findMax [4] 45.0 6.10 2.95 100000 0.03 0.03 findSum [6] 3.1 6.30 0.20 internal_mcount [7] 1.4 6.39 0.09 603012 0.00 0.00 .umul [9] 1.1 6.46 0.07 201000 0.00 0.00 .div [10] 0.6 6.50 0.04 1 40.00 3284.53 estimateMax [3] 0.3 6.52 0.02 201000 0.00 0.00 __floor [11] 0.3 6.54 0.02 1 20.00 3064.53 estimateSum [5] 0.2 6.55 0.01 201000 0.00 0.00 uniform [8] 0.0 6.55 0.00 32 0.00 0.00 _return_zero [299] 0.0 6.55 0.00 16 0.00 0.00 _mutex_lock [300] 0.0 6.55 0.00 16 0.00 0.00 mutex_unlock [21] ...
How profiling works:
Limitations of profiling:
Timing sections of code:
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // ... algorithm runs here ... double timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
#include <sys/times.h> // NOTE: times.h may lie in different directories in some systems. // This example compiles on standard Linux distributions. static struct tms t_record; static double timer_start_time, timer_end_time; void start_timer () { times (&t_record); timer_start_time = (double) (t_record.tms_utime + t_record.tms_stime); } double stop_timer () { times (&t_record); timer_end_time = (double) (t_record.tms_utime + t_record.tms_stime); return (timer_end_time - timer_start_time); } double timer_difference () { return (timer_end_time - timer_start_time); } int main () { double elapsed_time; // Start timing. start_timer(); // ... compute ... // Get time taken. elapsed_time = stop_timer(); }
System performance:
Stepwise refinement not only applies to coding, but also to problem-solving.
We'll use an example to illustrate: the maximal rectangle problem
First attempt: the obvious algorithm
public class NaiveMaxRect implements MaxRectangleAlgorithm { // ... // See if the subrectangle (i,j,a,b) is filled with 1's. boolean checkFilled (int i, int j, int a, int b) { for (int k1=i; k1 <= a; k1++) { for (int k2=j; k2 <= b; k2++) { if (A[k1][k2] == 0) { // Quit as soon as a zero is detected. return false; } } } return true; } // Compute the area of rectangle (i,j,a,b) int computeArea (int i, int j, int a, int b) { // Bad input: if (a < i) return -1; if (b < j) return -1; // Area. return (a-i+1) * (b-j+1); } // The algorithm. public int findMaxRectangleArea (int[][] A) { // ... // 1. Initialize. int maxArea = 0; // 2. Outer double-for-loop to consider all possible positions // for topleft corner. for (int i=0; i < M; i++) { for (int j=0; j < N; j++) { // 2.1 With (i,j) as topleft, consider all possible bottom-right corners. for (int a=i; a < M; a++) { for (int b=j; b < N; b++) { // 2.1.2 See if rectangle(i,j,a,b) is filled. boolean filled = checkFilled (i, j, a, b); // 2.1.3 If so, compute it's area. if (filled) { // Check area. int area = computeArea (i, j, a, b); // If the area is largest, adjust maximum and update coordinates. if (area > maxArea) { maxArea = area; topLeftX = i; topLeftY = j; botRightX = a; botRightY = b; } } } } // end-3rd-for } // end-2nd-for } // end-outermost-for return maxArea; } // ... }
Algorithm: naiveMaxRect (A) Input: an array with m rows and n columns 1. for i=0 to ... // for each top-left corner 2. for j=0 to ... 3. for a=i to ... // for each bottom right corner 4. for b=j to ... // Check if rectangle defined by i,j,a,b is filled 5. if checkFilled(i,j,a,b) 6. if larger than largest-so-far 7. record i,j,a,b as largest-so-far 8. endif 9. endif 10. endfor 11. endfor 12. endfor 13. endfor
Some improvements:
// ... public int findMaxRectangleArea (int[][] A) { // ... // 1. Check if array is all zeroes: this is O(mn) work. boolean found = false; outer: for (int i=0; i < M; i++) { for (int j=0; j < N; j++) { if (A[i][j] == 1) { found = true; topLeftX = botRightX = i; topLeftY = botRightY = j; break outer; } } } // 2. If all zeroes, no further checks are required. if (! found) return 0; // 3. We know there's at least one 1 x 1 rectangle (of area 1). int maxArea = 1; // 4. Outer double-for-loop to consider all possible positions // for topleft corner. for (int i=0; i < M; i++) { for (int j=0; j < N; j++) { // 4.1 With (i,j) as topleft, consider all possible bottom-right corners. for (int a=i; a < M; a++) { for (int b=j; b < N; b++) { // 4.1.1 No need to check size-1 rectangles. if ( (a == i) && (b == j) ) continue; // 4.2.1 If a corner is zero, no need to check further. if ( (A[i][j] == 0) || (A[a][b] == 0) ) continue; // 4.2.2 First compute area to see if we should scan for 1's. int area = computeArea (i, j, a, b); if (area > maxArea) { // Only if area is larger should we bother checking. boolean filled = checkFilled (i, j, a, b); if (filled) { maxArea = area; topLeftX = i; topLeftY = j; botRightX = a; botRightY = b; } } // endif-area } // end-innermost-for } // end-3rd-for } // end-2nd-for } // end-outermost-for return maxArea; } // ...
Analysis (for both variations):
Let's see if we can avoid some unnecessary comparisons:
⇒ Small rectangles enclosed by larger ones are always scanned
when processing the larger ones.
// ... // Start with top left at i,j and find largest rectangle of 1's. // Use java.awt.Point to store and return two integers. Point growRegion (int i, int j) { // 1. best_a and best_b will record the best bottom-right corner so far. int best_a = i, best_b = j; // 2. a and b will range over possible locations for the bottom-right corner. int a = i, b = j; // 3. There is no need to search below rowMax, which is updated // as we proceed. int rowMax = M-1; // 4. Scan left to right along row i using index b as long as there are 1's. while ( (b <= N-1) && (A[i][b]) != 0) { // 4.1 Start at the highest possible row, row i. a = i; // 4.2 Descend into current column (column b) as far down as possible. while ( (a <= rowMax) && (A[a][b] == 1) ) a = a + 1; // 4.3 Back up to the last "1". a = a - 1; // 4.4 Update rowMax if we stopped at an earlier row. if (a < rowMax) rowMax = a; // 4.5 Check to see if found a larger rectangle. int area = computeArea (i, j, a, b); // 4.6 If the rectangle is larger, update. if (area > maxArea) { best_a = a; best_b = b; maxArea = area; topLeftX = i; topLeftY = j; botRightX = best_a; botRightY = best_b; } // 4.7 Continue with next column. b++; } // endwhile // 5. Return best bottom-right corner. return new Point (best_a, best_b); } public int findMaxRectangleArea (int[][] A) { // ... // 1. Check if array is all zeroes. // ... // 2. If all zeroes, no further checks are required. // 3. We know there's at least one 1 x 1 rectangle (of area 1). maxArea = 1; // 4. Outer double-for-loop to consider all possible positions // for topleft corner. for (int i=0; i < M-1; i++) { for (int j=0; j < N-1; j++) { // 4.1 Find the largest possible rectangle with topleft at i,j. Point p = growRegion (i, j); // NOTE: growRegion itself updates the current largest rectangle, // so there's no need to do it here. } } // end-outermost-for // 5. Return value. return maxArea; } // ...
An improvement:
// ... // Start with top left at i,j and find largest rectangle of 1's. Point growRegion (int i, int j) { // 1. best_a and best_b will record the best bottom-right corner so far. int best_a = i, best_b = j; // 2. a and b will range over possible locations for the bottom-right corner. int a = i, b = j; // 3. There is no need to search below rowMax, which is updated // as we proceed. int rowMax = M-1; // 4. Scan left to right along row i using index b as long as there are 1's. while ( (b <= N-1) && (A[i][b]) != 0) { // Replace this: // a = i; // while ( (a <= rowMax) && (A[a][b] == 1) ) // a = a + 1; // a = a - 1; // with: // 4.1 Descend into current column (column b) as far down as possible - in time O(1)! a = i + cache[b] - 1; // 4.2 Update rowMax if we stopped at an earlier row. if (a < rowMax) rowMax = a; else a = rowMax; // 4.3 Check to see if found a larger rectangle. int area = computeArea (i, j, a, b); // 4.4 If the rectangle is larger, update. if (area > maxArea) { // ... } // 4.5 Continue with next column. b++; } // endwhile // 5. Return best bottom-right corner. return new Point (best_a, best_b); } // For each row, create the cache that's used repeatedly in the row. void fillCache (int i) { // 1. Initialize, since cache is created just once. Arrays.fill (cache, 0); // 2. Walk across the columns. for (int j=0; j < N; j++) { // 2.1 For each column position (i.e., potential top-left corner), // find the longest column of 1's. for (int a=i; a < M; a++) { if (A[a][j] == 0) break; else cache[j] ++; } } // end-column-scan. } public int findMaxRectangleArea (int[][] A) { // ... // Create space for cache - use maximum possible size. cache = new int [N]; // ... for (int i=0; i < M-1; i++) { // Fill cache for row i. fillCache (i); // Scan columns in row. for (int j=0; j < N-1; j++) { // Find the largest possible rectangle with topleft at i,j. Point p = growRegion (i, j); } } // end-outermost-for // ... } // ...
Note: the material on the maximal rectangle problem is based on an article by D.Vanderwoode in Dr.Dobbs Journal, 1998. Much of the code is completely re-written here (in Java).
What did we learn in this module?
In-Class Exercise 6.2:
Solve the Community Problem.