\( \newcommand{\eqb}[1]{\begin{eqnarray*}#1\end{eqnarray*}} \newcommand{\eqbn}[1]{\begin{eqnarray}#1\end{eqnarray}} \newcommand{\bb}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\nchoose}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\defn}{\stackrel{\vartriangle}{=}} \newcommand{\eql}{\;\; = \;\;} \definecolor{dkblue}{RGB}{0,0,120} \definecolor{dkred}{RGB}{120,0,0} \definecolor{dkgreen}{RGB}{0,120,0} \newcommand{\bigsp}{\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \newcommand{\plss}{\;\;+\;\;} \newcommand{\miss}{\;\;-\;\;} \newcommand{\implies}{\Rightarrow\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \)

Module 2: Sorting

Module objectives


By the end of this module, you will be able to:


2.1   Introduction


The Sorting problem:

  • Simple version: given a collection of elements, sort them.

  • Practical issues:
    • How is the "collection" given?
          Array? File? Via a database?
    • What kinds of "elements"?
          Integers? Strings? Objects that know to compare themselves?
    • What is known about the data?
          Random? Almost sorted? Small-size? Large-size?
    • Sort order?
          Increasing? Decreasing?
    • What about the output?
         Sort in place? Return an array of sort-indices?

Let's start by looking at a classic algorithm: BubbleSort

  • Key ideas:
    • Scan from the right, swapping successive elements out of order.
    • The first scan will bring the smallest element into its right place.
    • Repeat the procedure for the array starting from the second index.

  • For example: let's sort the array [40, 30, 10, 50, 20]:
    Sweep for i=0:  
        Comparison at position j=4:   40  30  10  50  20   // Need to swap 20 and 50
        Comparison at position j=3:   40  30  10  20  50
        Comparison at position j=2:   40  30  10  20  50   // Need to swap 10 and 30
        Comparison at position j=1:   40  10  30  20  50   // Need to swap 10 and 40
        Final array for i=0:          10  40  30  20  50   // Smallest element in correct place (i=0)
    Sweep for i=1:  
        Comparison at position j=4:   10  40  30  20  50
        Comparison at position j=3:   10  40  30  20  50   // Need to swap 20 and 30
        Comparison at position j=2:   10  40  20  30  50   // Need to swap 20 and 40
        Final array for i=1:          10  20  40  30  50   // Second smallest in correct place
    Sweep for i=2:  
        Comparison at position j=4:   10  20  40  30  50
        Comparison at position j=3:   10  20  40  30  50   // Need to swap 30 and 40
        Final array for i=2:          10  20  30  40  50   
    Sweep for i=3:  
        Comparison at position j=4:   10  20  30  40  50
        Final array for i=3:          10  20  30  40  50   
    Last element stays in place:      10  20  30  40  50

  • If we had to leave the original array untouched, and only return an array of indices indicating sort order, the indices returned (as an array) would be:
      2  4  1  0  3
    • The smallest element is in position 2 (of the data).
    • The next smallest is in position 4
    • ... etc

  • In pseudocode:
      Algorithm: bubbleSort (data)
      Input: data - an array of size n
      1.   for i=0 to n-2
      2.       for j=n-1 down to i+1
      3.           if data[j-1] > data[j]
      4.               swap (data, j-1, j)
      5.           endif
      6.       endfor
      7.   endfor

  • Next, we will write some code to implement this idea:
    • We will sort int data as well as objects that satisfy Java's Comparable interface.

The code:

public class BubbleSort {

    public void sortInPlace (int[] data)
        // Key idea: Bubble smallest element, then next smallest etc. 

        // 1. For positions i=0,...,length-1, find the element that should be at position i
        for (int i=0; i < data.length-1; i++){

            // 1.1 Scan all elements past i starting from  the end: 
            for (int j=data.length-1; j > i; j--) {

                // 1.1.1 If a pair of consecutive elements is out of 
                //       order, swap the elements: 
                if (data[j-1] > data[j])
                    swap (data, j-1, j);



    public void sortInPlace (Comparable[] data)
        for (int i=0; i < data.length-1; i++){
            for (int j=data.length-1; j > i; j--) {
            // Notice the use of the compareTo method: 
                if (data[j-1].compareTo (data[j]) > 0)
                    swap (data, j-1, j);
    public int[] createSortIndex (int[] data)
        // 1. Create space for a sort index: 
        int[] index = new int [data.length];

        // 2. Initialize to current data: 
        for (int i=0; i < data.length; i++)
            index[i] = i;

        // 3. Swap indices by comparing data: 

        // ... 

        return index;

    void swap (int[] data, int i, int j)
        int temp = data[i];
        data[i] = data[j];
        data[j] = temp;

    void swap (Comparable[] data, int i, int j)
        // ... 

    public static void main (String[] argv)
        // Testing ... 



  • We could have written the code a little differently:
    public class BubbleSort2 {
        public void sortInPlace (int[] data)
            // Key idea: Bubble smallest element, then next smallest etc. 
            // 1. For positions i=0,...,length-1, find the element that belongs at i: 
            for (int i=0; i < data.length-1; i++){
                bubble (data, i);
        void bubble (int[] data, int startingPosition)
            // Swap down the element that belongs in "startingPosition". 
            for (int j=data.length-1; j > startingPosition; j--) {
                if (data[j-1] > data[j])
                    swap (data, j-1, j);
        // ... 
    This is more readable, but costs an extra method call in each iteration.

  • To optimize, we could avoid the procedure call to swap:
      public void sortInPlace (int[] data)
          for (int i=0; i < data.length-1; i++){
              for (int j=data.length-1; j > i; j--) {
                  if (data[j-1] > data[j]) {
                      int temp = data[j-1];
                      data[j-1] = data[j];
                      data[j] = temp;

  • What is the complexity of BubbleSort?
    • In the i-th scan we perform \((n-i)\) comparisons.
    • Hence: \((n-1) + (n-2) + \ldots + 1\)
    • This gives: \(O(n^2)\).
          ⇒ (Visually, this is the upper-triangle argument)

  • Also, observe:
    • Some comparisons result in the extra cost of a swap.
    • The same number of comparisons is performed no matter what the data.
          ⇒ Thus, an already-sorted file will still take \(O(n^2)\) time.

  • It's worth reviewing how objects are sorted above:
      public void sortInPlace (Comparable[] data)
        for (int i=0; i < data.length-1; i++){
          for (int j=data.length-1; j > i; j--) {
            // Notice the use of the compareTo method: 
            if (data[j-1].compareTo (data[j]) > 0)
              swap (data, j-1, j);
    • Each object in the array Comparable[] implements the Comparable interface.
    • And thus implements a compareTo(Object obj) method returning an integer.
    • The Java convention is to return a negative number, if called object is "less" than the parameter object.
      (And return 0 if equal, and a positive number otherwise).
    • This way, each object author gets to decide how to compare instances of that object.
    • Note: the sort algorithm above can be written and compiled long before new objects that use it are defined.

2.2   Recursion: a review


Review recursion from CS-1112, Module-4 and CS-1112, Module-9

2.3   QuickSort


In-Class Exercise 2.1: Download QuickSortTest.java and implement the QuickSort algorithm:

  • You have already implemented partitioning: copy over that code.
  • The basic quicksort recursion, along with test-code is in the template.
  • When the input array is already sorted, count how many comparisons are made in the code.
You will also need UniformRandom.java.  

  Algorithm: quickSort (data)
  Input: data - an array of size n 
  1.  quickSortRecursive (data, 0, n-1)  

  Method: quickSortRecursive (data, L, R)
  Input: data - an array of size n with a subrange specified by L and R
  1.   if L ≥ R
  2.       return
  3.   endif
       // Partition the array and position partition element correctly.
  4.   p = partition (data, L, R)

  5.   quickSortRecursive (data, L, p-1)    // Sort left side
  6.   quickSortRecursive (data, p+1, R)    // Sort right side

Let's look at a sample execution on a 10-character array "N G Q S K V S K W I"

  • The array indices are:
      N G Q S K V S K W I
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  • With each call to quickSortRecursive() we will print:
    • The status of the array.
    • The partition element (if a partition is made).
    • The next sub-ranges to be sorted.

  • When an array has duplicates:
    • We need a convention for partition: are elements to the left of the partition element strictly less than it, or less-than-or-equal
    • Either convention works.
    • We will go with "less than or equal" (for no particular reason).

Here is the trace (P denotes the index where the partition element ends up):

 N G Q S K V S K W I     Start

 K G I K N V S S W Q     L=0 R=9 P=4 next intervals to recurse down: [0,3]  [5,9]
 ^                 ^

 K G I K N V S S W Q     L=0 R=3 P=3 next: [0,2]  [4,3]
 ^     ^            

 I G K K N V S S W Q     L=0 R=2 P=2 next: [0,1]  [3,2]
 ^   ^              

 G I K K N V S S W Q     L=0 R=1 P=1 next: [0,0]  [2,1]
 ^ ^                

 G I K K N V S S W Q     L=0 R=0 No partition (because L ≥ R)

 G I K K N V S S W Q     L=2 R=1 No partition
   ^ ^              

 G I K K N V S S W Q     L=3 R=2 No partition
     ^ ^            

 G I K K N V S S W Q     L=4 R=3 No partition
       ^ ^          

 G I K K N Q S S V W     L=5 R=9 P=8 next: [5,7]  [9,9]
           ^       ^

 G I K K N Q S S V W     L=5 R=7 P=5 next: [5,4]  [6,7]
           ^   ^    

 G I K K N Q S S V W     L=5 R=4 No partition
         ^ ^        

 G I K K N Q S S V W     L=6 R=7 P=7 next: [6,6]  [8,7]
             ^ ^    

 G I K K N Q S S V W     L=6 R=6 No partition

 G I K K N Q S S V W     L=8 R=7 No partition
               ^ ^  

 G I K K N Q S S V W     L=9 R=9 No partition

In-Class Exercise 2.2:

  • Draw the system stack at each step, one drawing for each line above, up until the P=5 line above.
  • Write pseudocode for a non-recursive (iterative) implementation of quicksort, assuming that the method for partitioning already exists, and by using your own stack. Trace the first five iterations of this loop, showing the contents of your stack.

Next, we will examine some variations of QuickSort:

  • Different ways to select a partitioning element.
  • Different partitioning algorithms.
  • Additional optimizations to the basic code.

First, observe what happens with the following test data: "A B C D E F G H I J":

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=0 R=9 P=0 next: [0,-1]  [1,9]
 ^                 ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=0 R=-1 No partition

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=1 R=9 P=1 next: [1,0]  [2,9]
   ^               ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=1 R=0 No partition
 ^ ^                

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=2 R=9 P=2 next: [2,1]  [3,9]
     ^             ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=2 R=1 No partition
   ^ ^              

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=3 R=9 P=3 next: [3,2]  [4,9]
       ^           ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=3 R=2 No partition
     ^ ^            

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=4 R=9 P=4 next: [4,3]  [5,9]
         ^         ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=4 R=3 No partition
       ^ ^          

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=5 R=9 P=5 next: [5,4]  [6,9]
           ^       ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=5 R=4 No partition
         ^ ^        

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=6 R=9 P=6 next: [6,5]  [7,9]
             ^     ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=6 R=5 No partition
           ^ ^      

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=7 R=9 P=7 next: [7,6]  [8,9]
               ^   ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=7 R=6 No partition
             ^ ^    

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=8 R=9 P=8 next: [8,7]  [9,9]
                 ^ ^

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=8 R=7 No partition
               ^ ^  

 A B C D E F G H I J     L=9 R=9 No partition

Why is this a bad thing?

Choosing a partitioning element:

  • Easy choices: leftmost element, or rightmost element.

  • Using an extreme element can cause the worst partitioning repeatedly if the array is sorted.

  • Better choices:
    • Pick a random element.
    • Pick the median of: left, right and center elements.

A random partitioning element:

  void quickSortRecursive (int[] data, int left, int right)
    if (left < right) {
      // 1. Swap a random element into the leftmost position: 
      int k = (int) UniformRandom.uniform ( (int) left+1, (int) right );
      swap (data, k, left);

      // 2. Partition: 
      int partitionPosition = leftPartition (data, left, right);

      // 3. Sort left side: 
      quickSortRecursive (data, left, partitionPosition-1);

      // 4. Sort right side: 
      quickSortRecursive (data, partitionPosition+1, right);
  • Minor detail: what happens when left+1 == right?
    • Assume: random generator returns values inclusive of range-ends.
    • Value returned is right - still works.
    • This type of detail, while not essential to explaining an algorithm, is extremely important in practice.

  • If a "right-partition" is being used: swap random element into rightmost position.

  • It's possible to show: probability of poor performance with randomization is very small.

Using the median approach:

  int pickMedian3 (int[] data, int a, int b, int c)
    // Return the index of the middle value among data[a], data[b] and data[c]. 

  void quickSortRecursive (int[] data, int left, int right)
    if (left < right) {
      // 1. Pick the median amongst the left, middle and right elements 
      //    and swap into leftmost position: 
      int k = pickMedian3 (data, left, (left+right)/2, right);
      swap (data, k, left);

      // 2. Partition: 
      int partitionPosition = leftPartition (data, left, right);

      // 3. Sort left side: 
      quickSortRecursive (data, left, partitionPosition-1);

      // 4. Sort right side: 
      quickSortRecursive (data, partitionPosition+1, right);

      // Partition element is already in the correct place. 

In-Class Exercise 2.3: Implement the median approach in your QuickSort algorithm.

Next, we will consider different partitioning ideas:

  1. Bidirectional partitioning:
    • In bidirectional partitioning two cursors start at the ends and move towards each other.
    • Key idea:
      • What's left of Left-Cursor is less than the partition element.
      • What's right of Right-Cursor is larger than the partition element.
      • If condition is violated, swap.
    • Example: (LC = Left-Cursor, RC = Right-Cursor)
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=1 RC=9   Move RC left
         ^               ^
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=1 RC=8   Move LC right
         ^             ^  
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=2 RC=8   Move LC right
           ^           ^  
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=3 RC=8   Swap
             ^         ^  
       K G I B N V B E L Q     LC=4 RC=7   Swap
               ^     ^    
       K G I B E V B N L Q     LC=5 RC=6   Swap
                 ^ ^      
       K G I B E B V N L Q     LC=6 RC=5   Swap partition element
                 ^ ^      
       B G I B E K V N L Q     LC=6 RC=5   Partition complete
                 ^ ^      
    • Pseudocode:
        Algorithm: leftBidirectionalPartition (data, left, right)
        Input: data array, indices left and right.
            // The partitioning element is the leftmost element: 
        1.  partitionElement = data[left];
            // Start bidirectional scan from next-to-left, and right end. 
        2.  LC = left+1;  RC = right;
            // Scan until cursors cross. 
        3.  while (true) 
              // As long as elements to the right are larger, skip over them: 
        4.    while data[RC] > partitionElement
                RC = RC - 1;
              // As long as elements on the left are smaller, skip over them: 
        5.    while (LC <= right) and (data[LC] < partitionElement) 
                LC = LC + 1;
              // We've found the first pair to swap: 
        6.    if (LC < RC) 
        7.      Swap elements at positions LC and RC;
        8.      LC = LC + 1;    RC = RC - 1;
        9.    else 
                // Otherwise, if the cursors cross, we're done. 
        10.     break out of loop;
        11.   endif
        12. endwhile
        13. Swap RC-th element with leftmost.
        14. return RC;
        Output: new position of partition element

    In-Class Exercise 2.4: In line 4 above, why don't we need to check whether RC becomes negative?

  2. Unidirectional partitioning:
    • Two cursors move in the same direction.
    • Key idea:
      • What's left of Left-Cursor is less than the partition element.
      • Right-Cursor sweeps whole array looking for "smaller" elements to swap behind Left-Cursor.
    • Example: (LC = Left-Cursor, RC = Right-Cursor)
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=1 RC=1   Swap (in place)
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=2 RC=2   Swap (in place)
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=2 RC=3   
           ^ ^          
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=2 RC=4   
           ^   ^          
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=2 RC=5   
           ^     ^        
       K G I L N V B E B Q     LC=2 RC=6   Swap
           ^       ^      
       K G I B N V L E B Q     LC=3 RC=7   Swap
             ^       ^    
       K G I B E V L N B Q     LC=4 RC=8   Swap
               ^       ^  
       K G I B E B L N V Q     LC=5 RC=9   
                 ^       ^
       K G I B E B L N V Q     LC=5 RC=9   Swap partition element
                 ^       ^
       B G I B E K L N V Q     LC=5 RC=9   Partition complete
                 ^       ^
    • Pseudocode:
        Algorithm: leftUnidirectionalPartition (data, left, right)
        Input: data array, indices left and right.
            // The partitioning element is the leftmost element: 
        1.  partitionElement = data[left];
            // The trailing cursor for swaps: 
        2.  LC = left; 
        3.  // Loop over the forward cursor for examining data: 
        4.  for RC=left+1 to right
              // Check whether an element is out-of-place: 
        5.    if data[RC] < partitionElement
                // Switch behind trailing-cursor: 
        6.      LC = LC + 1;
        7.      Swap elements at LC and RC;
        8.    endif
        9.  endfor
        10. Swap LC element into leftmost;
        11. return LC;
        Output: new position of partition element

  3. Three-way partitioning:
    • (Covered later)

Analysis of QuickSort:

  • Intuitively:

    • \(O(n)\) effort to partition.
    • Divide array into two pieces (at partition position)
    • The two \(\frac{n}{2}\)-sized pieces each require \(\frac{n}{2}\)-amount of work.
    • Total work: number of possible divisions * \(n\)
      = \(O(n \log(n))\)

  • Formally:
    • Best-case: \(O(n \log(n))\)
    • Worst-case: \(O(n^2)\)
    • Average-case: \(O(n \log(n))\)

Let's look at the details of the best-case analysis:

  • First, some definitions:
    • Let \(W(n)\) = the work done by Quicksort on an array of size \(n\).
    • Let \(P(n)\) = the work done in (only) partitioning an array of size \(n\).

  • Observe: in the best case, each time we partition, the partition roughly divides the range of elements into two halves.

  • Observe: \(P(n) = cn\) because partitioning requires only a single scan and does only a constant amount of work in each scan step.

  • In the best case: \begin{eqnarray*} W(n) & = & P(n) & + & W(\frac{n}{2}) + W(\frac{n}{2}) \\[0.1in] & = & P(n) & + & W(\frac{n}{2}) \\[0.1in] & & & + & W(\frac{n}{2}) \\[0.1in] & = & P(n) & + & P(\frac{n}{2}) + W(\frac{n}{4}) + W(\frac{n}{4}) \\[0.1in] & & & + & P(\frac{n}{2}) + W(\frac{n}{4}) + W(\frac{n}{4}) \\[0.1in] & = & P(n) & + & 2P(\frac{n}{2}) + 4W(\frac{n}{4})\\[0.1in] & = & P(n) & + & 2P(\frac{n}{2}) + 4P(\frac{n}{4}) + 8W(\frac{n}{8})\\[0.1in] & < & P(n) & + & 2P(\frac{n}{2}) + 4P(\frac{n}{4}) + \ldots + 2^kP(\frac{n}{2^k}) + W(0)\\[0.1in] & = & cn & + & 2c\frac{n}{2} + 4c\frac{n}{4} + \ldots + 2^kc\frac{n}{2^k} + W(0)\\[0.1in] & = & kcn + W(0) & \\[0.1in] & = & O(kn) & \\[0.1in] \end{eqnarray*}

  • What is \(k\)?
         ⇒ The number of times \(n\) can be divided in two until you reach unit size
         ⇒ \(\log n\)

  • Thus: \(W(n) = O(n\log n) \) (best case).

  • What about worst-case?
    • The partitions are very unbalanced: as bad, say, as having a one element partition. \begin{eqnarray*} W(n) & = & P(n) + W(n-1) \\ & = & P(n) + P(n-1) + W(n-2) \\ & = & P(n) + P(n-1) + \ldots + P(1) \\ & = & cn + c(n-1) + \ldots + c \\ & = & c(n + (n-1) + \ldots + 1) \\ & > & c^\prime\frac{n(n+1)}{2} \\ & = & O(n^2) \\ \end{eqnarray*}
    • Thus, quicksort takes \(O(n^2)\) worst-case!

  • Since the best-case is unlikely, what does that say about quick sort?
    • Suppose each partition divides its range into two unequal sizes of 80% and 20% of the range.
    • We'll apply the same analysis: \begin{eqnarray*} W(n) & = & P(n) & + & W(\frac{8n}{10}) + W(\frac{2n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & = & P(n) & + & W(\frac{8n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & & & + & W(\frac{2n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & = & P(n) & + & P(\frac{8n}{10}) + W(\frac{8}{10}\frac{8n}{10}) + W(\frac{2}{10}\frac{8n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & & & + & P(\frac{2n}{10}) + W(\frac{8}{10}\frac{2n}{10}) + W(\frac{2}{10}\frac{2n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & = & cn & + & c\frac{8n}{10} + W(\frac{8}{10}\frac{8n}{10}) + W(\frac{2}{10}\frac{8n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & & & + & c\frac{2n}{10} + W(\frac{8}{10}\frac{2n}{10}) + W(\frac{2}{10}\frac{2n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & = & cn & + & cn + W(\frac{8}{10}\frac{8n}{10}) + W(\frac{2}{10}\frac{8n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & & & + & + W(\frac{8}{10}\frac{2n}{10}) + W(\frac{2}{10}\frac{2n}{10}) \\[0.1in] & = & P(n) & + & 2P(\frac{n}{2}) + 4P(\frac{n}{4}) + 8W(\frac{n}{8})\\[0.1in] & = & P(n) & + & 2P(\frac{n}{2}) + 4P(\frac{n}{4}) + \ldots + 2^kP(\frac{n}{2^k}) + W(0)\\[0.1in] & < & cn & + & cn + cn + \ldots \mbox{ k times } \ldots + cn\\[0.1in] & = & kcn & & \\[0.1in] & = & O(kn) & & \\[0.1in] \end{eqnarray*}
    • Once again, what is \(k\)?
           ⇒ The number of times \(n\) can be divided by successive 80-20 cuts to reach unit size: \(\log_{10/8} n = O(\log_e n)\).  

      In-Class Exercise 2.5: Why is it true that the number of cuts is \(\log_{10/8} n\) above? And why is \(\log_{10/8} n = O(\log_e n)\)?

    • Thus, \(W(n) = O(n\log n)\), nonetheless!

  • It is possible to show: \(O(n\log n)\) running time on average, even with random partition sizes, but the proof is more complicated.

Next, here are some performance comparisons with Insertion-Sort (in seconds):

  • On random data:
    Data size Insertion Sort QuickSort-Randomized QuickSort-Leftmost
    10000 0.9802 0.0044 0.008
    30000 9.263 0.013 0.0276
    50000 26.035 0.0225 0.0276
    70000 51.172 0.0317 0.0495
    90000 84.848 0.041 0.0715

  • On already-sorted data:
    Data size Insertion Sort QuickSort-Randomized QuickSort-Leftmost
    1000 0 0.0020 0.009
    1500 0.021 0.003 0.02
    2000 0.038 0.004 0.034
    2500 0.059 0.003 0.074
    3000 0.084 0.004 0.098

    Notice: the un-randomized quicksort performs poorly on already-sorted data.
    (The smaller sizes are used because Java complains about the excessive recursion depth).

We will now look at some optimizations to QuickSort:

  • Three-way partitioning.
  • Removing some swaps.
  • Mixed sorting.

Three-way partitioning:

  • Suppose the data has a lot of duplicates.
    a lot of comparisons are unnecessary.
  • Example:
     B A B C B B B D C A     LC=1 RC=9   Move LC right
       ^               ^
     B A B C B B B D C A     LC=2 RC=9   Swap
         ^             ^
     B A A C B B B D C B     LC=3 RC=8   Move RC left
           ^         ^  
     B A A C B B B D C B     LC=3 RC=7   Move RC left
           ^       ^    
     B A A C B B B D C B     LC=3 RC=6   Swap
           ^     ^      
     B A A B B B C D C B     LC=4 RC=5   Swap
             ^ ^        
     B A A B B B C D C B     LC=5 RC=4   Swap partition element
             ^ ^        
    Note: After the above partition, there will still be "B" to "B" comparisons.

  • In three-way partition, group items equal to the partitioning element.
  • Example:
     B A B C B B B D C A     LC=1 RC=9   Move LC right
       ^               ^
     B A B C B B B D C A     LC=2 RC=9   Swap
         ^             ^
     B A A C B B B D C B     LC=2 RC=9   Swap to right group
         ^             ^
     B A A C B B B D C B     LC=3 RC=8   Move RC left
           ^         ^  
     B A A C B B B D C B     LC=3 RC=7   Move RC left
           ^       ^    
     B A A C B B B D C B     LC=3 RC=6   Swap
           ^     ^      
     B A A B B B C D C B     LC=3 RC=6   Swap to left group
           ^     ^      
     B B A A B B C D C B     LC=4 RC=5   Swap
             ^ ^        
     B B A A B B C D C B     LC=4 RC=5   Swap to left group
             ^ ^        
     B B B A A B C D C B     LC=4 RC=5   Swap to right group
             ^ ^        
     B B B A A C C D B B     LC=5 RC=4   Swap partition element
             ^ ^        
     A B B A B C C D B B     LC=5 RC=4   Move left group to center
             ^ ^        
     A A B B B C C D B B     LC=5 RC=4   Move left group to center
             ^ ^        
     A A B B B C C D B B     LC=5 RC=4   Move right group to center
             ^ ^        
     A A B B B B C D B C     LC=5 RC=4   Move right group to center
             ^ ^        
     A A B B B B B D C C     LC=5 RC=4   
             ^ ^        
     A A B B B B B D C C                 Smaller left and right sub-arrays
     ___           _____
    • After this partition, there will no more "B" to "B" comparisons.
    • Further partitions are smaller.
    • To take advantage, we would need the partition method to return the range of "values equal to the partition element":
        void quickSortThreeWayRecursive (int[] data, int left, int right)
          if (left < right) {
             // The partition returns both ends of the "partition-element range": 
             PartitionRange pr = leftThreeWayPartition (data, left, right);
             // Sort (smaller) left side: 
             quickSortThreeWayRecursive (data, left, pr.left-1);
             // Sort (smaller) right side: 
             quickSortThreeWayRecursive (data, pr.right+1, right);

Removing some swaps:

  • Unnecessary method calls add up: calls to "swap" can be removed by in-lining the code.
  • Some optimizing compilers automatically in-line code.
  • Eliminate recursive calls with range smaller than 2:
      void quickSortRecursive (int[] data, int left, int right)
        if (left+1 == right) {
          // Handle this case right here. 
          if (data[left] > data[right]) {
            // Swap: 
            int temp = data[left];
            data[left] = data[right];
            data[right] = temp;
        else if (left < right) {
          // ...  usual partition and recursion ... 

Mixed sorting:

  • Fact: InsertionSort is very effective with small data sets (less than 20).

  • Idea: use InsertionSort for small partitions, QuickSort for large partitions.
    • In the recursion, if the range is smaller than a pre-set "cutoff", use InsertionSort.
    • Otherwise, continue with QuickSort.
    • Typical cutoff's: 5-10

In-Class Exercise 2.6: Assuming you have a complete InsertionSort, write pseudocode to use it in QuickSort, as described above.

2.4   MergeSort


Recall from QuickSort:

  • Partitions may be unbalanced.

  • Why can't we force balanced partitions (split down the middle)?
    • After partition, the partition element is in its correct place.
    • The elements on either side do NOT need to be moved across the partition.
      No "merging" is required.

  • If elements are to be moved across a partition, additional rearranging (merging) is required.
In MergeSort:
  • Create two balanced partitions.
  • Sort each partition recursively.
  • "Merge" the two partitions using extra space.

First, suppose two halves have been sorted. Here's how they're merged:

  Sorted halves            Additional merge space

 A A E F J C D G I K      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=0 RC=5   Merge from left into additional merge space
 ^       | ^       |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=1 RC=5   Merge from left
 | ^     | ^       |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=2 RC=5   Merge from right
 |   ^   | ^       |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C _ _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=2 RC=6   Merge from right
 |   ^   |   ^     |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=2 RC=7   Merge from left
 |   ^   |     ^   |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E _ _ _ _ _     LC=3 RC=7   Merge from left
 |     ^ |     ^   |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E F _ _ _ _     LC=4 RC=7   Merge from right
 |       ^     ^   |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E F G _ _ _     LC=4 RC=8   Merge from right
 |       ^       ^ |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E F G I _ _     LC=4 RC=9   Merge from left
 |       ^         ^

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E F G I J _     LC=5 RC=9   Merge only from right
 |       | ^       ^

 A A C D E F G I J K      A A C D E F G I J K     LC=5 RC=10   After merge
 |       | ^       |

Using "merge" for sorting:

  • Find the middle point.
  • Sort the left half.
  • Sort the right half.
  • Merge the two sorted halves.

  Algorithm: mergeSort (data)
  Input: data - an array of size n 
  1.  mergeSortRecursive (data, 0, n-1)  

  Algorithm: mergeSortRecursive (data, L, R)
  Input: data - an array of size n with a subrange specified by L and R
  1.   if L ≥ R                              // Bottom-out cases
  2.       return
  3.   else if L+1 = R 
  4.       if data[R] < data[L]
  5.           swap (data, L, R)
  6.       endif
  7.       return
  8.   endif
  9.   M = (L + R) / 2                       // Index of middle element.
  10.  mergeSortRecursive (data, L, M)       // Sort the left half.
  11.  mergeSortRecursive (data, M+1, R)     // Sort the right half.
  12.  merge (data, L, M, R)

The sorting code:

  void mergeSortRecursive (Comparable[] data, int left, int right) 
    // 1. We will allow left cursor to go past right as one way 
    //    to bottom out of recursion. 
    if (left >= right) 

    // 2. Handle 2-element case directly: 
    if (left+1 == right) {
      if (data[left].compareTo (data[right]) > 0)
        swap (data, left, right);

    // 3. Find the middle point: 
    int middle = (left+right) / 2;

    // 4. Sort the left side, including the middle: 
    mergeSortRecursive (data, left, middle);

    // 5. Sort the right side: 
    mergeSortRecursive (data, middle+1, right);

    // 6. Merge: 
    simpleMerge (data, left, middle, right);


  void simpleMerge (Comparable[] data, int left, int middle, int right)
    // 1. Create the space and initialize the cursors: 
    Comparable[] mergeSpace = new Comparable [right-left+1];
    int leftCursor = left;
    int rightCursor = middle+1;

    // 2. Fill the merge space by one by one, selecting from the correct partition 
    for (int i=0; i < mergeSpace.length; i++) {

      if (leftCursor > middle) {
        // 2.1  If left side is done, merge only from right: 
        mergeSpace[i] = data[rightCursor];
      else if (rightCursor > right) {
        // 2.2  If right side is done, merge only from left: 
        mergeSpace[i] = data[leftCursor];
      else if (data[leftCursor].compareTo (data[rightCursor]) <= 0) {
        // 2.3 Otherwise, if the leftCursor element is less, move it: 
        mergeSpace[i] = data[leftCursor];
      else {
        // 2.4 Move from right: 
        mergeSpace[i] = data[rightCursor];
    // 3. Copy back into original array: 
    for (int i=0; i < mergeSpace.length; i++)
      data[left+i] = mergeSpace[i];

Example: consider sorting this array of unit-sized strings: "F A A E J K I C G D" (only merge steps shown below):


 A F A E J K I C G D      _ _ _     LC=0 RC=2   Merge from left
 ^ | ^              

 A F A E J K I C G D      A _ _     LC=1 RC=2   Merge from right
 | ^ ^              

 A F A E J K I C G D      A A _     LC=1 RC=3   Merge only from left
 | ^ | ^            

 A A F E J K I C G D      A A F     LC=2 RC=3   After merge
 | | ^ ^            


 A A F E J K I C G D      _ _ _ _ _     LC=0 RC=3   Merge from left
 ^   | ^ |          

 A A F E J K I C G D      A _ _ _ _     LC=1 RC=3   Merge from left
 | ^ | ^ |          

 A A F E J K I C G D      A A _ _ _     LC=2 RC=3   Merge from right
 |   ^ ^ |          

 A A F E J K I C G D      A A E _ _     LC=2 RC=4   Merge from left
 |   ^   ^          

 A A F E J K I C G D      A A E F _     LC=3 RC=4   Merge only from right
 |   | ^ ^          

 A A E F J K I C G D      A A E F J     LC=3 RC=5   After merge
 |   | ^ | ^        


 A A E F J I K C G D      _ _ _     LC=5 RC=7   Merge from right
           ^ | ^    

 A A E F J I K C G D      C _ _     LC=5 RC=8   Merge only from left
           ^ | | ^  

 A A E F J I K C G D      C I _     LC=6 RC=8   Merge only from left
           | ^ | ^  

 A A E F J C I K G D      C I K     LC=7 RC=8   After merge
           | | ^ ^  


 A A E F J C I K D G      _ _ _ _ _     LC=5 RC=8   Merge from left
           ^   | ^ |

 A A E F J C I K D G      C _ _ _ _     LC=6 RC=8   Merge from right
           | ^ | ^ |

 A A E F J C I K D G      C D _ _ _     LC=6 RC=9   Merge from right
           | ^ |   ^

 A A E F J C I K D G      C D G _ _     LC=6 RC=10   Merge only from left
           | ^ |   |

 A A E F J C I K D G      C D G I _     LC=7 RC=10   Merge only from left
           |   ^   |

 A A E F J C D G I K      C D G I K     LC=8 RC=10   After merge
           |   | ^ |


 A A E F J C D G I K      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=0 RC=5   Merge from left
 ^       | ^       |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=1 RC=5   Merge from left
 | ^     | ^       |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=2 RC=5   Merge from right
 |   ^   | ^       |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C _ _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=2 RC=6   Merge from right
 |   ^   |   ^     |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D _ _ _ _ _ _     LC=2 RC=7   Merge from left
 |   ^   |     ^   |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E _ _ _ _ _     LC=3 RC=7   Merge from left
 |     ^ |     ^   |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E F _ _ _ _     LC=4 RC=7   Merge from right
 |       ^     ^   |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E F G _ _ _     LC=4 RC=8   Merge from right
 |       ^       ^ |

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E F G I _ _     LC=4 RC=9   Merge from left
 |       ^         ^

 A A E F J C D G I K      A A C D E F G I J _     LC=5 RC=9   Merge only from right
 |       | ^       ^

 A A C D E F G I J K      A A C D E F G I J K     LC=5 RC=10   After merge
 |       | ^       |

Sometimes, it's easier to understand the execution of a recursive algorithm through a recursion tree:

  • The tree above is only a conceptual device; it's not created by the program.

  • The black lines show recursion to greater depths, while the blue line shows the linear path going down and back up.

  • The blue letters show the resulting data (part of the array) that gets sorted/merged going back up.

In-Class Exercise 2.7:

  1. Suppose the array "A G I K B C D M" has been split and each side has been sorted. Draw the merge-space after four steps of merging.
  2. Complete the the recursion tree above, assuming that "K I C G D" is split into "K I C" and "G D".
  3. The code above created merge space each time merge was called. Modify the code so that merge-space is created only once (with the maximum space required).
  4. Is it possible to sort the right side before the left side?
  5. Now suppose the original array was "I G A K B D M C". Show all the steps in applying mergesort.


  • The merge operation on an array of size \(n\) takes \(O(n)\) effort - why?

  • Unlike QuickSort, the merge "work" is done after the partitions are sorted.
    Still, the work performed is about the same.
    MergeSort takes \(O(n \log(n))\) time.

Comparison with QuickSort:

  • Worst-case: MergeSort takes \(O(n \log(n))\) time - always!
    (Splits are always even).

  • MergeSort uses \(O(n)\) space.

  • MergeSort is stable:
    • A stable sort leaves the order of "equal" elements the same as in the original data.
    • QuickSort is not stable (Why?)

In-Class Exercise 2.8: Why is MergeSort stable? Examine the code in simpleMerge() above and identify the critical line of code that makes it stable.  

MergeSort variations:

  • Reducing copying:
    • MergeSort does a lot of copying.
    • To reduce copying (by about half):
      • Maintain two arrays A (original data) and B.
      • Merge from A into B, then B into A, then A into B...
      • Make the last merge a merge into A (original).
    • Code skeleton:
        void merge (int[] A, int leftA, int[] B, int leftB, int rightB, int[] C, int leftC, int rightC)
          // Merge into A, starting from leftA, the ranges from B and C. 
        void mergeSortSwitchRecursive (int[] A, int[] B, int left, int right) 
          // 1. Bottom-out cases: 
          // ... (not shown) 
          // 2. Find the middle point: 
          int middle = (left+right) / 2;
          // 3. Switch A and B in recursion so partitions are merged into B: 
          mergeSortSwitchRecursive (B, A, left, middle);
          mergeSortSwitchRecursive (B, A, middle+1, right);
          // 4. Merge the two sorted partitions (in B) into A: 
          merge (A, left, B, left, middle, B, middle+1, right);
        public void mergeSortSwitch (int[] data)
          // 1. Create the additional array: 
          mergeSpace = new int [data.length];
          // 2. Copy over data: 
          for (int i=0; i < data.length; i++)
            mergeSpace[i] = data[i];
          // 3. Final merge is into original data: 
          mergeSortSwitchRecursive (data, mergeSpace, 0, data.length-1);

  • Avoiding recursion:
    • First, sort the range data[0],data[1], then data[2],data[3] ... until all successive pairs are sorted.
    • Then, merge the range data[0],data[1] with the range data[2],data[3].
    • Similarly, merge all groups of two-ranges.
    • After this, data[0],...,data[3] will be sorted, as will data[4],...,data[7] etc.
    • Next, merge successive groups of size 4.
    • ...
    • Until the last group merges the whole array.
    • Example:
       F A A E J K I C G D     Start
       A F A E J K I C G D     MergeSize = 1
       A F A E J K I C G D     MergeSize = 1
       A F A E J K I C G D     MergeSize = 1
       A F A E J K C I G D     MergeSize = 1
       A F A E J K C I D G     MergeSize = 1
       A A E F J K C I D G     MergeSize = 2
       A A E F C I J K D G     MergeSize = 2
       A A C E F I J K D G     MergeSize = 4
       A A C D E F G I J K     MergeSize = 8
       A A C D E F G I J K     End

MergeSort optimizations:

  • InsertionSort for small sub-ranges.

  • Before doing a merge, check whether the sub-ranges are already ordered:
    • It's ordered if the leftmost element on the right is larger than the rightmost element on the left.
    • If ordered, simply copy over without a merge.

2.5   Binary Heaps and HeapSort


First, some definitions:

  • This use of the word heap is NOT the same as in heap memory.

  • A tree is in max-heap-order if every node is larger than its children.
    (That is, a node's key is larger than the keys in its child nodes).

  • A tree is in min-heap-order if every node is smaller than its children.

  • Example: (conceptual picture)

  • A binary tree in heap order is called a binary heap

  • A complete binary heap is a binary heap which is fully filled out except possibly at the lowest level. The last level is filled out left to right.

  • Thus, the only "unfilled" spots in the tree are to the right of the rightmost lowest-level node.

  • Example:

Key ideas about binary heaps:

  • The smallest (largest) element is always at the root in a min (max) heap.

  • The root can be extracted to leave behind a heap in time O(log(n)).

  • Using a min-heap for sorting:
    • Build a heap in time O(n).
    • Extract successive roots, re-adjusting the heap each time.
    • Total time: O(n log(n)).

  • Complete binary heaps can be efficiently represented using arrays.

Insertion example:

Extracting min:

Implementing a binary min-heap:

  • Two choices:
    1. Implement with node instances and pointers (like a typical tree).
    2. An unusual way: using arrays.

  • We will look at the array version, which has advantages.

  • Store successive levels sequentially in an array.

  • Given an index into the array, the indices of the parent, left and right child can be computed:
    • Parent(i) = (i-1)/2.
    • Left(i) = 2i+1.
    • Right(i) = 2i+2.

In-Class Exercise 2.9:

  1. Show the status of the heap after the maximal element has been extracted from this max-heap:

  2. Show the contents of the array representation of the heap.
  3. A complete binary tree is one in which all the leaves are at the same depth. What is the number of nodes n in a complete binary tree of depth m? Show how to use the appropriate summation formula from Module 1 to express n in terms of m.


    Key methods: minHeapify, buildMinHeap, extractMin:

    • minHeapify: Given an index, restore heap-order in the subtree at that index if violated.
      Algorithm: minHeapify (data, i)
      Input:  heap, index into heap
      1.  left = left (i);
      2.  right = right (i);
      3.  smallest = i;
      3.  if (left < currentHeapSize) and (data[left] < data[i])
      4.    smallest = left;
      5.  else if (right < currentHeapSize) and (data[right] < data[smallest])
      6.    smallest = right;
      7.  endif
      8.  if (smallest != i) 
      9.    swap (data, i, smallest);
      10.   minHeapify (data, smallest);
      11. endif
      Output: subtree at i in min-heap-order

    • buildMinHeap: build a heap from unsorted data
      Algorithm: buildMinHeap (data)
      Input:  data array
      1. currentHeapSize = length of data;
         // Find the index from which the lowest level starts: 
      2. startOfLeaves = findStartOfLeaves (currentHeapSize);
         // Start heapifying from the rightmost parent. 
      3. for i=startOfLeaves-1 downto 0
      4.      minHeapify (data, i);
      5. endfor
      Output:  a min-order heap constructed from the data.

    • extractMin: remove the root (min) and restore heap-order
      Algorithm: extractMin (data)
      Input:  heap
          // Min element is in data[0]. 
      1.  minValue = data[0];
          // Swap last element into root: 
      2.  data[0] = data[currentHeapSize-1];
          // Reduce heap size: 
      3.  currentHeapSize--;
          // Restore heap-order 
      4.  minHeapify (data, 0);
      5.  return minValue;
      Output:  minimum value


  • First, build a min-heap from the data.

  • Then, extract the min element one by one.


  • Here, P=parent, L=left-child, R=right-child.
  • Data: "F A A E J K I C G D".
    Building heap: heapifying data[6] = I
     F A A E J K I C G D     P=6 L=13 R=14   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Building heap: heapifying data[5] = K
     F A A E J K I C G D     P=5 L=11 R=12   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Building heap: heapifying data[4] = J
     F A A E J K I C G D     P=4 L=9 R=10   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
             ^         ^
     F A A E D K I C G J     P=9 L=19 R=20   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Building heap: heapifying data[3] = E
     F A A E D K I C G J     P=3 L=7 R=8   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
           ^       ^ ^  
     F A A C D K I E G J     P=7 L=15 R=16   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Building heap: heapifying data[2] = A
     F A A C D K I E G J     P=2 L=5 R=6   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
         ^     ^ ^      
    Building heap: heapifying data[1] = A
     F A A C D K I E G J     P=1 L=3 R=4   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
       ^   ^ ^          
    Building heap: heapifying data[0] = F
     F A A C D K I E G J     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
     ^ ^ ^              
     A F A C D K I E G J     P=1 L=3 R=4   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
       ^   ^ ^          
     A C A F D K I E G J     P=3 L=7 R=8   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
           ^       ^ ^  
     A C A E D K I F G J     P=7 L=15 R=16   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Heap construction complete
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = A
     J C A E D K I F G _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Right is smallest (=> swap right with root)
     ^ ^ ^              
     A C J E D K I F G _     P=2 L=5 R=6   Right is smallest (=> swap right with root)
         ^     ^ ^      
     A C I E D K J F G _     P=6 L=13 R=14   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = A
     G C I E D K J F _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
     ^ ^ ^              
     C G I E D K J F _ _     P=1 L=3 R=4   Right is smallest (=> swap right with root)
       ^   ^ ^          
     C D I E G K J F _ _     P=4 L=9 R=10   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = C
     F D I E G K J _ _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
     ^ ^ ^              
     D F I E G K J _ _ _     P=1 L=3 R=4   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
       ^   ^ ^          
     D E I F G K J _ _ _     P=3 L=7 R=8   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = D
     J E I F G K _ _ _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
     ^ ^ ^              
     E J I F G K _ _ _ _     P=1 L=3 R=4   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
       ^   ^ ^          
     E F I J G K _ _ _ _     P=3 L=7 R=8   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = E
     K F I J G _ _ _ _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
     ^ ^ ^              
     F K I J G _ _ _ _ _     P=1 L=3 R=4   Right is smallest (=> swap right with root)
       ^   ^ ^          
     F G I J K _ _ _ _ _     P=4 L=9 R=10   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = F
     K G I J _ _ _ _ _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
     ^ ^ ^              
     G K I J _ _ _ _ _ _     P=1 L=3 R=4   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
       ^   ^            
     G J I K _ _ _ _ _ _     P=3 L=7 R=8   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = G
     K J I _ _ _ _ _ _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Right is smallest (=> swap right with root)
     ^ ^ ^              
     I J K _ _ _ _ _ _ _     P=2 L=5 R=6   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = I
     K J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is smallest (=> swap left with root)
     ^ ^                
     J K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     P=1 L=3 R=4   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = J
     K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Extracting min: heapifying after extract min = K
     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     P=0 L=1 R=2   Parent is smallest (=> no swap)
    Sorted data:
     A A C D E F G I J K

In-Class Exercise 2.10: Draw the heap at each step in the above example.  


  • A complete binary tree with \(n\) nodes has maximum depth \(O(\log_2 (n))\):
    • Start from the root and walk towards a lowest-level leaf.
    • Each step down reduces the number-of-nodes in the current subtree by at least half.

  • The maximum depth of a heap with \(n\) nodes is \(\log_2(n) = O(\log(n))\).

  • Each buildHeap adjustment requires \(O(\log(n))\) effort
    at most \(O(n \log(n))\) to build the heap.

  • Each extractMin requires \(O(\log(n))\) of work.

  • For sorting, we extract \(n\) times.
    ⇒ \(O(n \log(n))\) sorting time overall.

  • Space: \(O(n)\) extra space to extract the min's.

  • Note: a more careful analysis of buildHeap shows that it requires \(O(n)\) time.

Sorting using a max-heap:

  • It is possible to avoid the O(n) space by using a max-heap.
  • Each time the max is extracted, it is placed in its correct sort position.
  • Key idea: once the max is extracted, its correct position is not needed by the heap.

Maxheap example:

Building max heap: heapifying data[6] = I

 F A A E J K I C G D     P=6 L=13 R=14   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
Building max heap: heapifying data[5] = K

 F A A E J K I C G D     P=5 L=11 R=12   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
Building max heap: heapifying data[4] = J

 F A A E J K I C G D     P=4 L=9 R=10   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
         ^         ^
Building max heap: heapifying data[3] = E

 F A A E J K I C G D     P=3 L=7 R=8   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
       ^       ^ ^  

 F A A G J K I C E D     P=8 L=17 R=18   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
Building max heap: heapifying data[2] = A

 F A A G J K I C E D     P=2 L=5 R=6   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
     ^     ^ ^      

 F A K G J A I C E D     P=5 L=11 R=12   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
Building max heap: heapifying data[1] = A

 F A K G J A I C E D     P=1 L=3 R=4   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
   ^   ^ ^          

 F J K G A A I C E D     P=4 L=9 R=10   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
         ^         ^

 F J K G D A I C E A     P=9 L=19 R=20   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
Building max heap: heapifying data[0] = F

 F J K G D A I C E A     P=0 L=1 R=2   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
 ^ ^ ^              

 K J F G D A I C E A     P=2 L=5 R=6   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
     ^     ^ ^      

 K J I G D A F C E A     P=6 L=13 R=14   Parent is largest (=> no swap)

Heap construction complete

Heapifying after swapping max = K

 A J I G D A F C E K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
 ^ ^ ^             |

 J A I G D A F C E K     P=1 L=3 R=4   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
   ^   ^ ^         |

 J G I A D A F C E K     P=3 L=7 R=8   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
       ^       ^ ^ |

 J G I E D A F C A K     P=8 L=17 R=18   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
                 ^ |
Heapifying after swapping max = J

 A G I E D A F C J K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
 ^ ^ ^           |  

 I G A E D A F C J K     P=2 L=5 R=6   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
     ^     ^ ^   |  

 I G F E D A A C J K     P=6 L=13 R=14   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
             ^   |  
Heapifying after swapping max = I

 C G F E D A A I J K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
 ^ ^ ^         |    

 G C F E D A A I J K     P=1 L=3 R=4   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
   ^   ^ ^     |    

 G E F C D A A I J K     P=3 L=7 R=8   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
       ^       ^ ^  
Heapifying after swapping max = G

 A E F C D A G I J K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
 ^ ^ ^       |      

 F E A C D A G I J K     P=2 L=5 R=6   Parent is largest (=> G is deleted)
     ^     ^ ^      
Heapifying after swapping max = F

 A E A C D F G I J K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
 ^ ^ ^     |        

 E A A C D F G I J K     P=1 L=3 R=4   Right is largest (=> swap right with root)
   ^   ^ ^ |        

 E D A C A F G I J K     P=4 L=9 R=10   Parent is largest (=> K is deleted)
         ^ |       ^
Heapifying after swapping max = E

 A D A C E F G I J K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
 ^ ^ ^   |          

 D A A C E F G I J K     P=1 L=3 R=4   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
   ^   ^ ^          

 D C A A E F G I J K     P=3 L=7 R=8   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
       ^ |     ^ ^  
Heapifying after swapping max = D

 A C A D E F G I J K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Left is largest (=> swap left with root)
 ^ ^ ^ |            

 C A A D E F G I J K     P=1 L=3 R=4   Parent is largest (=> no swap)
   ^   ^ ^          
Heapifying after swapping max = C

 A A C D E F G I J K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Parent is largest (=> C is deleted)
 ^ ^ ^
Heapifying after swapping max = A

 A A C D E F G I J K     P=0 L=1 R=2   Parent is largest (=> C is deleted)
 ^ ^ ^              

Array is sorted

In-Class Exercise 2.11: Apply the max-heap-sort to this data and show the array contents:


2.6   A LowerBound


What is a lower bound?

  • A lower bound for an algorithm: "this algorithm takes at least \(f(n)\) time".

  • A lower bound for a problem: "this problem can't be solved faster than \(g(n)\) time".

  • Lower bounds for problems are usually hard to prove.
Lower bound on sorting:
  • Uses the comparison model: assumes that data can only be compared.
    (e.g., by using Java's Comparable interface).

  • With this model: sorting cannot be done faster than \(O(n \log(n))\).

  • Proof sketch:
    • Consider a sorting algorithm processing some data with comparisons.
    • Suppose it only sorts indices.
    • For example, it may compare indices (1,2), then indices (2,3), then (7,8)... and so on before producing sorted data.
    • In general, the algorithm may examine index pairs \( (i_1, i_2), (i_3,i_4), \ldots\)
    • These comparisons eventually lead to a permutation of the indices at the end (sorted array).
    • The comparisons can be organized into a decision tree.
    • There must be as many leaves in the tree as there are permutations of the array
      (since we can feed any data to the algorithm).
    • The longest path down to the leaves is the least when the tree is a complete binary tree.
    • The height of this tree is at least \(O(\log n!) = O(n\log n)\).  

      In-Class Exercise 2.12: Why is \(O(\log n!) = O(n\log n)\)?

    • Thus, worst-case time is \(O(n\log n)\).

2.7   BucketSort


In some applications, we can exploit knowledge about the data:

  • Example: suppose we are sorting an array of small integers that repeat frequently, e.g.,
    7, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 2, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 2, 2, 1, ...
    (no value larger than 10)

BucketSort for small-range integer data:

  • Data is assumed to consist of integers in a small range.

  • Key ideas:
    • Maintain a count of occurence of each integer:
          for i=0 to n
            count[data[i]] = count[data[i]] + 1;
    • This takes a single scan: \(O(n)\) time.
    • Next, build the output in one scan:
      First, write out 0 count[0] times.
      Then write out 1 count[1] times.
      ... etc
    • Total time: \(O(n)\)

How does this square with the lower bound?

  • We have exploited inherent properties about the data.
  • Too see why, consider this extreme case:
    • Suppose we know the data contains all 1's and a single 0.
    • Algorithm: write out 0, and the rest 1's.
    • Time required: no sorting time, only output.


  • Strings can be sorted by first hashing them into buckets.
  • The above BucketSort for integers is sometimes called CountingSort.

Final Comments


  • Sorting is one of the most-studied and most important problems in Computer Science:
    It has driven both theoretical research and practical solutions.
  • Sorting has been studied in other contexts: parallel machines, database systems, external sorting.

© 2001, Rahul Simha