\( \newcommand{\eqb}[1]{\begin{eqnarray*}#1\end{eqnarray*}} \newcommand{\eqbn}[1]{\begin{eqnarray}#1\end{eqnarray}} \newcommand{\bb}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\nchoose}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\defn}{\stackrel{\vartriangle}{=}} \newcommand{\eql}{\;\; = \;\;} \definecolor{dkblue}{RGB}{0,0,120} \definecolor{dkred}{RGB}{120,0,0} \definecolor{dkgreen}{RGB}{0,120,0} \newcommand{\bigsp}{\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \newcommand{\plss}{\;\;+\;\;} \newcommand{\miss}{\;\;-\;\;} \newcommand{\implies}{\Rightarrow\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \)

Module 9: Shortest Paths and Dynamic Programming

9.1   Single-Source Shortest Paths: Additional Topics


We will now consider three variations of the single-source shortest-path problem:


Negative weights:


Directed graphs:




9.2   All-Pairs Shortest Paths


The shortest-path between every pair of vertices:

  • Objective: find the shortest path between vertices i and j for every pair i and j.

  • One approach: run Dijkstra's algorithm using every vertex as a source:
    Algorithm: Dijkstra-AllPairsShortestPaths (G)
    Input: Graph G with edge weights.
    1.   for each vertex i in G
           // Find the shortest path tree with i as source. 
    2.     Dijkstra-SPT (i)
    3.   endfor
    4.   Construct paths;
    5.   return paths
    Output: shortest-path between each pair of vertices.
    • Running time: O(V E log(V))
    • For a dense graph, this becomes O(V3 log(V))
    • Note: path construction is omitted from the pseudocode above.

  • The Floyd-Warshall algorithm: takes O(V3) time.
    ⇒ uses an unusual approach.

Key ideas in the Floyd-Warshall algorithm:

  • Assume the n vertices are numbered 0, ..., n-1

  • Let Sk = { vertices 0, ..., k }.

  • Consider intermediate vertices on a path between i and j.
    • Suppose we force ourselves to use intermediate vertices only from the set Sk = { 0, 1, 2, ..., k }.

    • Note: i and j need not be in Sk.
    • It is possible that no such path exists
      ⇒ path weight will be infinity.

  • Let Dijk = weight of shortest path from i to j using intermediate vertices in Sk.

  • Let wij = weight of edge ij.

  • We will let k = -1 define a "base case":
    • Because k = -1, no intermediate vertices may be used.
      Dij-1 = wij, if an edge from i to j exists.
    • If we set wij = infinity when no edge is present,
      Dij-1 = wij always.

  • Note:
    • Dijk-1 = weight of shortest path from i to j using intermediate vertices in Sk-1 = { 0, 1, 2, ..., k-1 }.

  • Now, consider three cases:
    • Case 1: k = -1
    • Case 2: k >= 0 and vertex k is not in the Dijk path from i to j.
    • Case 3: k >= 0 and vertex k is in the Dijk path from i to j.

  • Case 1: k = -1. Here, Dij-1 = wij (from before).

  • Case 2: vertex k is not in the path:

    • In this case, the intermediate vertices are in Sk-1.

    • Thus,
      Dijk = Dijk-1.

  • Case 3: vertex k is in the path:
    • Consider the sub-paths not including k:

    • By the containment property:

      • The path from i to k is the shortest path from i to k that uses intermediate vertices in Sk-1.
      • The path from k to j is the shortest path from k to j that uses intermediate vertices in Sk-1.
    • Thus,
      Dijk = Dikk-1 + Dkjk-1.

  • Since only these three cases are possible, one of them must be true.
    ⇒ when k >= 0, Dijk must be the lesser of the two values Dijk-1 and Dikk-1 + Dkjk-1.
    (Otherwise Dijk wouldn't be optimal).

  • Thus, combining the three cases:
    Dijk = wij

    min ( Dijk-1, Dikk-1 + Dkjk-1 )
    if k = -1

    if k >= 0


  • The above equation is only an assertion of a property (it's not an algorithm).

  • The equation really says "optimality for size k" can be expressed in terms of "optimality for size k-1".

  • Recall Dijk = optimal cost of going from i to j using vertices in Sk.
    ⇒ the overall optimal cost of going from i to j is: Dijn-1 (for n vertices).

  • Thus, we need to compute Dijn-1.

  • But, this only gives the optimal cost (or weight)
    ⇒ we will address the problem of actually identifying the paths later.

In-Class Exercise 9.1: Write pseudocode to recursively compute Dijn-1. Start with FloydWarshallRec.java and:

  • Write a recursive version of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. All you need to do is fill in the code to compute Dijn-1 recursively using the recursive definition of Dijn-1.
  • Count the number of times the recursive function is called (the main method has a test case).
  • Draw the test-case graph on paper and verify that the algorithm is producing the correct results.


  • At first, a recursive approach seems obvious.

  • We will use an iterative approach:
    • First, compute Dijk for k=0 (i.e., Dij0)
    • Then, use that to compute Dij1.
    • ...
    • Finally, use Dijn-2 to compute Dijn-1.

  • Pseudocode:
    Algorithm: floydWarshall (adjMatrix)
    Input: Adjacency matrix representation: adjMatrix[i][j] = weight of
           edge (i,j), if an edge exists; adjMatrix[i][j]=0 otherwise.
          // Initialize the "base case" corresponding to k == -1. 
          // Note: we set the value to "infinity" when no edge exists. 
          // If we didn't, we would have to include a test in the main loop below. 
    1.    for each i, j
    2.        if adjMatrix[i][j] > 0
    3.            D-1[i][j] = adjMatrix[i][j]
    4.        else
    5.            D-1[i][j] = infinity
    6.        endif
    7.    endfor
          // Start iterating over k. At each step, use the previously computed matrix. 
    8.    for k=0 to numVertices-1
              // Compute Dk[i][j] for each i,j.
    9.        for i=0 to numVertices-1
    10.           for j=0 to numVertices-1
    11.               if i != j 
                      // Use the relation between Dk and Dk-1 
    12.                   if Dk-1[i][j] < Dk-1[i][k] + Dk-1[k][j]     // CASE 2
    13.                       Dk[i][j] = Dk-1[i][j]
    14.                   else
    15.                       Dk[i][j] = Dk-1[i][k] + Dk-1[k][j]      // CASE 3
    16.                   endif
    17.               endif
    18.           endfor
    19.       endfor
            // Matrix copy: current Dk becomes next iteration's Dk-1 
    20.     Dk-1 = Dk
    21.   endfor
          // The Dk matrix only provides optimal costs. The 
          // paths still have to be built using Dk. 
    22.   Build paths;
    23.   return paths
    Output: paths[i][j] = the shortest path from i to j.

  • Sample Java code (source file)
      public void allPairsShortestPaths (double[][] adjMatrix)
        // Dk_minus_one = weights when k = -1 
        for (int i=0; i < numVertices; i++) {
          for (int j=0; j < numVertices; j++) {
            if (adjMatrix[i][j] > 0)
              Dk_minus_one[i][j] = adjMatrix[i][j];
              Dk_minus_one[i][j] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            // NOTE: we have set the value to infinity and will exploit 
            // this to avoid a comparison. 
        // Now iterate over k. 
        for (int k=0; k < numVertices; k++) {
          // Compute Dk[i][j], for each i,j 
          for (int i=0; i < numVertices; i++) {
            for (int j=0; j < numVertices; j++) {
              if (i != j) {
                // D_k[i][j] = min ( D_k-1[i][j], D_k-1[i][k] + D_k-1[k][j]. 
                if (Dk_minus_one[i][j] < Dk_minus_one[i][k] + Dk_minus_one[k][j])
                  Dk[i][j] = Dk_minus_one[i][j];
                  Dk[i][j] = Dk_minus_one[i][k] + Dk_minus_one[k][j];
          // Now store current Dk into D_k-1 
          for (int i=0; i < numVertices; i++) {
            for (int j=0; j < numVertices; j++) {
              Dk_minus_one[i][j] = Dk[i][j];
        } // end-outermost-for 
        // Next, build the paths by doing this once for each source. 
        // ... (not shown) ... 


  • The triple for-loop says it all: O(V3).

In-Class Exercise 9.2: In FloydWarshall.java (the sample code above), count the number of times the innermost if-statement is executed. Explain the difference between this count and the one from the previous exercise: why is the earlier one so much higher?

An optimization:

  • Consider Dikk-1

  • Dikk-1 = optimal cost from i to k using Sk-1.

  • Observe: k cannot be an intermediate vertex in an optimal path that ends at k
    ⇒ cost does not change if we allow k to be an intermediate vertex.
    Dikk-1 = Dikk.

  • Similarly, Dkjk-1 = Dkjk.

  • Thus, whether we use Dikk-1 or Dikk makes no difference.
    ⇒ we can use the updated matrix Dikk in loop.
    ⇒ only one matrix is needed!

  • One more observation: at the time of computing Dijk, the current "best value" is Dijk-1.

  • Thus, in the pseudocode, we can replace
    12.           if Dk-1[i][j] < Dk-1[i][k] + Dk-1[k][j]
    13.               Dk[i][j] = Dk-1[i][j]
    14.           else
    15.               Dk[i][j] = Dk-1[i][k] + Dk-1[k][j]
    16.           endif
                  // The first Dk[i][j] is really Dk-1[i][j] 
                  // because we haven't written into it yet. 
    12.           if Dk[i][j] < Dk[i][k] + Dk[k][j]
                      // This is superfluous: 
    13.               Dk[i][j] = Dk[i][j]
    14.           else
                      // This is all we need: 
    15.               Dk[i][j] = Dk[i][k] + Dk[k][j]
    16.           endif

  • We will now use a single matrix D[i][j]:
    Algorithm: floydWarshallOpt (adjMatrix)
    Input: Adjacency matrix representation: adjMatrix[i][j] = weight of
           edge (i,j), if an edge exists; adjMatrix[i][j]=0 otherwise.
          // ... initialization similar to that in floydWarshall ... 
    1.    for k=0 to numVertices-1
    2.        for i=0 to numVertices-1
    3.            for j=0 to numVertices-1
    4.                if i != j 
                          // Use the same matrix. 
    5.                    if D[i][k] + D[k][j] < D[i][j] 
    6.                        D[i][j] = D[i][k] + D[k][j]
    7.                    endif
    8.                endif
    9.            endfor
    10.       endfor
    11.   endfor
          // ... path construction ... 

9.3   Distributed Routing in a Network


Consider an alternative iterative version of Floyd-Warshall:

  • Recall the basic structure of the earlier Floyd-Warshall iteration:
        for k=0 to numVertices-1
            for each i,j
                Compute Dkij

  • What if we were to change to loop order to:
        for each i,j
            for k=0 to numVertices-1
                Compute Dkij
    Would this work?
    • Consider a particular i and j, e.g., 3 and 7.
    • Once D[3][7] is computed, we never return to it again.
    • Suppose D[4][5] (computed later) affects D[3][7]
      ⇒ we won't modify D[3][7] (as we should).
    • On the other hand, if no other D[i][j] changes, then D[3][7] is correctly computed.

  • So, one needs to re-compute if a change occurred:
        while changeOccurred
            changeOccurred = false
            for each i,j
                for k=0 to numVertices-1
                    // Compute Dkij
                    if D[i][k] + D[k][j] < D[i][j] 
                        // Improved shortest-cost. 
                        D[i][j] = D[i][k] + D[k][j]
                        // Since this may propagate, we have to continue iteration. 
                        changeOccurred = true

  • Here is the more complete pseudocode: (source file)
    Algorithm: floydWarshallIterative (adjMatrix)
    Input: Adjacency matrix representation: adjMatrix[i][j] = weight of
           edge (i,j), if an edge exists; adjMatrix[i][j]=0 otherwise.
          // ... initialization similar to that in floydWarshallOpt ... 
    1.    changeOccurred = true
    2.    while changeOccurred
              changeOccurred = false
    3.        for i=0 to numVertices-1
    4.            for j=0 to numVertices-1
    5.                if i != j 
                          // "k" is now in the innermost loop. 
    6.                    for k=0 to numVertices
    7.                        if D[i][k] + D[k][j] < D[i][j] 
                                  // Improved shortest-cost. 
    8.                            D[i][j] = D[i][k] + D[k][j]
                                  // Since this may propagate, we have to continue iteration. 
    9.                            changeOccurred = true
    10.                       endif
    11.                   endfor
    10.               endif
    11.           endfor
    12.       endfor
    13.   endwhile
          // ... path construction ... 

  • This does not seem more efficient (it is not), but it's a useful observation for distributed routing.

What do we mean by "distributed routing"?

  • A "network" is a collection of computers connected together in some fashion (with links)
    ⇒ can represent a network using a graph.

  • Example: internet routers connected by links.

  • A "routing algorithm" provides for data to get sent across the network.

  • Centralized vs. Distributed:
    • Routes can be computed centrally by a server.
    • Or in a distributed fashion by routers (since routers are also, typically, computers).

  • Routes are computed frequently (e.g., as often as 30 milliseconds)
    ⇒ need an efficient way to computed routes.

In-Class Exercise 9.3: Why aren't routes computed just once and for all whenever a network is initialized?

Distributed Floyd-Warshall: a purely distibuted algorithm

  • Consider a different way of viewing the iterative version:
        while changeOccurred
            changeOccurred = false
            for i=0 to numVertices-1
                for j=0 to numVertices-1
                // Node i says "let me try to get to destination j via k". 
                for k=0 to numVertices
                    // If it's cheaper for me to go via k, let me record that. 
                    if D[i][k] + D[k][j] < D[i][j] 
                        // Improved shortest-cost: my cost to neighbor k, plus k's cost to j 
                        D[i][j] = D[i][k] + D[k][j]
                        changeOccurred = true

  • Key ideas:
    • Each node maintains its current shortest-cost to each destination.
    • Thus, node i maintains the value Di[j] = "current best cost to get to destination j".
    • Node i polls its neighbors asking them "how much does it cost you to get to j?".

    • Node i uses these replies (and its own costs to get to neighbors) to find the best path.
    • This process is repeated as long as changes propagate.

  • Example:

    • We will show computations when node "5" is the destination.
      ⇒ in practice, the computation for all destinations occurs simultaneously.
    • Each node maintains:
      • Its currently-known cost to get to "5",
      • Which neighbor is used in getting to "5"
      Initially, nothing is known:

    • After the first round of message-exchange between neighbors:

    • After the next round:

    • After the next round:

    • The next round reveals no changes
      ⇒ algorithm halts (nodes stop exchanging information).

An alternative: running Dijkstra at each node

  • All nodes acquire complete information about the network
    ⇒ topology and edge weights.

  • Each node runs Dijkstra's algorithm with itself as root.
    ⇒ each node know which outgoing link to use to send data (to a particular destination).

  • How is edge-information exchanged?
    • Use a broadcast or flooding algorithm (separate topic).

  • We might call this a semi-distributed algorithm.
    ⇒ All nodes perform the same computation.

The process of "routing":

  • How is a packet of data routed?

  • Each node maintains a routing table
    e.g., the table at node 0 in the earlier example
    Destination Current cost Outgoing link
    ... ... ...
    ... ... ...
    5 4 (0,2)
    ... ... ...

  • When a packet comes in, the destination written in the packet is "looked up" in the table to find the next link.

  • Destination-based routing:
    • The routing table is indexed only by destination.
    • This is because of the "containment" property of shortest-path routing.
    • Example: (above) whenever a packet for 5 comes into node 0, it always goes out on link (0, 2).
      ⇒ it doesn't matter where the packet came from.

  • Destination-based routing is simpler to implement.

  • Alternative: routing based on both source and destination.
    ⇒ requires more space.
    Source Destination Current cost Outgoing link
    ... ... ... ...
    ... ... ... ...
    1 5 x (0,2)
    ... ... ... ...
    0 5 y (0,3)
    ... ... ... ...

Internet routing:

  • The old internet (up to mid-80's) used a version of distributed-Floyd-Warshall.
    ⇒ called RIP (Routing Information Protocol).

  • RIP has problems with looping.
    ⇒ mostly discontinued (but still used in places).

  • The current protocol (called OSPF) uses the semi-distributed Dijkstra's algorithm described above.

  • We have only discussed the important algorithmic ideas
    ⇒ many more issues in routing (link failures, control-messages, loop-prevention etc).

9.4   What is Dynamic Programming (Via a Simpler Routing Example)?


What is dynamic programming?

  • First, the key ideas have very little to do with "dynamic" and "programming" as we typically understand the terms.
    (The terms have a historical basis).

  • "Dynamic programming" is an optimization technique
    ⇒ applies to some optimization problems.

  • OK, what is an optimization problem?
    • Usually, a problem with many candidate solutions.
    • Each candidate solution results in a "value" or "cost".
    • Goal: find the solution that minimizes cost (or maximizes value).
    • Example: in the load balancing problem, we want to minimize the overall completion time.

  • It's initially hard to understand and, sometimes, apply.
    But it's very effective when it works.

  • To gauge whether a problem may be suitable for dynamic programming:
    • The problem should divide easily into sub-problems.
    • It should be possible to express the optimal value for the problem in terms of the optimal value of sub-problems.

  • General procedure:
    • Initially ignore the actual solution and instead examine only the "value".
    • Find a relation between the optimal value for problem of size i and that of size i-1.
      (If there are two or more parameters, the recurrence is more complicated).
    • Write the relation as a recurrence.
    • Write down base cases.
    • Solve iteratively (most often) or recursively, depending on the problem.
    • Write additional code to extract the candidate solutions as the dynamic programming progresses
      (or even afterwards, as we did with shortest paths).

Consider the following routing problem:

  • Nodes are arranged in grid, in rows and columns.

  • We'll name vertices by their row number and column number.

  • The only edges are directed arrows going to neighbors to the right, below or diagonally below-right, whenever such a neighbor exists.

  • The goal: find the shortest path from the top-left to the bottom-right.

Let's now apply dynamic programming:

  • Consider the top-left node and the three choices it has:
    1. Go via right neighbor
    2. Go via below neighor
    3. Go via diagonal neighbor

  • Then, the optimal-cost-to-destination for the top-left is either ONE of:
    1. Cost-to-right-neighbor plus right-neighor's optimal cost to destination:

    2. Cost-to-below-neighbor plus below-neighor's optimal cost to destination

    3. Cost-to-diagonal-neighbor plus diagonal-neighor's optimal cost to destination

  • Do we know which one? No. So we try all three: $$\eqb{ D(0,0) & \eql & \mbox{Optimal cost from node } (0,0) \\ & \eql & \min(3+D(0,1), 1+D(1,0), 1+D(1,1)) }$$

  • For example, suppose we've already computed \(D(0,1), D(1,0)\) and \(D(1,1)):

  • In general, suppose $$\eqb{ x_{i,j} & \eql & \mbox{Edge weight of right-going edge from node }(i,j)\\ y_{i,j} & \eql & \mbox{Edge weight of below-going edge from node }(i,j)\\ z_{i,j} & \eql & \mbox{Edge weight of diagonal-going edge from node }(i,j)\\ }$$

  • Then, we can write $$\eqb{ D(i,j) & \eql & \mbox{Optimal cost from node } (i,j) \\ & \eql & \min(x_{i,j}+D(i,j+1), \;\; y_{i,j}+D(i+1,j), \;\; z_{i,j}+D(i+1,j+1)) }$$

  • Examine closely what we've done:
    • We've expressed the optimal solution to a problem in terms of the optimal solutions of sub-problems.
    • When we can do this, we have a candidate for dynamic programming.

  • From here, the next question is: does recursion work effectively or must one try a more efficient approach?

  • Here's what direct recursion would look like:
    Algorithm: computeOptimal
    1.   computeD(0,0)
    Method: computeD(i,j)
    1.   if (i,j) is target        // if bottom-right
    2.       return 0
    3.   endif
    4.   rightcost = xi,j + computeD(i,j+1)
    5.   belowcost = yi,j + computeD(i+1,j)
    6.   diagonalcost = zi,j + computeD(i+1,j+1)
    7.   return min(rightcost, belowcost, diagonalcost)

  • Unfortunately, this will (as we've seen) be inefficient.

  • A better way is to store previously computed values.
    Algorithm: computeOptimal
    1.   initialize 2D array D[i,j] = -1
    2.   computeD(0,0)
    Method: computeD(i,j)
    1.   if D[i,j] ≥ 0            // Already computed
    2.       return D[i,j]
    3.   else if (i,j) is target  // if bottom-right
    4.       D[i,j] = 0
    5.       return 0
    6.   endif
    7.   rightcost = xi,j + computeD(i,j+1)
    8.   belowcost = yi,j + computeD(i+1,j)
    9.   diagonalcost = zi,j + computeD(i+1,j+1)
    10.  return min(rightcost, belowcost, diagonalcost)

  • The best way is to organize the computations so that only a single sweep is needed:
    Algorithm: computeOptimal
    1.   D[lastrow][lastcolumn] = 0
    2.   for i = lastrow downto 1
    3.       for j = lastcolumn downto 1
    4.           rightcost = xi,j + D[i][j+1]
    5.           belowcost = yi,j + D[i+1][j]
    6.           diagonalcost = zi,j + D[i+1][j+1]
    7.           D[i][j] = min(rightcost, belowcost, diagonalcost)
    8.       endfor
    9.   endfor
    10.  return D[0][0]
    • There's no recursion.
    • Instead, we organize the order of calculation so that at any (i,j), the needed D[][] values have already been calculated.

  • Here are some D values part way through the loop:


In-Class Exercise 9.4: Calculate the remaining D[i][j] values.

Finally, what about the route itself?

  • Merely knowing D[0][0] does not tell us the path.

  • To record the path as we proceed through the iteration: we need to record which outgoing edge achieved the minimum in line 7.

  • For example, in calculating D[2][3], we need record that the diagonal edge achieved the minimum.


In-Class Exercise 9.5: Modify the pseudocode (iterative version) to record the outgoing edge information.

9.5   Floyd-Warshall Algorithm Revisited


Let's review Floyd-Warshall in terms of dynamic programming:

  • Recall:
    • Let Sk = { vertices 0, ..., k }.
    • Let Dijk = weight of shortest path from i to j using intermediate vertices in Sk.

  • The recurrence relation:
    Dijk    =    wij
    min ( Dijk-1, Dikk-1 + Dkjk-1 )
    if k = -1
    if k >= 0

  • Observe:
    • This recurrence uses three parameters: i, j and k.
    • The optimal value for the larger problem (Dijk) is expressed in terms of the optimal values of smaller sub-problems (Dijk-1, Dikk-1 and Dkjk-1).
    • There are more base cases, and more sub-problems, but the idea is the same.
    • Initially, it appears that O(n3) space is required (for a 3D array).
    • However, only successive k values are needed
      ⇒ 2D array is sufficient.

9.6   Dynamic Programming (Contiguous Load Balancing Example)


Consider the following problem: (Contiguous Load Balancing)

  • Input:
    • A collection of n tasks.
    • Task i takes si time to complete.
    • A collection of m processors.

  • Goal: assign tasks to processors to minimize completion time.

  • Note:
    • Each processor must be assigned a contiguous subset of tasks
      (e.g., the tasks i, ..., i+k).
    • The completion time for a processor is the sum of task-times for the tasks assigned to it.
    • The overall completion time for the system is the maximum completion time among the processors.

  • Example:


In-Class Exercise 9.6: Write pseudocode to take as input (1) the task times, and (2) the number of processors, and produce a (contiguous) partition of tasks among the processors.

Example: dynamic programming applied to the load balancing problem

  • Let Dik = optimal cost for tasks 0, ..., i and k processors.

  • Note: this problem has two parameters: i and k.

  • The "dynamic programming" relation:
    Dik = minj max { Djk-1, sj+1 + ... + si }

    (where j ranges over { 0, ..., i }).

  • Why is this true?

    • Suppose that in the optimal solution, partition k-1 ends at task j*.
    • This means that tasks (j* + 1), ..., i are in the last partition.
    • If there's a better partition of 0, ..., j*, it would be used in the optimal solution!

  • General principle: the optimal solution for i is expressed in terms of the optimal solutions to smaller problems.
    (because the solution to smaller problems is independent).

  • In this case:
    Optimal solution to
    problem of size (k, i)
    = Combination of
    (maximum of)
    optimal solution to
    problem of size (k-1, j)
    (for some j)
    and some computation
    (sum across last partition)

    In terms of the equation:
    Dik = max (Dj*k-1, sj*+1 + ... + si)

  • We still require some searching: we try each sub-problem of size (k-1, j).

  • Base cases:
    • What are the possible values of i and k?
    • Input to problem: tasks 0, ..., n-1 and m processors.
    • Thus, by the definition of Dik:
      • i ranges from 0 to n-1
      • k ranges from 1 to m.
    • Base cases: Di1 = s0 + ... + si (for each i).
      (only one processor)

  • What we really need to compute (to solve the problem): Dn-1m


  • Note: to use "optimal values" of sub-problems, we need to either store them or compute recursively.

  • Since sub-problems reappear, it's best to store them.

  • We will use a matrix D[k][i] to store Dik.

  • Pseudocode:
    Algorithm: dynamicProgrammingLoadBalancing (numTasks, taskTimes, numProcessors)
    Input: the number of tasks (numTasks), the number of processors (numProcessors),
           taskTimes[i] = time required for task i.
          // Initialization. First, the base cases: 
    1.    D[1][i] = sum of taskTimes[0], ... ,taskTimes[i];
          // We will set the other values to infinity and exploit this fact in the code. 
    2.    D[k][i] = infinity, for all i and k > 1
          // Now iterate over the number of processors. 
    3.    for k=2 to numProcessors
              // Optimally allocate i tasks to k processors. 
    4.        for i=0 to numTasks-1
                  // Find the optimal value of D[k][i] using prior computed values. 
    5.            min = max = infinity
                  // Try each value of j in the recurrence relation. 
    6.            for j=0 to i
                      // Compute sj+1 + ... + si 
    7.                sum = 0
    8.                for m=j+1 to i
    9.                    sum = sum + taskTimes[m]
    10.               endfor
                      // Use the recurrence relation. 
    11.               max = maximum (D[k-1][j], sum)
                      // Record the best (over j). 
    12.               if max < min
    13.                   D[k][i] = max
    14.                   min = max
    15.               endif
    16.           endfor // for j=0 ... 
              // Optimal D[k][i] found. 
    17.       endfor // for i=0 ... 
    18.   endfor // outermost: for k=2 ... 
    18.   Find the actual partition;
    19.   return partition
    Output: the optimal partition

  • Sample Java code

  • How to compute the partition?
    • Each time the minimal value in the scan (over j) is found, record the position.
    • The first time you do this, you get the last partition.
    • This also tells you the D[k-1][j] to use next.
    • Work backwards (iteratively) to find the previous partition ... and so on.

  • What the matrix looks like at an intermediate stage:



  • Assume: n tasks, m processors.
  • The three inner for-loops each range over tasks:

  • The outermost for-loop ranges over processors
    O(m n3) overall.

  • We have used a m x n array
    O(m n) space.

  • Reducing space:
    • Since only the previous row is required, we can manage with O(n) space (for two rows).
    • However, in reconstructing the partition we will need O(m n) space.

An optimization:

  • The innermost for-loop repeatedly computes sums.

  • We can pre-compute partial sums and use differences.

  • Pseudocode:
    Algorithm: dynamicProgrammingLoadBalancing (numTasks, taskTimes, numProcessors)
    Input: the number of tasks (numTasks), the number of processors (numProcessors),
           taskTimes[i] = time required for task i.
          // Precompute partial sums 
          for i=0 to numTasks
              partialSum[i] = 0
              for j=0 to i
                  partialSum = partialSum + taskTimes[i]
          // ... Remaining initialization as before ... 
          for k=2 to numProcessors
              for i=0 to numTasks-1
                  for j=0 to i
                      // Note: sj+1 + ... + si = partialSum[i]-partialSum[j] 
                      // Use the recurrence relation. 
                      max = maximum (D[k-1][j], partialSum[i] - partialSum[j])
                      // ... remaining code is identical ... 

  • This reduces the complexity to O(m n2).

9.7   Dynamic Programming (Maximum Subsequence Sum Example)


Consider the following problem:

  • Given a sequence of n (possibly negative) numbers
        x0 , x1 , ..., xn-1
    find the contiguous subsequence
       xi , ..., xj
    whose sum is the largest.

  • Example:

  • We'll consider the case where the data has at least one positive number.
    ⇒ this can be checked in time O(n).

In-Class Exercise 9.7: Implement the naive and most straightforward approach: try all possible contiguous subsequences. Write down pseudocode and then analyse the running time.

Using dynamic programming:

  • This example will show an unusual use of dynamic programming: how a different sub-problem is used in the solution.

  • We'll start with solving another problem: find the largest suffix for each prefix.

  • The solution to the largest subsequence problem will use this as a sub-problem.

Largest suffix (of a prefix):

  • Given numbers
        x0 , x1 , ..., xn-1
    find, for each k, the largest-sum suffix of the numbers
        x0 , x1 , ..., xk
    where the sum is taken to be zero, if negative.

  • Example:


Dynamic programming algorithm for suffix problem:

  • Define Dk as the maximum suffix-sum for the elements
        x0 , x1 , ..., xk

  • Then, Dk satisfies
    Dk    =    Dk-1 + xk

       if Dk-1 + xk > 0


  • This is an elementary dynamic programming algorithm:
        for k=1 to n-1
          // Apply the dynamic programming equation 
            if Dk-1 + xk > 0
                Dk = Dk-1 + xk
                Dk = 0

  • What about the initial value?
    D0    =    x0

       if x0 > 0


  • Note: dynamic programming is overkill for the suffix problem, but we'll use it for the subsequence problem.

Dynamic programming algorithm for subsequence problem:

  • Note: the largest subsequence-sum is one of the suffix solutions.

  • Hence, all we have to do is track the largest one.

  • Define Sk as the maximum subsequence-sum for the elements
        x0 , x1 , ..., xk

  • Then, Sk is the best suffix-sum seen so far:
    Sk    =    Dk-1 + xk

       if Dk-1 + xk > Sk-1


  • Note: we don't need to store previous values
    ⇒ can use a single variable

  • Thus, in pseudocode:
    Algorithm: maxSubsequenceSum (X)
    Input: an array of numbers, at least one of which is positive
          // Initial value of D   
      1.  if X[0] > 0
      2.      D = X[0]
      3.  else
      4.      D = 0
      5.  endif
          // Initial value of S, the current best max   
      6.  S = X[0]
          // Single scan   
      7.  for k = 1 to n-1
              // Update S   
      8.      if D + X[k] > S
      9.          S = D + X[k]
      10.     endif
              // Update D   
      11.     if D + X[k] > 0
      12.         D = D + X[k]
      13.     else
      14    .     D = 0
      15.     endif
      16. endfor
      17. return S

  • Time taken: O(n)

  • What's unusual about this problem:
    • Unlike the other problems in this section, the decomposition tracked the partial solutions of two problems.
    • The dynamic programming equation for subsequence used the suffix-problem.

9.8   Dynamic Programming (Optimal Binary Tree Example)


Consider the following problem:

  • We are given a list of keys that will be repeatedly accessed.
    • Example: The keys "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E".
    • An example access pattern: "A A C E D B C E A A A A E D D D" (etc).

  • We are also given access frequencies (probabilities) , e.g.
    Key Access probability
    A 0.4
    B 0.1
    C 0.2
    D 0.1
    E 0.2

    (Thus, "A" is most frequently accessed).

  • Objective: design a data structure to enable accesses as rapidly as possible.

Past solutions we have seen:

  • Place keys in a balanced binary tree.
    ⇒ a frequently-accessed item could end up at a leaf.
  • Place keys in a linked list (in decreasing order of probability).
    ⇒ lists can be long, might required O(n) access time (even on average).

  • Use a self-adjusting data structure (list or self-adjusting tree).

In-Class Exercise 9.8: Consider the following two optimal-list algorithms:

  • Algorithm 1
    Algorithm: optimalList (E, p)
    Input: set of elements E, with probabilities p
          // Base case: single element list 
    1.    if |E| = 1
    2.        return list containing E
    3.    endif
    4.    m = argmaxi p(i)      // Which i gives the max
    5.    front = new node with m
    6.    list = optimalList (E - {m}, p - pm)
    7.    return list.addToFront (front)
  • Algorithm 2:
    Algorithm: optimalList2 (E, p)
    Input: set of elements E, with probabilities p
          // Base case: single element list 
    1.    if |E| = 1
    2.        return list containing E
    3.    endif
    4.    for i=0 to E.length
    5.        front = new node with i
    6.        list = optimalList2 (E - {i}, p)
    7.        tempList = list.addToFront (front)
    8.        cost = evaluate (tempList)
    9.        if cost < bestCost
    10.           best = i
    11.           bestList = tempList
    12.       endif
    13.   endfor
    14.   return bestList
Analyze the running time of each algorithm in terms of the number of list elements n.

Optimal binary search tree:

  • Analogue of the optimally-arranged list.

  • Idea: build a binary search tree (not necessarily balanced) given the access probabilities.

  • Example:

  • Overall objective: minimize average access cost:
    • For each key i, let d(i) be its depth in the tree
      (Root has depth 1).
    • Let pi be the probability of access.
    • Assume n keys.
    • Then, average access cost = d(0)*p0 + ... + d(n-1)*pn-1.

In-Class Exercise 9.9: Which of the two list algorithms could work for the optimal binary tree problem? Write down pseudocode.

Dynamic programming solution:

  • First, sort the keys.
    (This is easy and so, for the remainder, we'll assume keys are in sorted order).

  • Suppose keys are in sorted order:
    • If we pick the k-th key to be the root.
      ⇒ keys to the left will lie in the left sub-tree and keys to the right will lie in the right sub-tree.
    • This also works for any sub-range i, ..., j of the keys:

  • Define \(C(i,j)\) = cost of an optimal tree formed using keys i, ..., j (both inclusive).

  • Now suppose, in the optimal tree, the root is "the key at position k".
    • The left subtree has keys in the range i, ..., k-1.
      ⇒ optimal cost of left subtree is \(C(i, k-1)\).
    • The right subtree has keys k+1, ..., j.
      ⇒ optimal cost of right subtree is \(C(k+1, j)\)

  • It is tempting to assume that \(C(i, j) = C(i, k-1) + C(k+1, j)\)
    ⇒ this doesn't account for the additional depth of the left and right subtrees.

  • The correct relation is: $$ C(i,j) \eql p_k + C(i,k-1) + (p_i + \ldots + k_{k-1}) + C(k+1,j) + (p_{k+1} + \ldots + p_j) $$

  • To understand why this must be true, let's re-write \(C(i, k-1)\) as $$ C(i,k-1) \eql (p_i d_i + \ldots + p_{k-1} d_{k-1}) $$ where the \(d_i\)'s are the depths of the items in \(C(i, k-1)\).

  • Because \(C(i, k-1)\)'s depth increases by 1, in the larger tree, these items will have depth \(d_i + 1\). Thus, the new depth is $$\eqb{ p_i (d_i + 1) + \ldots + p_{k-1} (d_{k-1} + 1) & = & (p_i + \ldots + p_{k-1}) + (p d_i + \ldots + p_{k-1} d_{k-1})\\ & = & (p_i + \ldots + p_{k-1}) + C(i,k-1)\\ }$$

  • The same argument applies to the right sub-tree and \(C(k+1,j)\).

  • Therefore, \(C(i, j)\) can be written more compactly as: $$ C(i,j) \eql C(i,k-1) + C(k+1,j) + (p_i + \ldots + p_j) $$

  • Now, we assumed the optimal root for \(C(i, j)\) was the \(k\)-th key.
    ⇒ in practice, we must search for it.
    ⇒ consider all possible keys in the range i, ..., j as root.

  • Hence the dynamic programming recurrence is: $$ C(i,j) \eql \min_k \;\;\;\; C(i,k-1) + C(k+1,j) + (p_i + \ldots + p_j) $$ where \(k\) ranges over \(i, \ldots, j\).

  • The solution to the overall problem is: \(C(0, n-1)\).

  • Observe:
    • Once again, we have expressed the cost of the optimal solution in terms of the optimal cost of sub-problems.
    • Base case: \(C(i, i) = p_i\).


  • Writing code for this case is not as straightforward as in other examples:
    • In other examples (e.g., load balancing), there was a natural sequence in which to "lay out the sub-problems".
    • Consider the following pseudocode:
          // Initialize C and apply base cases. 
          for i=0 to numKeys-2
              for j=i+1 to numKeys-1
                  min = infinity
                  sum = pi + ... + pj;
                  for k=i to j
                      if C(i, k-1) + C(k+1, j) + sum < min
                          min = C(i, k-1) + C(k+1, j) + sum
      Suppose, above, i=0, j=10 and k=1 in the innermost loop
      • The case C(i, k-1) = C(0,0) is a base case.
      • But the case C(k+1, j) = C(2, 10) has NOT been computed yet.
    • We need a way to organize the computation so that:
      • Sub-problems are computed when needed.
      • Sub-problems are not re-computed unnecessarily.

  • Solution using recursion:
    • Key idea: use recursion, but check whether computation has occurred before.
    • Pseudocode:
      Algorithm: optimalBinarySearchTree (keys, probs)
      Input: keys[i] = i-th key,  probs[i] = access probability for i=th key.
            // Initialize array C, assuming real costs are positive (or zero). 
            // We will exploit this entry to check whether a cost has been computed. 
      1.    for each i,j set C[i][j] = -1;
            // Base cases: 
      2.    for each i, C[i][i] = probs[i];
            // Search across various i, j ranges. 
      3.    for i=0 to numKeys-2
      4.        for j=i+1 to numKeys-1
                    // Recursive method computeC actually implements the recurrence. 
      5.            C[i][j] = computeC (i, j, probs)
      6.        endfor
      7.    endfor
            // At this point, the optimal solution is C(0, numKeys-1) 
      8.    Build tree;
      9.    return tree
      Output: optimal binary search tree
      Algorithm: computeC (i, j, probs)
      Input: range limits i and j, access probabilities
           // Check whether sub-problem has been solved before. 
           // If so, return the optimal cost. This is an O(1) computation. 
      1.   if (C[i][j] >= 0)
      2.       return C[i][j]
      3.   endif
           // The sum of access probabilities used in the recurrence relation. 
      4.   sum = probs[i] + ... + probs[j];
           // Now search possible roots of the tree. 
      5.   min = infinity
      6.   for k=i to j
               // Optimal cost of the left subtree (for this value of k). 
      7.       Cleft = computeC (i, k-1)
               // Optimal cost of the right subtree. 
      8.       Cright = computeC (k+1, j)
               // Record optimal solution. 
      9.       if Cleft + Cright < min
      10.          min = Cleft + Cright
      11.      endif
      12.  endfor
      13.  return min
      Output: the optimal cost of a binary tree for the sub-range keys[i], ..., keys[j].
Note: In the above pseudocode, we have left out a small detail: we need to handle the case when a subrange is invalid (e.g., when k-1 < i). Can you see how this case can be handled?


  • The bulk of the computation is a triple for-loop, each ranging over n items (worst-case)
    O(n3) overall.

  • Note: we still have account for the recursive calls:
    • Each recursive call that did not enter the innermost loop, takes time O(1).
    • But, this occurs only O(n2) times.
      ⇒ Overall time is still O(n3).

Dynamic Programming: Summary


So, what to make of dynamic programming and its "strangeness"?

Key points to remember:

  • The method sets up a recurrence between sub-problems
         ⇒ solutions to sub-problems can be assembled into a solution to the actual problem of interest.

  • Sometimes, recursion is useful as the way to implement the recurrence. Sometimes not.
    • Example: optimal binary tree (recursion works).
    • Example: Floyd-Warshall (recursion does not work).

  • The recurrence is set up in terms of the optimal "cost" or "value" of a sub-problem solution.
    • Example: In Floyd-Warshall, the cost Dkij is the cost of a shortest-path.
    • Example: In optimal trees, C(i,j) is the optimal access time.

  • If the recurrence can be set up, a problem is a potential candidate for dynamic programming.

  • Just because dynamic programming can be set up doesn't mean it will be the most efficient solution.

In-Class Exercise 9.10: For the moment, let's set aside efficiency and merely get some practice with seeing if dynamic programming can be set up properly. Consider an array A with n elements and the following three problems:

  1. Let \(D_{ij} = \max_{i\leq m\leq j} A[m]\), the largest value in the range \(i\) to \(j\).
  2. Let \(D_{ij} = \max_{i\leq m,n\leq j} A[m]+A[n]\), the largest sum of two elements in the range \(i\) to \(j\).
  3. Let \(D_{ij} = \max_{i\leq m < j} A[m]+A[m+1]\), the largest sum of two consecutive elements in the range \(i\) to \(j\).
For each of the above problems, can \(D_{ij}\) be written in terms of \(D_{ik}\) and \(D_{kj}\) where \(i\leq k\leq j\), with possibly a few additional terms like \(A[k]\)?

© 2001, Rahul Simha