Module 12: Bio-Inspired Problems and Algorithms

12.1   Genomics: A (Very Short) Primer


Two key chemicals in living things:

  1. Proteins:
    • Different functions:
      • Enzymes (digestion)
      • Structural proteins (skin, hair)
      • Transporters of energy (hemoglobin)
      • Transporters of information (hormones)
    • Human body has about 100,000 proteins.
    • A protein is a chain of amino acids
    • Only 20 different types of amino acids.
      # Amino Acid Symbol
      1 Alanine A
      2 Arginine R
      3 Asparagine N
      4 Aspartic acid D
      5 Cysteine C
      6 Glutamic acid E
      7 Glutamine Q
      8 Glycine G
      9 Histidine H
      10 Isoleucine I
      11 Leucine L
      12 Lysine K
      13 Methionine M
      14 Phenylalanine F
      15 Proline P
      16 Serine S
      17 Threonine T
      18 Tryptophan W
      19 Tyrosine Y
      20 Valine V

    • A protein can have thousands of amino acids.
      ⇒ amino acids repeat along the chain.

      Example (part of insulin):
    • Proteomics: the study of proteins.

    (Courtesy: Dept. of Energy)

  2. DNA:
    • Molecular structure inside cell nucleus.
    • Sometimes in different pieces (chromosomes).
    • 3D structure is a double-helix.
    • DNA carries "information" in the form of bases.
    • Four bases:
      A = Adenine
      T = Thymine
      C = Cytosine
      G = Guanine
    • Bases are complementary:
      A pairs with T
      C pairs with G

      (Courtesy: Dept. of Energy)

    • DNA is composed of two complementary strands.

    • Human genome (DNA) is 3 billion-bases long.
      (e.g, compare: E.Coli has 4.6 million bases)
    • Genes: substrings of DNA.
    • Only 2% of DNA consists of genes.
    • About 40,000 genes in human DNA.
    • Note: our understanding of these matters is still evolving.

Another view: two key languages:

  1. "Protein language"
    • Protein = word
    • Amino-acid = letter
    • Alphabet = { A1, A2, ..., A20 }
      (20 amino acids).

  2. "DNA language"
    • DNA = sentence
    • Base = letter
    • Group-of-three-bases = word (called codon)
    • multiple codons (protein encoder) = phrase
    • Alphabet = { A, T, C, G }.

In-Class Exercise 12.1: A single bit can encode two unique items (use "0" for one item, "1" for the other item). Now, answer the following:

  1. How many unique items can k bits encode?
  2. How many unique items can a single letter in the alphabet { A, T, C, G } encode?
  3. How many unique items can be encoded with a k-letter word over the alphabet { A, T, C, G }?
  4. What size word (i.e., what should k be) is enough to encode 20 unique items?

What does DNA do?


12.2   DNA Alignment - A Problem in Computational Biology


In-Class Exercise 12.2: Consider quantifying the distance between strings. For example, "Bolt" is closer to "Bold" than it is to "Bowl" or "Bot". What is a reasonable metric and what are the distances for the above examples using your metric?

Gene comparisons:

  • Recall: a gene is a substring of DNA.

  • Biologists often compare two genes from different animals to see if they are "similar"
    ⇒ to help with gene identification.

  • Example: Suppose the DNA sequence A T T T C G C C G T A C is the "claw sharpness" gene in animal X.
    ⇒ can search for this gene in animal Y.

  • Unfortunately, genes with identical function in different animals are not identical.

  • However, they are often similar, e.g.,

  • Sometimes the similarity or "match" is more complex:

    • By deliberately inserting spaces between the bases in one, a better match can be found.

The alignment problem:

  • Define scoring rules for evaluating a particular alignment:
    • Perfectly matched letters get a high score.
    • Matches between related letters get a modest score.
    • Matches with gaps get a low score.

  • The alignment problem: given two strings and the scoring rules, find the optimal alignment.

  • Problem components:
    • An alphabet, e.g., { A, C, G, T }.
    • Two input strings, e.g.,

    • Match and gap scores, e.g.,

    • Goal: find the alignment with the best (largest) value.

  • Potential asymmetry:

    • Some letter-alignments may be more favored.
    • Some gap costs are different.

  • Example:

  • Example:


In-Class Exercise 12.3: Use the above table to compute the alignment scores (by hand) for the following alignment of CGGAT and CGT:

      C G G A T
      C G T
Can you find a better alignment?

Key ideas in solution:

  • First, the alignment problem can be expressed as a graph problem:

    • The diagonal edges correspond to character matches (whether identical or not).
    • Each down edge corresponds to a gap in string 2.
    • Each across edge corresponds to a gap in string 1.
    • Goal: find the longest (max value) path from top-left to bottom-right.
      ⇒ longest-path problem in DAG.
    • Can be solved in O(mn) time (using topological sort)
      (m = length of string1, n = length of string2).
    • Suppose we label the vertices (i, j) where i is the row, and j is the column.
    • The best path to an intermediate node is via one of its neighbors: NORTH, WEST or NORTHWEST.

  • Dynamic programming approach:
    • Building an actual graph (adjacency matrix etc) is unnecessary.
    • Let Di,j
      = value of best path to node (i,j) from (0, 0).
      = score of optimal match of first i chars in string 1 to first j chars in string 2.
    • Define (for clarity)
      Ci-1,j-1 = Di-1,j-1 + exact-match-score
      Ci-1,j = Di-1,j + string1-gap-score
      Ci,j-1 = Di,j-1 + string2-gap-score
    • Thus,
      Di,j = max (Ci-1,j-1, Ci-1,j, Ci,j-1)
      = max (Di-1,j-1 + exact-match-score, Di-1,j + string1-gap-score, Di,j-1 + string2-gap-score)
    • Initial conditions:
      • D0,0 = 0
      • Di,0 = Di-1,0 + gap-score for i-th char in string 1.
      • D0,j = D0,j-1 + gap-score for j-th char in string 2.


  • Pseudocode:
    Algorithm: align (s1, s2)
    Input: string s1 of length m, string s2 of length n
    1.    Initialize matrix D properly;
          // Build the matrix D row by row.
    2.    for i=1 to m
    3.        for j=1 to n
                  // Initialize max to the first of the three terms (NORTH).
    4.            max = D[i-1][j] + gapScore2 (s2[j-1])
                  // See if the second term is larger (WEST).
    5.            if max < D[i][j-1] + gapScore1 (s1[i-1]) 
    6.                max = D[i][j-1] + gapScore1 (s2[i-1]) 
    7.            endif
                  // See if the third term is the largest (NORTHWEST).
    8.            if max < D[i-1][j-1] + matchScore (s1[i-1], s2[j-1])
    9.                max = D[i-1][j-1] + matchScore (s1[i-1], s2[j-1])
    10.           endif
    11.           D[i][j] = max
    12.       endfor
    13.   endfor
          // Return the optimal value in bottom-right corner.
    14.   return D[m][n]
    Output: value of optimal alignment
  • Explanation:
    • The 2D array D[i][j] stores the Di,j values.
    • The method matchScore returns the value in matching two characters.
    • The method gapScore1 returns the value of matching a particular character in string 1 with a gap.
      (gapScore2 is similarly defined).
    • Note: D[i][0] and D[0][j] represent initial conditions.
    • Note: there is one more row than the length of string 1.
      (likewise for string 2).

  • Computing the actual alignment:
    • A separate 2D array tracks which term contributed to the maximum for each (i, j).
    • After computing all of D, traceback and obtain path (alignment).

In-Class Exercise 12.4: Download this template and implement the above algorithm. Gap and match costs are given.


  • The double for-loop tells the story: O(mn) to compute Dm,n.

  • Note: computing the actual alignment requires tracing back: O(m + n) time (length of a path).

  • Space required: O(mn).

An improvement (in space):

  • Genes are often longer than 10,000 bases (letters) long
    ⇒ space required is prohibitive.

  • First, note that we only need successive rows in computing D
    ⇒ space requirement can be reduced to O(n).

  • However, O(mn) space is still required to construct the actual alignment.

  • A different approach:
    • Consider the "middle" character in string 1
      ⇒ the character at position m / 2.
    • In the optimal alignment, this character will either align with some j-th character in string 1, or a gap.
      ⇒ we can try all possible j values.
    • To try these alignments, compute the m/2-th row (in O(mn) time).
    • Output the optimal alignment found.
    • Recurse on either side of the optimal alignment.

  • It is possible to show: O(mn) time and O(n) space.

Variations of the alignment problem:

  • Alignment without end-gap penalty
    ⇒ do not add costs for gaps at ends.

  • Substring alignment
    ⇒ find substrings that align.

  • Length-based gap penalties
    ⇒ the longer a contiguous gap, the more the penalty.

  • All have polynomial-time solutions.

12.3   Other problems in computational biology


The protein folding problem:

  • Recall: a protein is a string of amino acids.

  • A protein folds into its natural conformation (shape)
         ⇒ The shape determines its function.

  • Folded proteins are like 3-D jigsaw pieces
         ⇒ Two proteins interact by docking

  • The protein folding problem: given the 1-D sequence, determine the 3-D structure.

  • To see why this is a hard problem, let's consider a 2D version of the problem:
    • Folding occurs in the 2D plane:

    • Each potential fold has an energy "cost".
    • Goal: find the minimal energy fold.
           ⇒ A combinatorial optimization problem.

  • What parameters play into energy costs? Many physical parameters, e.g.

    (Courtesy: wikicommons)

  • In 3D with real proteins, the problem is much harder:

    (Courtesy: wikicommons)


Other problems:

  • Gene finding
         ⇒ Given a genome, identify genes within the genome.

  • Phylogenetics and the tree of life.
         ⇒ Goal: build best possible tree.

  • Pattern classification and microarrays
         ⇒ Given a DNA sample, classify the sample

    (Courtesy: wikicommons)

  • Biological networks

12.4   Cellular Automata and Von Neumann's Quandary


Cellular Automata:

  • What is a cellular automaton?
    • An infinite cellular space - usually a 2D grid:

    • Set of states, e.g, S = { empty, A, B, C, D }.

    • Initially each cell is in one of the states:

    • System evolves in time-steps.

    • At each step, "rules" are applied to generate the next state for each cell, e.g.,

  • State-transition rules:
    • A neighborhood for each cell is defined, usually one of
      • 4-neighborhood (N, S, E, W).
      • 8-neighborhood (N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW).
    • The next state of a cell depends on its current state and the current state of its neighbors.
    • All cells change state at the same time.
    • The rules are sometimes called the "physics" of the system.

In-Class Exercise 12.5: Search the web for applets that simulate the Game of Life and examine what happens to the following patterns. Run each pattern for a few time steps (generations).

  • The Blinker.

  • The Block.

  • The Glider.

  • The R-pentonimo.


The Game of Life:

  • A cellular automaton with only two states: on and off.

  • Devised in 1970 by John Horton Conway.

  • Rules:
    • Uses 8-neighborhood.
    • Rule 1 (birth): if a cell has exactly 3 neighbors "on", its next state is "on".
    • Rule 2 (status-quo): if a cell has exactly 2 neighbors "on", its next state is its current state.
    • Rule 3 (death): In all other cases, the next state is "off".

  • A generalization: k-Game-of-Life
    • Birth rule: if a cell has exactly k neighbors "on", its next state is "on".
    • Status quo rule: if a cell has exactly k-1 neighbors "on".
    • Death rule: all other values.

  • k = 3 in the Game-of-Life.

  • Interesting observation:
    • If k < 3: too much growth (chaos).
    • If k > 3: too little growth (empty space).
    • k = 3 is "optimal for life".

Von Neumann's quandary:

  • Problem: to prove (mathematically) that self-reproduction is possible.

  • First attempt: the kinematic model (robots):
    • Can a robot reproduce, i.e., assemble a copy of itself (that can later reproduce) from a blueprint?

  • The blueprint problem: can a blueprint contain itself?

  • Second attempt: cellular automaton.

  • Trivial vs. non-trivial reproduction in cellular worlds:
    • Trivial reproduction: the Blinker in the Game of Life.
    • Von Neumann's criteria for non-trivial reproduction: a cellular automaton that:
      • Can embed a Universal Turing machine (i.e., can compute anything)
      • Can embed a Universal Constructor (i.e., can build from a blueprint).
      • Reproduce itself entirely, including blueprint.

  • Von Neumann (with others) showed that it was possible: by constructing a cellular automaton exhibiting non-trivial self-reproduction:
    • 29 states per cell and 200,000 cells.
    • The "creature" contained a "tape" with instructions (blueprint), and a "constructor arm".
    • Another part of the cellular creature contained a universal Turing machine.

  • Solution of the blueprint problem: the blueprint was "photocopied" into the offspring.

  • Reproduction occurs in two phases:
    1. Build the offspring by reading (interpreting) the blueprint.
    2. Copy over the blueprint into the offspring (without interpreting).

Other developments in cellular automata:

  • The Game-of-Life can support computation (and it's believed) self-reproduction.

  • Simpler non-trivial self-reproducing cellular automata have been found
    ⇒ all use "blueprint copying". (Example)

  • Cellular automata have become a field of study with attempts to build "metabolic" creatures (that grow, age, evolve etc).

Intriguing questions and comparison between cellular automata and our "wet" world:

  1. Question: Does the physics/chemistry support "self-reproducing life"?
    Cellular world Yes.
    e.g, Von Neumann's example.
    Wet World Yes.

  2. Question: Does the physics also support trivial reproduction?
    Cellular world Yes.
    Game-of-Life's Blinker
    Wet World Yes.
    Crystalline growth.

  3. Question: Does non-trivial reproduction use the 2-step blueprint model?
    Cellular world Yes.
    All examples
    Wet World Yes.
    DNA replication and interpretation.

  4. Question: Is evolution supported?
    Cellular world Yes.
    In some models.
    Wet World Yes.

  5. Question: Is spontaneous occurrence of "life" possible?
    Cellular world Not known.
    Wet World Current belief: Yes.

  6. Question: Is uncontrolled chaotic growth ("grey goo") possible?
    Cellular world Yes.
    Game-of-Life's R-pentonimo
    Wet World ?

  7. Question: Do the elements of self-reproduction also support computation?
    Cellular world Yes.
    Many examples
    Wet World Yes.
    (next section)

12.5   Computing with DNA


Yes, with actual DNA.

Key ideas:

  • We will use chemical reactions with DNA to solve the Restricted Hamiltonian Path problem
    ⇒ exploit the massive parallelism with millions of DNA molecules.

  • The Restricted Hamiltonian Path problem (directed graph version):
    • Given a directed graph and two vertices s and d, find a path between s and d that visits each vertex exactly once.
    • Result: Restricted Hamiltonian Path problem is NP-complete.
    • Note: for an n-vertex graph, the path is of length n.

  • Overview of process:
    • Represent vertices using strings of DNA bases.
    • Represent edges using combinations of vertex-strings.
    • Use gel-electrophoresis to extract DNA with correct length.
    • Use filtering process in many steps to separate out paths with all vertices.
      ⇒ solution (no pun intended) to Hamiltonian path problem.

In-Class Exercise 12.6: Why is the Restricted Hamiltonian Path problem NP-complete (given that the regular Hamiltonian Path problem is NP-complete)?


  • Step 1 (on paper): associate unique DNA substrings with vertices, e.g.

    • In the above example, an 8-base string represents a vertex.
    • In practice, a larger number is required to help separate out different-length paths.

  • Step 2 (on paper): associate unique DNA substrings with edges, based on substrings for vertices:

    • For edge ( v1, v2) join the latter half of v1's string with the first half of v2's string.

  • Step 3 (on paper): identify the complementary strings for the vertices, e.g.,

  • Step 4 (on paper): create unique "start" and "stop" DNA strings for vertices s and d.

    • The "start" string represents an artifical edge between "start" and s.
    • The "end" string represents an artifical edge between d and "end".

  • Step 5 (lab): synthesize all of the above DNA material (substrings) separately (one beaker corresponding to each different string).

  • Step 6 (lab): mix all the edges and complementary vertices:

    • The complementary vertices will, lego-like, bind edges in sequence.

    • This will produce all possible paths in the graph, including invalid ones (without "start" and "end").

  • Step 6 (lab): extract all paths beginning with "start" and ending with "end".
    ⇒ use (wet lab) PCR technique

  • Step 7 (lab): separate out the DNA with the correct length (exactly n substrings)
    ⇒ use gel-electrophoresis.

    • Note: this will result in paths of exactly length n.
    • However, it will also contain paths with repetitions.

  • Step 8 (lab):
    • Filter out all paths that don't contain the string for v1
      ⇒ use v'1 (complement) to bind.
    • This leaves all paths containing v1.
    • Next, filter out all paths that don't contain v2.
    • ... repeat the above for all vertices in turn ... (a for-loop!)
    • What remains: the DNA representation of all paths of length n that contain all vertices
      ⇒ Hamiltonian paths!


  • The purpose was to show that DNA and chemical processes can "compute".

  • Potential efficiency: chemical reactions occur in parallel.

  • It is not yet a practical method:
    • Problems need to be carefully coded.
    • Encoding takes time.
    • Macro-scale experimentation results in errors
      ⇒ (fraction of a teaspoonful required for 7-vertex graph).

  • Related work:
    • Using DNA for building "wetware" (gates, flip-flops).
    • Using proteins for computation.
    • Self-assembling nanoparticles.

12.6   Genetic Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization Problems


Key ideas:

  • Use evolution as a metaphor for "winnowing" solutions.

  • Outline (for TSP):

    • Each candidate TSP tour is a "genome" (animal).
    • Start with a large number of potential solutions (initial population).
    • At each step generate a new population:
      • Use mutation to "explore"
      • Use mating to preserve "good characteristics".
    • Weak (high-cost) solutions "die".
    • Strong (low-cost) solutions "survive".
    • Eventually, optimal solution should dominate population.

Details: (TSP example)

  • Input: the n TSP points.

  • Associate tour with genome.

  • A genome's fitness is the tour's length.
    (shorter the better).

  • Step 1: create an initial population of m random tours (.e.g, m = 1000).
    (They don't have to be unique).

  • Step 2: Compute the "fitness" value of each genome (tour).
    Example with four 5-city tours:
    ID Genome
    (inverse tour length)
    Fraction of
    total (PDF)
    1 0-1-2-3-4 27.5 0.31
    2 4-0-1-3-2 12.95 0.15
    3 0-2-1-3-4 9.3 0.11
    4 2-4-3-0-1 36.0 0.42


  • Step 3: compute the population PDF (Probability Distribution Function) ⇒ fraction based on fitness.
    • Compute the total fitness (sum of tour costs).
    • Compute what fraction of the total each fitness value amounts to.
    • The fractions are the PDF.

  • Step 4: generate a new population drawing from the PDF
    ⇒ about 31% (on average) of the new population will contain genome 1 and 11% will contain genome 3.

  • Step 5: Apply crossover rules (mating):
    • The crossover-fraction is an algorithm parameter, e.g., crossover-fraction = 0.3
      ⇒ 30% of genome-pairs will engage in crossover.
    • Select a random 30% of pairs randomly (assuming crossover-fraction = 30).
    • Apply a crossover rule to each such pair: exchange parts of genomes between the pair.

  • Step 6: Apply mutation
    • mutation-fraction is an algorithm parameter.
    • mutation-fraction = fraction of genomes to mutate
      (e.g., 0.05)
    • Select 5% of the genomes (randomly) to mutate.
    • Apply mutation to each (make a slight adjustment in the tour).

  • Repeat steps 2-6 until fitness values converge
    ⇒ population is dominated by high-fitness genomes (tours).

Crossover and mutation in TSP:

  • How do we "mate" two TSP tours?

    • Take the first part (about half) of Tour 1.
    • Take the remaining points in the order these points are found in Tour 2.

  • How do we mutate a TSP tour?
    ⇒ swap 2 points


In-Class Exercise 12.7: Consider a 5-point Euclidean traveling salesman problem with the following inter-point distances:    
1 2 3 4
0 5.0 3.0 4.2 3.0
1   4.0 3.2 3.2
2     1.4 4.3
3       4.6
Write down the default starting tour 0 1 2 3 4 and evaluate its fitness. Start with a population of 4 tours: the default tour above and 3 other randomly created tours. Then, repeat the following three times:

  • Make a random mutation. Use some physical source of randomness.
  • For 2 of the tours, find a way "mate" them. For a 3rd tour, create a random mutation. Leave the 4th tour as is.
  • Now you have 4 new tours. Evaluate their fitness, and change the population to feature only the two best tours.
What is the final best tour and its cost?


  • Advantages of genetic algorithms:
    • Genetic algorithms are easy to implement.
    • Like simulated annealing, the problem-specific part can be separated out from the generic algorithm.
    • If re-arrangements in fact do impact the solution, genetic algorithms have a reasonable chance of finding a good solution.
    • By its nature genetic algorithms try many initial solutions (simultaneously)
      ⇒ simulated annealing needs to be re-run with different starting solutions.

  • Disadvantages:
    • Genetic algorithms are slow.
    • It's hard to define meaningful crossovers and mutations for some problems.
    • It requires some experimentation to get it working.
      ⇒ it's easier to automate this part in simulated annealing.
    • Generally, simulated annealing (with appropriate modification) is thought to be a better option.

  • Warning:
    • Its biological origins do not give it any special advantage
      ⇒ beware of its mystical appeal!

12.7   Other Biological Metaphors in Algorithms


Neural networks:

  • Simplified neuron architecture:

  • Artificial neuron:
    • Structure:

    • Rule: Neuron fires if X1 + X2 + X3 > T.

  • A simple application to pattern recognition:

  • McCulloch-Pitt neuron model:
    • Structure:

    • Inputs: X1, X2, ..., Xn
    • An "importance" weight Wi is associated with each input i.
    • Neuron has output only if W1X1 + ... + WnXn > T.

  • Networks of neurons:

  • Neural networks are used to approximate unknown functions.

  • Key ideas:
    • Each network has a set of parameters (neuron weights).
    • Use a "training set" of samples from unknown function to set parameters.
    • Once parameters are set, the function is approximated.

Other biological metaphors:

  • Ant-colony optimization

  • Evolutionary computation

© 2001, Rahul Simha