CS 2541: Database Systems 

Lecture Notes and Links to readings. 

Lecture Notes

The notes (of powerpoint files) posted here are a superset of the slides that are used in the lectures. Some of the slides posted here are not covered in the lecture -- they may either be slides giving more detail, or covering more topics which were left out in the lecture for brevity. When appropriate I have mapped the topics to the chapters in the recommended reference book. I will also be placing several links to other sites -- you should make an effort to visit some of these sites.
Please let me know of errors and typos in the slides/notes.
Some of the lecture notes posted here were taken from Prof. Ramakrishnan's notes and from the ElMasri and Navathe textbook.  
Lecture notes or links to external resources will be posted no later than 24 hours before the lecture. You are required to read the notes and come to class for discussions and in-class exercises.

Project description, including team assignments, will also be posted here.

Database Design
Online database "text" by Tom Jewett.
        • MongoDB Notes and Exercises on Blackboard

      Writing in the Disciplines (WID)

      Project and Teamwork

      This course requires development of a medium sized team project.
        The team composition will change during the course of the semester; specifically, teams are defined for Phase 1 of the project. They will then be reconstituted for Phase 2 of the project

      No collaboration is allowed between teams.  You cannot collaborate with your team member to solve a homework or programming assignment that requires you to work on your own. Failure to follow these rules is a violation of the academic integrity code.

      Project : The project has two phases. In phase 1 several products are implemented, and in phase2 these will be integrated into a more comprehensive product. Phase 2 requires considerable integration of software modules and team software development.

       Online (tutorials) Resources/Useful Links


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