Problem Set 2

Problem 0

Problem 0 (30 pts)

Consider the case where you have been handed a coin of unknown fairness. A fair coin is a coin that, when flipped, lands heads 50% of the time and tails 50% of the time. The coin you have been handed lands head and tails with unknown probabilities (although you can be certain it will land one of either heads or tails.)

Such a “coin” is provided in Download this file and place it in the folder for this problem set.

Now you can import the functions from this file and use them. There are three functions:

  • fair_flip(), which returns string "Heads" 50% of the time and "Tails" 50% of the time.
  • known_unfair_flip(), which returns "Heads" 24% of the time and "Tails 76% of the time.
  • unfair_flip(), which returns "Heads and "Tails" with “unknown” probability.
    • The probability for unfair_flip() changes every time you import coin but remains consistent while your program runs.
    • You can inspect this probability - it is a float with variable name coin.p, which represents the “Tails” probability.

Some example functionality:

import coin

f1 = coin.fair_flip()
f2 = coin.known_unfair_flip()
f3 = coin.unfair_flip()

For this problem, write a function percentage_calculator that returns an estimate (a float) for the probability of the unfair_flip coin landing "Heads". Each flip, print “” to the console 100 times, each flip. The function should not take any arguments.


  • Flip the coin a large number of times and record how many landed Heads and how many landed Tails
  • Divide the result by the total number of flips
  • Remember, the unfair_flip coin probability changes every time you import the coin library - check your result against coin.p and it should always match.
  • The fair_flip and known_unfair_flip coins never change their probabilities. They are provided so you can test your code. Make sure you turn in the problem checking for the unfair_flip coin.

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  • You can inspect the probability of the coin with coin.p, but you shouldn’t use that in your solution.
  • If you happen to reverse the "Heads" and "Tails" probabilities in your solution (you solved for \(1-p\) rather than for \(p\)), you will get full credit.

Problem 1

Problem 1 (40 pts)

Once again you have been handed an unfair coin. (You will use the same file as Problem 0).

Now, you would like to use this probably-not-fair coin to “construct” a fair coin, and fortunately, you know how to do this!

Here is the procedure: Start by printing “” to the console

  1. Flip the coin twice.
  2. If both flips are heads or both are tails, go back to step 1.
  3. If the flips are different, the result of the second flip is your result.

Write a function fair_from_unfair that uses the unfair_flip coin and the above procedure to return:

  • string "Heads" 50% of the time
  • string "Tails" otherwise.

Do not use any mathematics/probability libraries directly, just use the “coin” we provide. The function should not take any arguments.

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We can prove that the method above works:

  • We have a coin
    • It has probability of landing Heads: \(p\)
    • It has probability of landing Tails: \(1-p\).
  • There are four possible outcomes of two flips:
    • Two Heads, with probability: \(p \cdot p\)
    • Two Tails, with probability: \((1-p) \cdot (1-p)\)
    • Heads followed by Tails, with probability: \(p \cdot (1-p)\)
    • Tails followed by Heads, with probability: \((1-p) \cdot p\)

By rejecting every instance of two Heads or two Tails, we are left with two possible outcomes that have equal probability, and so we have constructed a fair coin toss.

This works for any value of \(p\) where it is possible for the coin to land either Heads or Tails. (It would not work for a coin that showed Heads or Tails on both sides - always inspect your coin before flipping it!)

Problem 2

Problem 2 (45 pts)

Consider that a list in Python has some number of sub-lists, consisting of some (or all) elements of the list in the same order. [1, 2, 3] has sub-lists [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], [2, 3], [1], [2], and [3].

You will write a function sub_list_matched(list1, list2) that takes as input two lists (list1 and list2) and:

  • If list1 is a sub-list of list2, it returns True.
  • If list1 is not a sub-list of list2, it returns False.

Every function call should also print “” to the console

As an example, Y is a sub-list of X:

X = [1, 2, 7, 8, 9]
Y = [2, 7, 8]

sub_list_matched(Y, X) would return True. Note that sub_list_matched(X, Y) would return False, since X is not a sub-list of Y.

In this example, b is a sub-list of a, so sub_list_matched(b, a) would return True:

a = ['duck', 'goose', 'swan', 'cormorant']
b = ['goose', 'swan']

In this example, b is not a sub-list of a, so sub_list_matched(b, a) would return False:

a = [1, 2, 'horse', 4.0]
b = [2, 4.0]

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The key to solving this problem is to iterate through all possible sub-lists of list2.

Start by using a for loop to create a single “sub-list” that is the entire list.

list2 = [1, 3, 4, 8]
sub_list = []
for i in range(0, len(list2)):
[1, 3, 4, 8]

Now change the range’s parameters to create different sub-lists:

list2 = [1, 3, 4, 8]
sub_list = []
for i in range(1, len(list2)):

sub_list = []
for i in range(0, len(list2)-2):
[3, 4, 8]
[1, 3]

Use nested for loops to build all of the possible sub-lists. Note that the temporary variable sub_list is initialized as an empty list before building each sub-list. Otherwise, we would still have the content of the last sub-list included!

Finally, you can use conditionals to check if one list is the same as another:

list1 = [3, 4]
list2 = [1, 3, 4, 8]
sub_list = []
for i in range(1, len(list2)-1):
if list1 == sub_list:

Remember that your function sub_list_matched should return True or False (a boolean variable) and should not print anything.

Problem 3

Problem 3 (30 pts)

We know that the area of a circle is given by \(\pi \cdot r^2\), where \(r\) is the radius of the circle.

Similarly, we know that the area of a square is given by \(s^2\), where \(s\) is the side of the square.

For a circle inscribed in a square, we know that the square’s area is \(4 \cdot r^2\), since the square’s side is \(2 \cdot r\).

You will use this ratio of areas, \(\pi \cdot r^2\) to \(4 \cdot r^2\), to estimate the value of \(\pi\).

from drawtool import DrawTool
import random
import math

dt = DrawTool()
# x and y range between -2 and 2
dt.set_XY_range(-2, 2, -2, 2)

# This draws a circle of radius one, centered at the origin
dt.draw_circle(0,0, 2)

# Generate n = 1000 random points with x and y values between -2 and 2
n = 1000

# Lists X and Y contain the x- and y-coordinates of the points
X = []
Y = []

for i in range(n):
    X.append(random.random()*4 - 2)
    Y.append(random.random()*4 - 2)
    # random.random() produces a value uniformly random between 0 and 1
    #    multiplying the value by 4 and subtracting 2 results in a value that is
    #    uniformly random between -2 and 2

# Start with in_circle = 0
in_circle = 0

# Write your code here

# Count how many of the random points are in the circle
# Plot points that are inside the circle in green 
# Plot points that are outside the circle in blue 

# Do not change code below this line
pi_estimate = (in_circle/n) * 4
print('Estimated value of pi =', pi_estimate)
print('"True" value:', math.pi)


You will need to have drawtool in the same folder as your program. Drawtool is a simplified “education” plotting library. We will introduce professional plotting libraries later in the course.

Read over the starter code:

  • This starter code plots a circle of radius = 2 inscribed in a square with sides = 4, both centered at the origin.

  • This starter code generates two lists, X and Y, which are the \(x\) and \(y\) values of n points, with both \(x\) and \(y\) randomly distributed between -2 and 2.

  • The coordinates of the first point will be X[0],Y[0]; the second point X[1],Y[1], etc.

  • Initialize a variable in_circle with value 0

  • For each of the points, determine if the point is inside the circle:

    • If (and only if) inside the circle, add 1 to in_circle
    • If inside the circle, plot the point in blue
    • If not inside the circle, plot the point in green
  • The code we provide: pi_estimate = (in_circle/n)*4 takes the ratio of points in the circle to total number of points, and multiplies that ratio by 4. This estimates \(\pi\) using the ratio of areas of square and circle.

Your result should look similar to (but not exactly like) this: monte_carlo_2.png

  • Your estimated value of \(\pi\) should be close to 3.14.
  • Each time you run the program, the estimated value will be slightly different. This is because the points are chosen at random.
  • You will not be graded on the specific accuracy of your estimate. You will be graded on correctly implementing the method of estimation.

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  • The formula to draw a circle (centered at the origin) is \(x^2 + y^2 = r^2\). So for some point \(x\) and \(y\) and a circle of radius \(r\) centered at the origin, if \(x^2 + y^2\) is less than or equal to \(r^2\), the point is inside the circle.

  • The function to draw a point with drawtool is dt.draw_point(x, y), where arguments x and y are the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates of the point.

  • The dt.set_color(c) function sets the color of whatever is plotted. c is a string - set it to 'g' for green and 'b' for blue.

  • Don’t worry if the method of ratio of areas doesn’t make perfect sense. All you need to do is count which points are inside the circle and make the plot - the starter code takes care of the math.

  • If you make n larger, your estimate of \(\pi\) will become more accurate, but the program will start to take a long time to run.
    • You can speed this up by “turning off” plotting; an easy way is to comment out the lines of code that draw the points.
    • Make sure that the code you turn in does plots the points, and has n = 1000.
  • The method of using random sampling to compute an approximate value is called “Monte Carlo” (a reference to a casino in Monaco), hence the file name for this problem.

Problem 4

Problem 4 (35 pts)

You will write a function character_sort that takes as its input a list. We will make sure that the input will always consist of characters (strings of length 1). The function character_sort will return another list of characters, sorted so that:

  • Characters that are not numbers or letters are before all numbers or letters
  • Lower case letters are before upper case letters and numbers
  • Upper case letters come after lower case letters, before numbers
  • Numbers come last
  • Letters and numbers should also be sorted within the three respective groups (lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers)
  • Non-numeric characters should preserve their original order in the input list
  • The input list will only contain characters with ASCII/UTF-8 values between 32 and 127 (inclusive).


  • Given A = ['4', 'r', '6', 'a', ' ', 'D', 'B'], character_sort(A) returns [' ', 'a', 'r', 'B', 'D', '4', '6']
  • Given B = ['1', '2', 'A', 'X', '7', 'A'], character_sort(B) returns ['A', 'A', 'X', '1', '2', '7']
  • Given C = ['4', '~', 'g', 'Y', '$', 'a', '2', 'F'], character_sort(C) returns ['~', '$', 'a', 'g', 'F', 'Y', '2', '4'] Given D = '12nov2023', character_sort(D) returns" (always return this specific string if the input is not a list)

Note: every element of the list will be a character. Your function does not need to process int and float variables in the list, nor does it need to account for multi-character strings.

Submit this program as Do not use any of Python’s built-in sorting functions.