Getting Help
Class and Lab
Always feel free to approach course staff with questions after class and during lab. Labs, especially, exist to give you an opportunity to work with LAs and TAs on any material you are struggling with.
Our main method of communication is Ed. Ed is an online discussion board for questions and answers related to the course, whether technical or logistical in nature.
Do not post your source code to Ed. Instead, frame your questions in general terms with regard to the programming concept you’d like help with. Your questions on Ed will be addressed within 24 hours.
Office Hours
We encourage you to attend office hours to get extra help from course staff.
Electronic Mail
You should generally ask course-related questions on Ed rather than by email. Use email to directly contact your professor for situations requiring accommodations and issues related to attendance, grades, or concerns about ability to complete the course successfully, etc. Also use email and when otherwise directed by the course staff.