Unit 1 - Practice Problems - Lists and Conditionals

These problems are for practice. They are optional, but you are encouraged to complete them and discuss them with members of the course staff during lab and office hours.

0 - List Basics

What is printed by the following program?

m = ['mock', 'your', 'own', 'grinning']
for i in range(len(m):
    print(m[i], end=" ")
  1. Remember that lists are indexed starting with 0
  2. Calling the len function on a list returns how many elements that list has
  3. Calling range on that length returns a collection identical to the list’s indices
    • List m is of length 4
    • range(4) corresponds to the collection 0, 1, 2, 3, precisely the indices of list m
  4. Adding the argument end=" " to the print function replaces the default end behavior (a new line) with a string consisting of a single space
  5. Remember that parentheses must be matched. Check the code above closely.

1 - List Basics

What is printed by the following program?

X = ['such', 'convergence', 'or', 'projection']
for i in X:
    print(i, end=" ")

2 - List Basics

What is printed by the following program?

Z = ['raining', 'out', 'of', 'a', 'low', 'sky']
for i in range(length(Z)):
    print(i, end=" ")

3 - List Mutability

What is printed by the following program?

nonsense = ['mimsy', 'were', 'the', 'borogroves']
serious_business = nonsense
serious_business = ['The', 'price', 'of', 'steel', 'rose']


4 - List Mutability

What is printed by the following program?

scenery = ['meteors', 'klaxoned', 'overhead']

for s in scenery:
    s = 'furnace'


5 - List Mutability

What is printed by the following program?

some_numbers = [1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 7]

for i in range(len(some_numbers)):
    some_numbers[i] += 1


6 - List Mutability

What is printed by the following program?

E = [14, 15, 17]

for e in E:
    e -= 1


7 - Conditionals Basics

What is printed by the following program?

x = 2

if x > 2:
    print('x is greater than 2')

8 - Conditionals Basics

What is printed by the following program?

x = 4

if (x % 5) == 0:
    print('x is a multiple of 5')
    print('x is not a multiple of 5')

9 - Conditionals Basics

What is printed by the following program?

y = 'optimization'

if len(y) > 7:
    print('the string is long')
elif len(y) == 1:
    print('the string is a character')
    print('the string is short')

10 - Nesting Conditionals

What is printed by the following program?

year = 2018

if year < 2023:
    print('in the past')
    if year > 2000:
        print('this century')
        print('last century')
    print('in the future')

How would the output change if line 1 read year = 2000 ? How would the output change if line 1 read year = 2045 ?

11 - Conditionals and Loops

What is printed by the following program? If there an error, simply identify that there is an error.

some_values = [1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -11, 12]

for s in some_values:
    if s > 0:
        print(s, end = " ")

12 - Conditionals and Loops

What is printed by the following program? If there an error, simply identify that there is an error.

some_values = [1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -11, 12]

for s in some_values:
    if s > 0:
        print(s, end = " ")
        print(s * -1, end=" ")

13 - Conditionals and Loops

What is printed by the following program? If there an error, simply identify that there is an error.

some_values = [3, 6, -2, 3, 0, -3]

for s in some_values:
    if s > 0:
        print(12/s, end = " ")
    elif s < 0:
        print(-12/s, end=" ")

14 - Conditionals and Loops

What is printed by the following program? If there an error, simply identify that there is an error.

some_values = [3, 6, -2, 3, 0, -3]

for s in some_values:
    if s > 0:
        print(12/s, end = " ")
        print(-12/s, end=" ")

15 - Conditionals and Loops

What is printed by the following program? If there an error, simply identify that there is an error.

some_values = [3, 6, -2, 3, 0, -3]

for s in some_values:
    if s > 0: