Submitting Work

Important: The submission requirements are stringent . You MUST name folders and files exactly as described.

In particular: be careful to avoid spaces where they shouldn’t be spaces, and to use lowercase when asked.

For example, if the problem specifies

Your programs must do what’s asked, no less no more. Be careful to implement exactly what is asked.

If you’ve forgotten how to make folders, zip files etc, now may be a good time to review basic computer skills.

Avoid Accidentally Erasing Your Work

Many code editors have a ‘feature’ to save your program when you run your program.

Consider the case where you write a program, get it running, and save it for submission. Afterwards, you edit code in the same window for a different program. When you hit run in that window, you might be overwriting your old program!

To avoid this problem, always save a program with the name you want it to have before you start working on it.

Folder Structure On Your Computer

For the overall class you should have a folder named csci1012 on your computer:

  • You can create one such folder on your Desktop, but you could also place this inside some other folder.
  • Notice: it’s all lowercase, with no spaces.

In the csci1012 folder, you will create a folder for each module and problem set.

You should name your folders with the following rules:

  • There will be 5 problem sets, so you will ultimately have folders called problem_set0, problem_set1, problem_set2, problem_set3, and problem_set4 inside your csci1012 folder.

  • For each module folder you must name the module folder according to these rules:

    • For your Module 0.0 work, name that module’s folder module0.0.
    • For your Module 0.1 work, name that module’s folder module0.1.
    • And so on.

Looking inside your csci1012 folder, we’d expect to see 15 module sub-folders called module0.0, module0.1, etc., and five problem set sub-folders, called problem_set0, problem_set1, etc.

  • Inside of each folder will be the .py files for the programs you write.

  • The programs for module exercises aren’t graded, but it’s okay for you to leave them in the folder when you submit.

Correct Location and Naming of Files Within Folders

Every module and every assignment will feature multiple files. All files will be Python programs. The names of these will end in .py. For example:

Another example: in Module 0.2 you might be instructed to create files and These need to be saved in your module0.2 folder when using your code editor.

Making a zip File to Submit

When you zip your files when preparing to submit them, you must zip only the files for the current module and you must name the zip file for the corresponding folder.

The easy way to do this is to zip the folder containing the files. For example, for Module 0.1, you must zip the module0.1 folder. When it’s time to submit, you will upload this zip file (example: ) into the appropriate place on Blackboard.