Poorvi L. Vora - Research in Color Image Processing |
Many of my research results influence the design and calibration of image capture devices, such as scanners and digital cameras.
The first measure of a set of color filters (as opposed to individual color filters), which later came to be known as the Vora value. was proposed in [5,12,13], and was applied to filter design in [4,11]. A sensitivity analysis of the measure was performed in [3] and [3,4] used to fabricate filters in [11]. A digital camera simulator and procedures for calibrating color cameras were described in [2,8,9,14,15]. The importance of orthogonality in color recording filters was described in [1], and [8] used the results of [1] to explain why second generation digital cameras that used CMYG (complementary) filters produced far worse image quality than first generation cameras which used RGB (primary) filters. Orthogonality was one of the criteria used to compare filters in [6].
The work on measure, design and sensitivity formed my doctoral dissertation [17], was partially supported by Eastman Kodak, and was performed in collaboration with my adviser, H. Joel Trussell. The experimental work applying these ideas was done in collaboration with Larry Iwan. The work on digital camera simulation was performed at Hewlett-Packard Labs., in close collaboration with David H. Brainard (then of UCSB, now at Penn) and my then manager, Joyce E. Farrell. The work on orthogonality was single-author work, while applications involved collaborations with Cormac Herley, Richard L. Baer, William D. Holland and Jack Holm. |
- Journal Publications
- Poorvi L. Vora. Inner products and orthogonality in colour recording
filter design. IEEE Trans. Image Proc , vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 632-642,
Apr. 20012
- Poorvi L. Vora, Joyce E. Farrell, Jerome D. Tietz,
David H. Brainard. Image Capture: Simulation of Sensor Responses from
Hyperspectral Images.
IEEE Trans. Image Proc , vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 307-316,
Feb. 20013
- Poorvi L. Vora and H. Joel Trussell.
Mathematical Methods for the Analysis of Color Scanning Filters
IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 321-327,
Feb. 1997.
- Poorvi L. Vora and H. Joel Trussell.
Mathematical Methods for the Design of Color Scanning Filters
IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 312-320,
Feb. 1997.
- Poorvi L. Vora and H. Joel Trussell. Measure of goodness of a set of color scanning filters.
Journal of the Optical Society of America-A,
vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1499-1508, July 1993.
- Conference Publications
- Richard L. Baer, William D. Holland, Jack Holm,
Poorvi Vora. A Comparison of Primary and Complementary
Color Filters for CCD-based Digital Photography.
Proceedings, IS\&T/SPIE Conference on
Sensors, Cameras, and Applications for Digital Photography, San
Jose, CA, 27 January 1999, vol. 3650, pp. 16-25.
- Poorvi L. Vora and Cormac E. Herley. Trade-offs
between color saturation and noise sensitivity in image
sensors. Proc. of the Int. Conf. Image Proc., Chicago, Oct. 1998.
- Poorvi L. Vora, Joyce E. Farrell, Jerome D. Tietz,
David H. Brainard. Linear models for digital cameras. Proceedings,
IS&T's 50th Annual Conference, 18-23 May 1997, Cambridge, Massachsetts,
pp. 377-382.
- Poorvi L. Vora, Michael L. Harville, Joyce E. Farrell,
Jerome D. Tietz, David H. Brainard. Image capture: synthesis of
sensor responses from multispectral images. Proceedings, SPIE and
IS&T conference on Color Imaging: Device-Independent Color, Color Hard Copy,
and Graphic Arts II, vol. 3018, pp. 2-11, 1997.
- Poorvi L. Vora, H. Joel Trussell and Lawrence Iwan,
Design Results for a Set of Thin Film
Color Scanning Filters, IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic
Imaging, Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, 6-10 Feb. 1995.
- Poorvi L. Vora, H. Joel Trussell and Lawrence Iwan,
A Mathematical Method for the Design
of Color Scanning Filters, IS&T/SPIE Symposium on
Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology, San Jose, CA,
31 Jan - 5 Feb. 1993.
- H. Joel Trussell and Poorvi L. Vora. On the Accuracy of
Scanning Color Images. International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 3,
pp. 161-164, 1992.
- Poorvi L. Vora and H. Joel Trussell,
Measures of Goodness of a Set of Color
Scanning Filters, Proc. SPIE and IS&T Conference on Color
Hard Copy and Graphic Arts, vol. 1670, pp. 344-351 Feb. 11-Feb.
14, 1992.
- Technical Reports (other than those listed in footnotes to
journal papers)
- Poorvi L. Vora, Joyce E. Farrell, Jerome D. Tietz, David H. Brainard>,
Digital color cameras - 1 - Response Models,
Hewlett-Packard Technical Report, HPL-97-53, March 1997.
- Poorvi L. Vora, Joyce E. Farrell, Jerome D. Tietz, David H. Brainard,
"Digital color cameras - 2 - Spectral Response",
Hewlett-Packard Technical Report, HPL-97-54, March 1997.
Dissertation (scanned pdf, I no longer have the TeX source). Chapter 1 (including table of contents and abstract), Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6,
1 Available in pre-reviewed form as Hewlett-Packard Technical
Report, HPL-98-189, November 1998.
2Available in pre-reviewed form as Hewlett-Packard Technical
Report, HPL-98-187, November 1998.