The Contributions of Research
Research into programs and policies that can
successfully broaden participation in STEM fields
shares many of the strengths and weaknesses of the
programmatic initiatives directed at the problem.
Research has produced much useful information about
the design and operation of educational and
workplace programs. Yet too often the research
findings are poorly integrated into the assessment
of existing programs or the development of new ones.
Lessons Learned from Prior Research Research into the practices and cultures of
educational institutions and the workplace can
benefit all groups, not just those groups
under-represented in STEM fields. As one participant
noted, “Underserved groups are like canaries in the
coal mine – if an educational institution or
workplace has a ‘toxic’ environment, women, persons
with disabilities, and under-represented minorities
will be the first to suffer.” Research into
institutional and interpersonal environments can
identify components of a healthy STEM culture and
elucidate the characteristics and practices of
successful departments, research groups, advisors,
and employers.
A wide range of research approaches will be
necessary for addressing the many aspects of STEM
workforce problems. A necessary component of any
program is a robust assessment process to provide
feedback on the effectiveness of programs as they
are being implemented. Formative assessments that
focused on processes can help programs identify what
is working and what is not working and can provide
feedback that programs can apply in real time.
Summative assessments focused on outcomes and
products can provide valuable lessons for
policymakers, leaders and administrators of other
projects. As in the discussion of successful
programs, several issues arose repeatedly in
discussions of research needs.
The Potential Contributions of the Social Sciences:
Many workshop participants pointed toward the value
of the social sciences in not only evaluating
programs and policies, but also in developing new
initiatives. Social scientists are rarely involved
in the design or evaluation of programs for
increasing participation in the STEM workforce, even
though there is a clear need to bring their insights
and expertise to bear. Furthermore, the social
sciences need to be seen as an integral part of the
research enterprise, with similar needs for a
diverse and well-trained workforce and with special
expertise about the best ways to meet those needs
(Levine, Abler, and Rosich, 2004).
For example, social scientists can help identify and
address factors that appear to pose barriers to
participation in STEM fields, such as institutional
and departmental attitudes toward women, persons
with disabilities, and under-represented minorities.
They can investigate the tensions between meeting
community needs in places such as American Indian
reservations and training individuals who may leave
their communities and thereby reduce the resources
available to those communities. They can function as
“institutional anthropologists” in examining the
social context and organizational arrangement of an
educational institution or workplace. They can
investigate topics in which little work has
previously been conducted — such as the distinct
barriers to participation in STEM fields by people
with disabilities.
By bridging STEM disciplines, social scientists
create an additional pool of qualified individuals
to increase the recruitment and retention of more
U.S. citizens and especially women and minorities
into the STEM workforce. In addition to social
scientists, researchers from business schools who
study management and organizations can provide
valuable insight into institutional change and
organizational behavior.
The Importance of Disaggregated Data: Current data
often are not collected or presented in enough
detail to understand issues and trends for specific
groups. Although women, minorities, and people with
disabilities share under-representation, the factors
causing that under representation may differ from
one group to another as well as from one discipline
to another. As one participant quipped, “the
assumption becomes that all women are white, and all
minorities are men.” Data need to be disaggregated
by race, gender, disability, field, sector, academic
degree, and other characteristics, workshop
participants said. Potential similarities among
underserved group, such as isolation, tokenism, and
undervaluation, need to be investigated, as do
potential differences, such as self-confidence,
academic experiences, and attrition. Effective
solutions then can be tailored to serve the needs of
each group.
A significant problem with data disaggregation is
that group sizes become too small to analyze
effectively or even to discuss, given privacy
concerns. Innovative methodological solutions need
to be devised to deal with this problem.
Longitudinal surveys, case studies, and working with
specific individuals all offer possible solutions to
small cell sizes. Existing disaggregated data
already point toward intriguing results. For
example, within the social sciences, sociology has
significantly more African American, Hispanic, and
women participants than does economics; also in
economics a disproportionate number of doctorates
are awarded to non-U.S. citizens (Commission on
Professionals in Science and Technology, 2000). In
general, group experiences by field offer many
fruitful research questions — for example, why women
are more likely to study the biological sciences
than the physical sciences, and whether all Asians –
or only Asian men — are disproportionately
represented in some fields (National Science
Foundation, 2002; Xie and Shauman, 2003). Similarly
it is imperative that more research is done to
examine how different disabilities are dealt with in
the work place. There remains a major gap in our
understanding of the impact and accommodations
needed for various types of disabilities if persons
with disabilities are going to enjoy full
participation in the STEM workforce. Researchers
need to examine what we know so far and what we need
to know about various types of disabilities. Some
workshop participants called for more research on
persons with non-physical disabilities. We continue
to know little about how or if the workplace
accommodates workers with disabilities associated
with aging. This is an area where new research tools
and techniques are needed to allow sufficient
disaggregation of data to produce meaningful results
specific to particular types of disabilities, while
at the same time protecting the confidentiality of
individuals involved in the studies.
Strategic Research Areas and Integrated Funding
Workshop participants identified several features of
a more integrated and comprehensive approach to
research on the factors that contribute to the
choice of a STEM career. The research areas
articulated below need to be carried out at both the
institutional and individual levels. In addition new
methodological approaches and tools need to be
developed to facilitate this research.
Research on the beliefs and actions of gatekeepers:
The beliefs, attitudes, and practices of faculty and
administrative gatekeepers at all levels of
education and employment are a critical factor in
attracting and retaining STEM students and
employees. Similarly, experimental modeling of
hypothesized mechanisms for change, collaboration,
and negotiation could stimulate the greater
participation of under-represented groups in the
STEM workforce.
Research on the “culture of science”: A key
challenge for attracting people to STEM careers in
future years will be improving educational and
working conditions in these fields. Long hours, the
scarcity of funding for younger investigators in
many fields, for women the tension between the
biological and tenure clocks, and a lack of
rewarding work for graduate and postdoctoral
researchers are among many barriers in academe and
industry that may discourage participation in STEM
careers. An important question to examine is why
such factors seem have greater impact on STEM than
other professional careers, such as law and medicine
(Teitelbaum, 2001). An often-cited problem is the
existing practice of science based upon a
traditional, male-oriented model that presumes the
ability of the researcher to be totally devoted to
the scientific endeavor due to a helpmate in the
background taking care of children and family
concerns. This model no longer works within the
current culture of dual career couples who now often
share childcare and family responsibilities equally
and may deter both men and women from participating
in STEM careers. Further understanding of how the
structure of institutions and organizations and the
practice of science can influence career choice
could provide insight into recruiting and retaining
a diverse STEM workforce.
Research on individual choices: Investigations of
the social and psychological factors contributing to
individual choices can reveal factors that appear to
pull or push students or employees into or away from
STEM fields. Examples include personal and
professional self-image, family or community
expectations, and existing or apparent tradeoffs
between a STEM career and family obligations.
Research on different levels of workforce
development: Attention should be focused not just on
the participants in the STEM educational and career
pathways but on the system within which people
operate. In this way, research can emphasize the
connections among policies, practices, and people in
educational institutions and the workplace. Such
research also can examine the important issues of
sustainability and scalability.
Research on career patterns and experiences of
under-represented minorities and women:
Longitudinal, survey, and case study data need to be
gathered to determine whether certain career
patterns and experiences exist that marginalize
these groups and prevent their progress in STEM
fields. In particular, data about the
under-representation of minorities and women in all
STEM fields at top tier research universities need
to be gathered to determine the causes behind this
under-representation and to suggest remedies.
Research on leadership: Practices in such areas as
recruitment, retention, recognition, and promotion
can heavily influence advancement to positions of
scientific and administrative influence, and this
can be an important focus for research on STEM
program outcomes.
Research using existing databases: The databases of
individual programs should be designed for both
research and administrative purposes. Historical
data should be preserved for future study rather
than being discarded. Ways of funding the creation,
preservation and maintenance of these databases must
be included in programs.
Evaluation Methodologies and Metrics to Assess
Success: While participants were unable to devote
much time to the issue of evaluation methodologies
and metrics, these issues were referenced in several
contexts, most notably exemplary programs.
Participants pointed out that only recently has
program evaluation received the attention that it
deserves. Much of the early federal funding of
programs did not include budgetary support for
evaluation. Consequently, evidence of program
effectiveness was elusive. Although there is more
awareness of and inclusion of evaluative components
in programs, funding still lags. Many participants
called for more funding support for evaluation
research (especially involving cultural competency)
and for training evaluation researchers,
particularly from underrepresented groups.