Concern about the adequacy of the nation's STEM workforce has risen
to the top of many federal and corporate agendas. To some extent,
career paths are enormously idiosyncratic shaped by serendipity. Any
attempt by policymakers to influence the social system of science,
must involve identifying key areas of possible intervention. Issues
regarding the development of the STEM workforce are complex. Among
these issues are the factors students take into account as they
consider alternative careers, the overall health of the economy, and
the political process of allocating public funds for STEM fields and
training. Given this complexity, progress in assessing adequacy and
in developing the talent among underrepresented groups will require
contributions from a wide array of disciplines. The federal
government recognizes this and subsequently established an
inter-directorate working group to examine its investments in
programs and research on developing human resources for the STEM
workforce. The Workforce for the 21st Century priority area seeks to
identify potential new programs that will create easily navigable
pathways to STEM careers by attracting more U.S. students and
broadening participation in STEM fields to prepare a STEM workforce
capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century.
The Pathways to STEM Careers workshop held at NSF in October,
2003 provided an opportunity for the relevant communities to explore
the extent to which the existing knowledge base on STEM workforce
issues can inform the creation of such pathways. The primary purpose
of the workshop was to critically examine the goals of the Workforce
for the 21st Century priority area. The workshop provided an
opportunity for the relevant communities to explore the existing
knowledge base on the STEM workforce. It is recognized that many
institutions and alliances of institutions have implemented
activities that serve as elements of pathways to STEM careers. To
highlight this issue, a special emphasis was placed on examining
integrative institutional collaborations. At the same time, it
identified topics for research on the STEM workforce that have the
potential to inform the design of such collaborations and pathways
or answer questions about their effectiveness. In particular, the
workshop focused on the future, using extant knowledge of past and
present efforts to achieve the priority area's goals to provide new
Workshop Goals:
The major goals of the workshop were: 1) Review and discuss existing research findings and programs related
to workforce issues. 2) Discuss actions needed to broaden participation in the STEM
workforce. 3) Identify strategic research areas and education funding
priorities that will result in a rich and diverse STEM workforce strengthened by broader participation of U.S. citizens.
4) Identify evaluation methodologies, criteria and metrics to
measure the success of future programs. 5) Identify and propose strategies and funding mechanisms that will
propel more underrepresented group members in STEM leadership