The continuing lack of full and diverse
participation of all citizens in the science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
workforce threatens the economic strength, national
security, and well-being of U.S.citizens.The
under-representation of certain groups also raises
serious issues of social justice and lack of
opportunity in a society that professes to be
egalitarian and democratic. As groups
under-represented in the STEM workforce become an
increasingly larger part of the U.S.population, the
vitality of the STEM workforce may further decline
unless action is taken to broaden participation of
all parts of our society. Educational and career
paths are idiosyncratic and difficult to predict,
but a variety of projects and policies have proven
effective in increasing the diversity of individuals
pursuing STEM careers. However, many of these
programs and policies have remained marginal to the
core activities of institutions; many have not been
institutionalized due to reliance on external
funding sources; and many programs have been
conducted in a piecemeal fashion without links to
other programs or evaluation that can guide future
activities. Research on the pathways and training
leading to STEM careers and on the workplace
environment has already produced valuable findings
about how to increase access to these fields for all
U.S. citizens. Yet too often these research findings
have not been widely disseminated or fully
integrated into assessments of current programs or
the development of new ones. In addition, important
research questions have gone unanswered because of
inadequate integration across programs and a lack of
support for such research. The current piecemeal
approach to the development of the STEM workforce
must be unified so that individual efforts
contribute to the whole and exert beneficial effects
on the entire educational and workforce system. When
individual students travel along the various
pathways toward the ultimate goal of joining the
STEM workforce, there must be transition mechanisms
in place so that they do not get lost along the way.
Federal agencies and other funding organizations
must implement program principles designed to
increase the full and diverse participation of all
citizens in STEM fields. Programs include research,
implementation, education and other funded
activities. The following seven program principles
are recommendations from the workshop:
1 Focus on diversity in STEM
leadership and faculty development.
2 Focus on integrative initiatives across
multiple programs and to include multiple
organizations, such as professional societies
and private industry.
3 Focus on identifying and strengthening
transition points along STEM pathways.
4 Focus on centers of excellence that address
multiple aspects of STEM pathways.
5 Focus on developing assessment methodologies
and metrics to measure success.
6 Focus on long-term sustainability of
successful programs.
7 Focus on national dissemination of results
from exemplary programs.
The goal of the principles is to
guide integration of existing and future programs
and initiatives into an overall system that
attracts, retains, and enhances the experiences of
all individuals who are preparing for and engaged in
STEM careers. The challenge for funding agencies
will be to use the program principles to call
attention to capacity building throughout the entire
scientific and engineering enterprise. The
principles will enable them to provide a more
focused and uniform set of guidelines in new program
solicitations to insure the development of a broader
talent pool over time. This will require federal
agencies that are engaged with all educational
levels and across all fields of scientific research
to serve as catalysts for transforming the
scientific enterprise by engaging new partners in
academe, government, and industry. These
partnerships, must work collaboratively across
disciplines to meet the challenge of developing a
competitive and diverse domestic workforce that is
truly representative of the U.S.population base.
It became clear that some groups will need more
resources and support than others all along the
multiple STEM pathways in order to enjoy full
participation in the workforce of the future. The
workshop strongly recommends that policy makers
encourage the development of a network of pathways
that allows students from diverse backgrounds to
achieve success in a range of roles, such as
researcher, educator, evaluator, industry leader, or
Realizing the capability of all its citizens
requires that the nation ’s policy makers view the
development of human resources as inseparable from
the goal of expanding the research frontier.
Developing people to their full intellectual
potential and developing a vibrant science and
engineering enterprise should be seen as a
synergistic, two-way relationship, with both aspects
being of equal importance and dependent upon each
other for success.