An Action Plan
The most important theme emerging from the workshop
was the need for a unified approach to achieving
STEM workforce diversity. “Now is a time for
integration, to make the whole greater than the
parts,” said one workshop participant. “We must work
together to enlist and engage the next generation of
scientists and engineers and prepare them for
careers.” A valuable step for federal agencies is to
provide leadership in implementing program
principles designed to increase the diversity of
those involved in STEM fields, where programs
include research, implementation, education and
other funded activities. A set of seven program
principles emerged from the workshop sessions. In
addition to the specific disciplinary focus of
research programs, all programs should include one
or more of the following workforce development
1 Focus on diversity in STEM leadership and faculty
2 Focus on integrative initiatives across multiple
programs and to include multiple organizations, such
as professional societies and private industry.
3 Focus on identifying and strengthening transition
points along STEM pathways.
4 Focus on centers of excellence that address
multiple aspects of STEM pathways.
5 Focus on development of assessment methodologies
and metrics to measure success.
6 Focus on long-term sustainability of successful
7 Focus on national dissemination of results from
exemplary programs.
Strategies and Funding Mechanisms to Foster
Leadership and Integrative Action
To attract, retain, and enhance the experiences of
those individuals who will constitute the STEM
workforce of the 21st century, existing and future
workforce programs and initiatives must be part of a
comprehensive, integrated system. The current
piecemeal approach to the problem must be
consolidated and coordinated so that individual
efforts contribute to the success of other efforts
and exert beneficial influence on the entire
research and educational enterprise. As one
presenter said, “We need to embed diversity in
everything we do.” No one model program can
guarantee success, just as no one research program
will produce the lessons needed to solve all
problems. There must be vertical linkages" across
programs that range from pre-kindergarten through
pre college education through undergraduate and
graduate education into a career, with bridges
across current divides. And there must be horizontal
linkages among research, policy, and practice so
that programs become part of the educational and
workforce culture, not incidental and temporary
add-ons to existing efforts. Above all, program
leaders and researchers have a moral imperative to
work together to address this issue.
Institutional Partnerships
More and stronger partnerships among all of the
institutions involved in the preparation and
employment of the STEM workforce are essential in
forging an integrated and comprehensive system.
There needs to be greater connections among
educational institutions, businesses, nonprofit
organizations, and professional societies to
accelerate progress and fill gaps where expertise is
missing. In addition, many institutions, such as
churches, civic associations, or even sororities and
fraternities, which are often overlooked, can play
valuable roles. Partnerships must include community
colleges, where a significant pool of African
American, Hispanic, women, first-generation, and
older students begin their college careers. Pathways
from community colleges into four-year colleges and
beyond can be a powerful means to increase the
recruitment and retention of under-represented
groups. In addition, professional societies of
scientists and engineers from under-represented
groups have proven that they can have a significant
influence on choices about STEM careers.
Partnerships among institutions and within
institutions can create pathways into STEM careers
that have been underused in the past. “It’s
important to look outside of standard source pools
and consider not only demonstrated skills but
potential,” said one workshop participant. “We need
to think beyond current models, by recruiting from
other [non STEM] undergraduate majors, for example.”
Within institutions, efforts should be facilitated
to create and maintain synergies among STEM programs
at different levels (e.g., viewing programs that
target underrepresented groups as sources from which
to recruit.) Partnerships are an important mechanism
for fostering the development of leaders and program
champions, who often rise to the fore when
confronted with the challenges of meshing different
cultures. By providing support for women, persons
with disabilities, and under-represented minority
groups, federally supported programs can help grow
Leaders from within these communities.
Instituting Incentives through Research
Change within individual institutions and across
institutions requires that success be tied to reward
systems. Federal agencies and other funding agencies
should use all the mechanisms and partners at their
disposal to effect change. First and foremost, they
must use the grants they award as a policy tool, and
the projects they support should be seen as
interventions for the achievement of explicit
outcomes. “There are not good mechanisms for
accountability at institutions that receive federal
funding,” said a participant summarizing a workshop
breakout session.”“Funders should look at
institutions that have a good track record for
improving diversity and fund them more, and look at
institutions that don’t do as well and develop
mechanisms for improvement.” Several other proposals
for change were discussed at the workshop. Federal
agencies and other funders could fund the
development of an online inventory of past
educational and research programs that includes
available information about program characteristics
and assessment metrics for success. They could
establish an award program recognizing leadership in
the support of diversity in preparing the STEM
workforce, just as there are now award programs for
outstanding teaching and mentoring. They could
provide support to convene annual workshops and
conferences at federally supported centers to raise
awareness of STEM workforce issues and to provide
opportunities for practitioners and leaders in STEM
fields to share ideas and methods for increasing
One idea that was discussed extensively was for
federal funders to create regional or national
alliances of educational and research programs
focused on broadening participation in the STEM
workforce. Such alliances could create new pathways
to successful STEM careers, with specific metrics
and indicators of success. The alliances could have
goals for five, ten, and fifteen years, with
provisions to scale up those parts of the effort
that prove most successful. The overall goal of the
initiative would be to create alliances that are an
integral part of the educational system so that
programs become self-sustaining. At the same time,
federal agencies and private foundations need to be
willing to fund programs that take risks by trying
new approaches. Funders should be visible advocates
of these programs and create institutional
environments conducive to their success. As one
participant said, “We need to be innovative and
eclectic. It’s an experiment to develop human
talent, and experiments may not always be
replicable.” Funders must determine how to optimize
the return on their investment and how to leverage
their higher education constituency to create
lasting change. They must take actions that are
“risky, novel, and bold,” as one presenter said.
Using Program Principles for Capacity Building
The challenge for funding agencies will be to use
the seven program principles delineated in this
report to call attention to capacity building
throughout the entire scientific and engineering
enterprise. The principles will enable them to
provide a more focused and uniform set of guidelines
in new program solicitations to insure the
development of a broader talent pool over time.
Educational and research programs then would be
evaluated for funding and renewal based upon their
contributions to and alignment with these
principles. An effort to assess the outcomes of
programs around common principles will help
integrate these programs into a more unified system.
At the same time, we encourage all federal agencies
to work together to build a robust and diverse STEM
workforce. We recommend that federal agencies In
particular, NSF, NASA, the National Institutes of
Health, Department of Energy, and U.S. Department of
Education, need to share information about research
and solutions and develop policies and procedures
for discussing STEM issues at all levels of
education and in the workplace. Partnerships with
government agencies could yield significant
benefits, such as in the case of the Department of
Defense, which has both great resources and great
need for STEM employees.
The task ahead is formidable. It will require
federal agencies to serve as catalysts for
transforming the research enterprise by engaging new
partners in academe, government, and industry – and
through these partnerships, work collaboratively
across disciplines to meet the challenge of
developing a competitive and diverse domestic
workforce that is truly representative of the U.S.
population base. Where possible, federal agencies
and private foundations should take leadership roles
in fostering synergies across programs, particularly
when there are several funded projects from the same
funding source or from multiple funding sources at a
given institution. The ultimate goal is for the
entire federal portfolio of activities to be
coordinated with respect to workforce development so
that a robust pipeline with multiple entry and exit
points is created to provide numerous educational
and career opportunities for a diverse set of people
across the science and engineering enterprise.