Unit 1: Index of Module Sections


Module 0: A first look at lists
0.0    An example of a list    (Exercises and media: 0.1-0.5)
0.1    More list examples    (0.6-0.10)
0.2    A strange thing with lists    (0.11-0.13)
0.3    Different ways of iterating through a list    (0.14-0.16)
0.4    Working with multiple lists    (0.17-0.19)
0.5    Moving elements around in a list    (0.20-0.22)
0.6    Lists of strings, characters, or real numbers    (0.23)
0.7    A different version of print    (0.24)
0.8    Random selection of elements from a list    (0.25-0.28)
0.9    Some math via programming    (0.29-0.34)
0.10    Mathematical art    (0.35)
0.11    When things go wrong    (0.36-0.38)
0.12    Meta   

Module 1: Conditionals
1.0    A simple example    (1.1-1.2)
1.1    if-else    (1.3)
1.2    if-elif-else    (1.4-1.7)
1.3    Nested conditionals    (1.8-1.10)
1.4    Combining conditions    (1.11-1.17)
1.5    Conditionals and loops    (1.18-1.19)
1.6    Conditionals and lists    (1.20-1.24)
1.7    More examples with lists    (1.25-1.27)
1.8    Some stats via programming    (1.28-1.34)
1.9    Algorithmic art    (1.35-1.36)
1.10    When things go wrong    (1.37-1.41)

Module 2: Functions
2.0    Wait, stop!    (2.1)
2.1    A simple example    (2.2-2.6)
2.2    Multiple parameters    (2.7-2.8)
2.3    Return values    (2.9-2.12)
2.4    Multiple returns in a function    (2.13-2.16)
2.5    Parameter and argument names   
2.6    What can you do with parameter variables?    (2.17)
2.7    Functions and lists    (2.18-2.24)
2.8    returns that don't return anything    (2.25)
2.9    A fundamental difference between list and basic parameters    (2.26-2.32)
2.10    Calling functions from functions    (2.33-2.34)
2.11    More stats via programming    (2.35-2.39)
2.12    A function that calls itself    (2.40-2.41)
2.13    Incribed geometric figures as art    (2.42)
2.14    When things go wrong    (2.43-2.46)

Module 3: Booleans, strings, built-in functions, types
3.0    Boolean variables: two examples    (3.1-3.3)
3.1    Combining Boolean operators    (3.4-3.7)
3.2    Using a Boolean variable    (3.8-3.14)
3.3    Returning a True/False value    (3.15-3.17)
3.4    New topic: strings and slicing    (3.18-3.20)
3.5    Using slicing to solve a problem    (3.21-3.23)
3.6    Built-in string functions in Python    (3.24-3.26)
3.7    The concept of type    (3.27-3.28)
3.8    A text application    (3.29-3.32)
3.9    When things go wrong    (3.33-3.35)

Module 4: Assorted topics: while-loops, I/O
4.0    While loops: an example    (4.1-4.5)
4.1    While loops: an example with floating point variables    (4.6-4.9)
4.2    for vs. while    (4.10-4.13)
4.3    Using break in loops    (4.14-4.18)
4.4    Loops within loops    (4.19-4.22)
4.5    More stats via programming    (4.23-4.26)
4.6    New topic: reading from a file    (4.27-4.31)
4.7    Extracting multiple data from each line    (4.32-4.33)
4.8    While-loops when files are large    (4.34)
4.9    Random walks and art    (4.35-4.37)
4.10    When things go wrong    (4.38-4.41)

Module 5: Review
5.0    Variables   
5.1    How to read and mentally execute programs    (5.1-5.7)
5.2    Functions without parameters    (5.8-5.9)
5.3    Functions with parameters    (5.10)
5.4    Functions that return values    (5.11)
5.5    Lists are different    (5.12-5.14)
5.6    Why are functions useful?    (5.15)

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© 2020, Rahul Simha