Final Report
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What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity?

While the accuracy of predictions of under- or over-production of STEM talent is debatable, there is strong consensus that there are serious shortages of STEM talent from underrepresented groups, such as women, persons with disabilities, African Americans, Latinos and American Indians (Colwell, 2002; CEOSE, 2002; Leggon and Malcom, 1994). There is growing consensus regardless of political perspectives that failure to utilize these talent pools imposes potential costs to the STEM workforce as well as society (Martin & Heller, 1994; Wilson, p. xiii; Mervis, 2003; Pearson and Fechter, 1994; NSB, 2002; NSF 2002).

For a number of decades, issues of adequacy and equity have been key components of the human resource policy agenda. These issues are compelling for STEM talent.

Concerns about possible STEM talent shortages morphed into concerns about over producing. The debate largely focused on the validity of projected shortages of STEM talent but with little regard for the issue of composition-the ability of the current system to diversify its talent pool. Regardless of the state of the labor market, diversity of the STEM talent pool is a significant issue. A combination of demographic transitions and declines in student interest in STEM careers continue to fueled the concern about the future of STEM talent (Pearson and Fechter, 1994; Colwell, 2002).

There is general agreement that pre-college training for prospective scientists and engineers needs to be improved, especially for underrepresented racial/ethnic groups. Recent enrollment figures raise concerns about shifts in the composition of the STEM workforce being trained by U.S. universities. Data from the NSF confirm a significant increase in the presence of foreigners in U.S. graduate schools (NSF, 2002: Finn, 2001).

Recent changes in visa policies and procedures following the events of September 11, 2001 may negatively impact the presence of foreign graduate students. However, these changes may, in turn, provide increased opportunities for domestic students (Mervis, 2003). The impact of foreign students and workers in STEM educational programs and careers is an important issue to be addressed by this workshop.

The significant increase in the number of STEM bachelor's degrees awarded to traditionally underrepresented groups has not resulted in a corresponding increase at the graduate level. It is easiest to identify activities with demonstrable increases in numbers - for example increases in the number of students from underrepresented groups obtaining degrees. We are less able to address issues of quality--for example, whether such students are competitive in graduate school and the workforce. Anticipated future needs for strengthening and diversifying the scientific and technical workforce and leadership in the United States strongly suggest reexamining the manner in which human resources are developed. The goals of the 21st Century Workforce priority area are critical in fostering programs and policies that provide vertical linkages and bridge programs along STEM pathways. The overall goal is to create continuous pathways from k-12 through undergraduate school, graduate school, postdoctoral appointments and on to STEM careers (NRC, 1998; CEOSE, 2002).

The workshop will explore new strategies to enhance the participation of women, persons with disabilities, African Americans, Latinos, and American Indians in both the leadership and rank and file of the STEM workforce. Workshop participants will also identify model environments that produce a diverse array of scientists and engineers and discuss how to adapt these more widely. Just as the best science and engineering requires diversity of perspectives, the most meaningful recommendations from the workshop require diversity of participants (Dunbar, 1995). The organizers have made every effort to ensure that the participants will reflect both demographic and disciplinary diversity. 







Workshop funded by a grant (HRD-0338644) from the National Science Foundation.