CS 3410

Systems Programming

GWU Computer Science

System Setup

In past years, this course has adopted a relatively laissez-faire approach to individual student setups. We provided rough requirements, a few suggestions, and some particularly virtuous students volunteered to produce resources and help their peers get systems online.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the decision to conduct this course remotely, the instructional team has changed our stance around this in order to more effectively support a standardized student toolset.

This offers several key advantages:

You can still use your own editor and setup for the homeworks, but during class, these will be used. If you don't have a means to set these up, we've provided a default stack that essentially includes:

Note: students natively running Ubuntu 18 LTS as their host operating system do not require virtualization

Setup Instructions

Feedback Welcome

Given that this is new terrain for the instructional team, as you setup and use this environment, please keep notes on anywhere you struggled and consider making pull requests with fixes or improvements.