Continental Breakfast NSF Room 110 Foyer
Plenary Session: Moderator: Gus Roig, Florida
International University
Welcome and Purpose
(Dianne Martin, The George Washington University)
Introduction of
Speaker (Willie Pearson, Jr., Georgia Institute of Technology)
9:20 Opening Address
Dr. Joseph Bordogna
(Deputy Director and CCO)
National Science Foundation
10:00 Q&A
10:30 Break NSF Room 110 Foyer
10:45 Plenary Session: Panel of Program Directors
Moderator: Paula
McClain, Duke University
Gary May,
Georgia Institute of Technology
Melvin Webb,
Clark/Atlanta University
John Handy,
Morehouse College
David Manderscheid,
University of Iowa
Rachelle Heller, The George Washington
University Slide Show
Stan Hill, Winston-Salem
Forsyth Co. Schools
Noon Q&A
Buffet Lunch NSF Room 110 Foyer
Break Out Session 1: Focus on
Successful Programs
Facilitators: Reporters:
1) Room 770: Melissa Herman
Henry Frierson
Northwestern University University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
2) Room 805: Charles
Vela John Brown
Seltzer Group, LLC
3) Room 830:
Peter Henderson Diola Bagayoko
National research Council
Southern University, Baton Rouge
4) Room 110: Joan Esnayra
Michael Gaines
Research Council University of Miami(Florida)
2:45 Break NSF Room 110 Foyer
3:00 Plenary Session:
Report Back, NSF Room 110
Moderator: Norman Fortenberry,
National Academy of Engineering
4:15 Q&A
4:45 Day 1 Workshop
Evaluation / Plans for Day 2
Workshop Leaders: Pearson and Martin
5:00 Networking – Dinner
on Your Own