CS 1111

Introduction to Software Development

GWU Computer Science

Course Intro

Lab01: getting started with Java, using Ed and Blackboard

Variables, numerics types, and casting

Homework 1 -- numeric types

Decision making and conditionals

Homework 2 -- conditional statements

Share Point
Share Edge
Contains Center
First Loop
Mirror Image horizontal
Sum Neighbors plus
In Corner

Looping and 1D arrays

Homework 3 -- looping and 1D arrays

Remove Numbers
Remove Every Third
Add After Threes
Add Three to Odds
Add Adjacent Pairs
Sum Odds
Count Adjacent Sum to Ten
Sum Lists
Reverse Array
Check Same
Merge Sorted
Find Largest
Check Sublist
Reorganize Odd to Even

Nested loops and 2D arrays

Homework 4 -- Nested loops and 2D arrays

Count Sum to Ten
Min and Next Min
Sum Ten Beneath
Sum Ten Right
Create Grid Sums
Flatten Grid
Average Rows
Generate Pairs
Multiply Grids
Multiply Transpose
Check Sorted
Sort Array
Clean Array

Strings and characters

Homework 5 -- String exercises

Methods, scope, and encapsulation

Quiz5v1 --methods and scope
Quiz5v2 --methods and scope
Quiz5v3 --methods and scope

Classes and objects

Homework 6: classes and objects
Homework 7: writing your own classes

Data Structures

Homework 8: Data Structures


Project on Natural Language Processing