CSCI 1111

Introduction to Software Development, Spring 2024

GWU Computer Science

Project: Natural Language Processing

In this project, you will write a Java program that will analyze a dataset of tweets. There are two basic tasks that we'll accomplish:

  1. Finding the most common topics discussed
  2. Analyzing the sentences to detect sentiment (how positive or negative the sentence was)
You'll be working in teams of up to two students for this project, which is divided into several components that will be graded individually. Once a component has been graded, we will make available a solution for you to use in the next section of the project.

Unlike previous assignments in this class, this project is a lot more open-ended with fewer instructions: implementation details are left to the students. You may NOT use any outside resources (webpages, ChatGPT, LLMs, tutors, friends, YouTube, TikTok, etc) for this project -- doing so is an honor code violation! You may only use syntax we learned in this course this semester, except in cases below (like Part 1) where we explicitly encourage you to look up resources online (and you need to cite these). You may only work with your partner. You may NOT work with groups of other people in lab/office hours. TAs will only help one group at a time -- start your projects early and make use of Ed. You should never be looking at code that isn't yours or your partners. If you have any questions, please post to Ed. This project is a small, but realistic research project on a real-world dataset, and is meant to be fun and give you an idea of some of the interesting applications of the ability to program and process data.

Because so much of the implementation is left up to you to figure out, we are devoting class time this semester to work on the project together, as we're also looking forward to your questions on Ed!

While you're working on this project, remember to have FUN! If you're stuck on the same thing for 15 minutes without making any progress, please raise your hand in class or message us on Ed!

Part 1: Dataset download and setup (due Thurs 4/11 at 11:59pm)

The dataset we'll be using is a Twitter dataset automatically collected by researchers and made available through The original dataset is very large, so we suggest you use the shorter version we created (with only 10K entries), available as a pinned thread on Ed.

WARNING: the Twitter dataset was automatically collected by researchers using the TwitterAPI; as such, it has not been screened nor sanitized to remove potentionally offensive and/or objectionable material. We are not condoning nor endorsing any of the material in the dataset by using it in this project. If you have concerns about viewing this material, please speak to the professor immedaitely so we can arrange for an alternative assignment

Download the COVID-19 twitter dataset

The dataset can be downloaded from the pinned post on Ed.

Use a text editor or MSExcel to open the test dataset and take a look at the file format -- we will be extracting the tweet itself, the username, and the timestamp of the tweet for our analysis. Notice that the file is in a csv (comma separated variable) format.

Reading in the sentences from a file

Next, copy the code below into a file called, and add in code to open the csv you downloaded, read it in line by line, and add its contents to a StringBuffer object (which you can think of as a really long String!). We have given you some starter code for how to add something to this StringBuffer. Practice using Google to find a way to read in a file, line-by-line, using a while loop, and add each line to your StringBuffer. Make sure to cite the URL of the resource. As a warning, most likely the code to do this requires you using a try-catch block to handle exceptions; we haven't learned about this yet in class, so please feel free to post questions to Ed if you need help. If you get a compilation error around the code you use to open a file, make sure that you have a try-catch block around those lines. Finally, you'll want to add in a newline character each time you read in a line in order to pass the tests. You can compile and run this file to see if your code opened and ingested the input csv.

// you may need some imports here!

public class DriverPart1{
    public static StringBuffer readTwitterData(StringBuffer contents, String path){

        // you'll want to use the line below (after modifying it) inside
        // your while loop for each row of the dataset

        return contents;

    public static void main(String[] args){

        String path = "covid_10K.csv"; // fill in this line with the correct path

        // do not modify the lines below
        StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
        readTwitterData(contents, path);


Creating the SentencePart1 class

Next, let's write a class called SentencePart1 that has at least the following methods:

  1. public SentencePart1(String text, String author, String timestamp): a constructor that sets three fields
  2. public getters and setters getText, setText, getAuthor, setAuthor, getTimestamp, and setTimestamp, with argument and/or return types matching those passed in to the constructor.
  3. public String toString(): returns a human-legible string representation of the current object in the format {author:kinga, sentence:"Hello CSCI 1111!", timestamp:"May 11 2009"}

Save your class in a file called

Testing and submission

You can test your two files by running the file in the same directory. This will also tar up your solution for submission.

When you have finished, upload your Part1.tar solutions to the submitserver -- both group members should upload the solution. Please make sure to do this by the deadline (4/11 at 11:59pm). If you finish this project early in this lecture, move on to Part 2 below.

GRADING RUBRIC for Part 1: You can earn up to 18 points via passing test cases on the submitserver.

Part 2: Processing data into objects (due 4/18 at 11:59pm)

Processing sentences from the file

Make a copy of your file and save it as (and update the constructor). We'll need to write code that is able to extract the three pieces of data we want from each tweet: the tweet, the author, the timestamp of the tweet.

In order to processes the sentences from the file, add a method in called public static SentencePart2 convertLine(String line) that converts a line from the input file into a SentencePart2 object that it returns. This method should perform all the preprocessing necessary for the toString method to easily print out the three fields without any additional processing -- we describe the details below.

In your while loop that reads in a line of the csv, you'll need to write code to split the line by commas to extract the three desired pieces, store them in a SentencePart2, and add that sentence to your ArrayList. This code to process a line of the csv will be used by the convertLine method you'll write in a bit; you can scroll below to see how it is declared; here, we will explain what most of its content will look like.

For example, the second line of our input file is
0,61,4/19/2020 0:00,,makinwaoluwole,OGSG_Official,Nigeria,ogun state support cbn nirsal covid19 target credit facil tcf
and you should extract three pieces as:
April 19 2020
ogun state support cbn nirsal covid19 target credit facil tcf

There will always be eight pieces, separated by commas, in each input line. Some of these pieces can be empty (a string of length zero). There is an issue, however, when the line in the input file contains an entry with a comma inside of it, for example:
0,31,4/19/2020 0:00,,RJIshak,"GlblCtzn, priyankachopra",Jakarta Capital Region,call leader help protect refuge covid19 provid qualiti health care
Here, you cannot just use commas to split over the line because the term "GlblCtzn, priyankachopra" is not supposed to be broken up -- this is what the double quotes indicate. Instead, you will need to come up with an algorithm to handle these pieces that are surrounded by double quotes.

You'll also need to process the timestamp to retain just the month, day, and year. In other words, you'll need to convert 4/19/2020 0:00 to be April 19 2020. Think about what you could split over to get the right pieces here.

Connecting your sentences to your driver

Finally, make a copy of your and save the new file as You'll need to connect the method above to your readTwitterData method, so that the input can be processed, line-by-line, into an ArrayList of SentencePart2 objects (you've already set that loop up). Modify the readTwitterData method to return an ArrayList of SentencePart2 objects, instead of a StringBuffer, in the new file. Store each sentence as an object in the ArrayList, using generics to indicate the correct type of object stored. We no longer need the StringBuffer, so remove it as an argument to that method. Replace your main method with the code below to get it to work with the changes:

public static void main(String[] args){

    String path = "covid_10K.csv"; // fill in this line with the correct path

    ArrayList result = readTwitterData(path);
    for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)

Testing and Submission

You can test your SentencePart2 and by running the file. However, in order to debug your code and find out what went wrong, you need to use print statements to print out the relevant variables involved in how the code checks for the correct answer to gain insights on what to fix; we will ask to see the output of these debugging print statements when we help you in office hours/Ed. You cannot just look at your code (or ask us to look at your code) and "think hard" about what to change. Feel free to ask the instructional staff to walk you through how to use print statements to debug.

When you have finished, upload your Part2.tar solutions to the submitserver -- both group members should upload the solution. Please make sure to do this by the deadline (4/18 at 11:59pm). If you finish this project early in this lecture, move on to Part 3 below.

GRADING RUBRIC for Part 2: You can earn up to 18 points via passing test cases on the submitserver.

Part 3: Processing sentences into words, topic modeling (due Mon 4/22 at 11:59pm)

As we just saw, dataset identification, collection, and pre-processing can be one of the most difficult parts of a research project! Now that we have our sentences and their metadata neatly placed into an ArrayList of sentence objects, the fun (and easier) part can start!

Make a copy of your file and save it as (and update the file accordingly). Also make a copy of your and save the new file as Make sure your update your driver to use the new sentence.

For this section, we want to know what are the most common topics across all of our sentences. Taking this pulse could have a number of real-world applications; for example, people have studied tweets about COVID to try to track new outbreaks that happened in 2020, before the widespread availability of PCR tests, by looking at what symptoms were being reported in which locations.

Here, we're going to work on splitting up sentences into words, doing a little cleaning, and then making a list of the most common individual words or phrases across our dataset.

Splitting up a sentence into words

First, let's modify your SentencePart3 class to add a method that takes the text of the sentence, and returns an String[] that contains the words in the sentence (we'll define a word as something that is separated by a space -- you don't need to worry about punctuation; in fact, you may have already noticed that the tweets have been cleaned by using stemming). You should reuse the code you wrote for the last problem in Homework8 here; make it a method of the SentencePart3 class called splitSentence() that no longer takes arguments and instead operates on the text stored in the class.

Finding the most common words across all sentences

Next, write a method called public static HashMap<String,Integer> getTopWords in your DriverPart3 that takes as argument an ArrayList of SentencePart3s, extracts the words for each sentence, and updates a HashMap object that keeps track of how many times each word appeared in the entire dataset. Note that you must store Integers in the HashMap, not ints, so you should declare it as HashMap<String, Integer>.

Once you have written that code, call it in your readTwitterData method to obtain the HashMap of word counts; return this HashMap instead of the ArrayList. Then, copy the code below into your main method to have it loop through the HashMap and print out all its entries:

ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
for(int i = 0; i < YOUR_HASH_MAP.keySet().toArray().length; i++){
    int count = YOUR_HASH_MAP.get(YOUR_HASH_MAP.keySet().toArray()[i]);
    String num = "" + count;
    while(num.length() < 5)
        num = "0" + num;
    results.add(num + " of "+ YOUR_HASH_MAP.keySet().toArray()[i]);

for (int i = 0; i < results.size() && i < 100; i++)

Once again, we'll cover what this code does in CSCI 2113! In the meantime, you'll need to modify the code above to change YOUR_HASH_MAP to whatever you called your HashMap variable. Run your main method to see if it works! Next, add the line of code into your file regardless of whether or not you plan to do the extra credit below (otherwise your code won't compile):

public String[] splitSentenceBigram(){ return null; }

Extra credit: bi-gram cleaning
You may notice that in the first line of the csv, healthcare has been split up into health and care; this makes it harder to distinguish "health" (a status of a person) versus "healthcare" (the care of a person). For extra credit, copy your splitSentence() into a method called splitSentenceBigram() that, using the text file of English words here, finds all bigrams in the tweets and replaces them with the single word (so "health care" becomes "healthcare" because the latter is in that list).

To help you load the English dictionary, copy the following code into your file, and make sure you save the list above in the same folder with the filename words_alpha.txt:
private static ArrayList dictionary = null;

private static ArrayList getDict(){
    if (dictionary == null){
        dictionary = new ArrayList();
            //open the csv file for reading
            File file = new File("words_alpha.txt");
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
            String line = null;
            //loop through each line in the csv
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
        }catch(Exception e){

    return dictionary;

This code will open the text file and load all the English words into an ArrayList; you can then access this object inside your splitSentenceBigram() with the expression:
ArrayList dictionary = getDict();

Testing and Submission

You can test your files (including the extra credit) by running the file.

When you have finished, upload your Part3.tar solutions to the submitserver -- both group members should upload the solution. Please make sure to do this by the deadline (4/22 at 11:59pm). If you finish this project early in this lecture, move on to Part 4 below.

Part 4: Measuring emotions of tweets (or literary sentences) (due 4/22 at 11:59pm)

People are often interested in monitoring trends in natural language datasets, and one way to do that is to measure how positive or negative a sentence might be. For example, an automated mental health chatbot could be trained to monitor a conversation, and look for indicators of increasing depression. This sort of analysis is often extended to tweets, reddit posts, and other social media.

In this section of the project, we're going to learn how to install and use a Java library that will allow us to measure the sentiment (positive or negative emotion) in a sentence.

Make a copy of your file and save it as (and update the file accordingly). Also make a copy of your and save the new file as Make sure your update your driver to use the new sentence.

Downloading the Stanford CoreNLP libraries

In order to allow our Java code access to libraries that are not a standard part of Java, we need to download these libraries and make sure that our Java program knows how to find them. We can download these files by pasting the urls below into your browser:

It will take several minutes to download these files -- please read ahead and study the code below while you're waiting.

Next, copy both files into the same directory where your Java files are. Extract the contents of the .zip file using the terminal commands (if the first command doesn't work, you can unzip the way you would normally unzip files):
cd stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05
cp ejml-0.23.jar ..
cp stanford-corenlp-3.9.2.jar ..
cd ..

Make sure the .jar files end up copied into the same directory as your Java files.

Adding code to score the sentiment of a sentence

Now that we've downloaded the Stanford CoreNLP libraries (note that they are files that end in .jar, which stands for "java archive"), we can import these libraries at the top of our
import java.util.Properties;
import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.neural.rnn.RNNCoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.SentimentCoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.SentimentCoreAnnotations.SentimentAnnotatedTree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap;

In a minute we'll show you how to let the Java program that tries to run this file know where these libraries live on your machine.

Next, add the code above at the top of your Then, also add the code below that defines a method that is able to score a sentence for sentiment using the library we just downloaded:

public int getSentiment(String tweet){
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, parse, sentiment");
        StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);
        Annotation annotation = pipeline.process(tweet);
        CoreMap sentence = annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(0);
        Tree tree = sentence.get(SentimentCoreAnnotations.SentimentAnnotatedTree.class);
        return RNNCoreAnnotations.getPredictedClass(tree);
    } catch (Exception e){
        return 0;

Let's go through what the pieces above are doing. Properties are flags that users can set to determine what processing steps to apply to the sentence. Here, you can see where those properties are set with setProperty, where a string is passed in contains different types of processing the sentence will be subject to. In this case, you may recognize sentence splitting steps (tokenization) like we did manually above. You'll see the last argument set here is sentiment, which instructs the library to return a sentiment score between 0 and 4 for the sentence as either 0=Very Negative, 1=Negative, 2=Neutral, 3=Positive or 4=Very Positive. Sentiment analysis, like our topic modeling, also requires that raw sentences are tokenized and pre-processed in order to make its judgements.

The library is called by creating a pipeline object, which passes the tweet though the processing steps we just outlined. At the end of that, the next three lines of code are taking the processed sentence (recall, it no longer looks like a human visible sentence) and passing it through a machine learning algorithm that has been trained elsewhere in the library to try to guess what the sentiment of this particular sentence was. Pretty cool, and all just in a few lines of code!

Now, we're ready almost ready to use this code to score sentences. First, since the getSentiment method lives in the SentencePart4 class, it doesn't need an argument: change the method to operate on the text field of the SentencePart4 class instead.

Analyzing sentiments

Next, in your driver, write a method called averageSentiment that takes an ArrayList of sentences and returns the average sentiment of all the sentences in that list (as a double). Then, call that method from your main method and print out this average score (you can comment out the top-words code in main if you wish). The sentiment calculation is quite slow; it will take a few minutes/hours to run even on our small dataset, and it also can't handle malformed data in our dataset. Therefore, in main, only print out the sentiment of the first 100 rows in the csv. You can also ignore the debugging output from the sentiment analysis code (there is no way to remove this).

Running your code with external libraries

You'll need to compile and run this part of the project from your terminal. First, open a terminal window, and change directory into the folder where your java files are (see the notes from lab the first two weeks of class for a refresher of how to use the terminal if needed). All three java files must also be there; you should check this by doing ls or dir from that directory. Your terminal should have all the listed files there, including the three jar files:

Finally, in order to run your code, you need to make sure that the .jar files we downloaded earlier are in a place where Java can find them. There are many ways to set this up elegantly, but for now we'll just point the javac and java programs to the paths of three .jar files the code above needs to run. Try the command below that applies to your operating system; if it doesn't work and you've verified that all the files are in the current directory, see the part below for instructions on how to unpack the .jar files and get it working:
javac -classpath ".:./ejml-0.23.jar:./stanford-corenlp-3.9.2.jar:./stanford-english-corenlp-2018-10-05-models.jar" *.java for Mac/linux, or
javac -classpath ".\stanford-corenlp-3.9.2.jar;.;./ejml-0.23.jar;./stanford-english-corenlp-2018-10-05-models.jar" *.java for Windows.
and then
java -classpath ".:./ejml-0.23.jar:./stanford-corenlp-3.9.2.jar:./stanford-english-corenlp-2018-10-05-models.jar" DriverPart4 for Mac/linux, or
java -classpath ".\stanford-corenlp-3.9.2.jar;.;./ejml-0.23.jar;./stanford-english-corenlp-2018-10-05-models.jar" DriverPart4 for Windows.
If you want to run the tester, you'll need to use the syntax above as well. You'll learn more about the classpath in upper level courses as well.

Here is an example of running the Windows command for compiling the files:
Testing and Submission

When you have finished, upload your solutions to BB -- BOTH GROUP MEMBERS should upload the solution. Please upload your Part4 java files only -- do not upload the jar files or the csv, as these are large files and take a while for us to download. Please make sure to do this by the deadline (4/22 at 11:59pm).

Part 5: Temporal analysis of topics and sentences (due Mon 4/29 at 11:59pm)

We now have a way to find the major themes/topics of a group of sentences, as well as the ability to analyze the sentiment of these sentences. Next, we're going to have you write some code to be able to filter your ArrayList of sentences to interesting subsets.

Make a copy of your file and save it as (and update the file accordingly). Also make a copy of your and save the new file as Make sure your update your driver to use the new sentence.

First, define and implement a method in the SentencePart5 class called public boolean keep(String temporalRange) that returns true or false depending on whether or not the SentencePart5 object is within either a date range such as "May 31 2009-Jun 02 2009"

To get some practice with real-world programming and debugging, we recommend you use built-in Java libraries to convert each date (that's a string) into an integer (long) where you can compare that one date is less than and/or greater than another. These libraries often convert dates into the number of seconds since an arbitary date in the past, so you can compare them with the less than and greater than operators, like normal integers. You can google (or use) any way you'd like to make this conversion (just make sure to cite what you found!), but here are some examples:

  1. We googled for "java convert string to timestamp" and this was a top result from Stackoverflow. You can follow some of the "solutions" there to get code to convert strings to Timestamps.
  2. You'll also likely want to import the SimpleDateFormat class to use in the solution above or ones like it; check out its API to see how you can provide an expression for the format your dates are in.
  3. Once you have a Timestamp object for each date, you can use its methods in its API to convert the timestamp into the number of seconds.
  4. Don't forget to import all the classes you need, and be aware that like when opening files, some of this code requires you have another try-catch block to handle exceptions.

Next, modify your code in main to use the keep method to generate a new ArrayList that filters out tweets or sentences to just those in the temporal range specified.

Finally, using all the code you've written for this project, plan and then execute a further analysis of the dataset that answers one or more of the following potential questions, and/or investigates something similar (check with the instructor if you want to deviate from this list):

  1. Are some days/times more positive or negative, on average, compared to others in the Twitter dataset? Generate a bar chart of average ratings over certain time periods.
  2. Are sentences associated with some of the more popular topics more positive or more negative, on average? You can write another keep method that is able to filter out out sentences based on keywords, rather than temporal ranges. Generate a bar chart of average ratings over certain keywords.
You will be graded on how well you design, conduct, and communicate your experiment(s). Submit a writeup (pdf) that has the following sections for each analysis as a separate file:
  1. What is the motivation for this experiment?
  2. What is your hypothesis? What metrics will you use to test your hypothesis?
  3. What is your experimental setup and design? How will your experiments answer your hypothesis?
  4. How did you modify your code to accomodate your experiments?
  5. What were your experimental results? Do you think your results would generalize outside this dataset -- why or why not?
You will likely need to modify what you pass to keep in main to run your tests. If you are running multiple experiments, please comment out (rather than delete or overwrite) the code you used for different tests. Using an LLM for the written part of this project is not allowed. The code you submit for Part5 must run the experiment(s) you describe in your writeup.

When you have finished, upload your solutions to BB -- BOTH GROUP MEMBERS should upload the solution. Please upload your Part5 java files, as well as a PDF of your writeup -- do not upload the jar files or the csv, as these are large files and take a while for us to download. Please make sure to do this by the deadline (4/29 at 11:59pm).

keep has been correctly implemented to handle a temporal range and/or a keyword1 points
main has been correctly modified to generate filtered ArrayLists using keep.1 points
The motivation for your analysis is clearly communicated and is convincing1 points
The hypothesis for your analysis is clearly communicated and is testable1 points
The metrics chosen for your analysis are appropriate for your hypothesis1 points
The experimental design for your analysis is clearly communicated and would answer the hypothesis question1 points
The explanation of how you modified your code for your analysis is clearly communicated1 points
The discussion of experimental results for your analysis is clearly communicated, and convincingly explains why your results would or would not generalize past this dataset.5 points
Any additional (instructor approved) analysis has been completed, and a paragraph summarizing the results with metrics was provided.5 points per analysis (extra credit)

All done! Where to go next?

Great work on this project! If you're interested in learning more about Natural Language Processing, including doing research with Dr. Kinga during the regular semester, feel free to drop her an email!

Otherwise, take a break before studying for finals! [There is no final in this class -- you're all done! :-)]