import java.util.*; public class Part3Tester{ public static void main(String[] args){ int score = 0; SentencePart3 expected1 = new SentencePart3("call leader help protect refuge covid19 provid qualiti health care", "RJIshak", "April 19 2020"); String[] words = expected1.splitSentence(); String[] expected = {"call", "leader", "help", "protect", "refuge", "covid19", "provid", "qualiti", "health", "care"}; if(Arrays.equals(words, expected)) score = score + 8; else System.out.println("your word splitting wasn't correct"); ArrayList sentences = new ArrayList(); sentences.add(expected1); sentences.add(expected1); sentences.add(new SentencePart3("call help protect", "RJIshak", "April 19 2020")); sentences.add(new SentencePart3("these are random words words", "RJIshak", "April 19 2020")); HashMap map = DriverPart3.getTopWords(sentences); ArrayList results = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < map.keySet().toArray().length; i++){ int count = map.get(map.keySet().toArray()[i]); String num = "" + count; while(num.length() < 5) num = "0" + num; results.add(num + " of "+ map.keySet().toArray()[i]); } ArrayList desired = new ArrayList(); desired.add("00003 of protect"); desired.add("00003 of help"); desired.add("00003 of call"); desired.add("00002 of words"); desired.add("00002 of refuge"); desired.add("00002 of qualiti"); desired.add("00002 of provid"); desired.add("00002 of leader"); desired.add("00002 of health"); desired.add("00002 of covid19"); desired.add("00002 of care"); desired.add("00001 of these"); desired.add("00001 of random"); desired.add("00001 of are"); Collections.sort(results); Collections.reverse(results); if(results.equals(desired)) score = score + 8; else System.out.println("your HashMap wasn't correct"); SentencePart3 sent1 = new SentencePart3("We would like to combine health care as opposed to taking care of someones health", "RJIshak", "April 19 2020"); SentencePart3 sent2 = new SentencePart3("We would like to combine healthcare as opposed to taking care of someones health care", "RJIshak", "April 19 2020"); SentencePart3 sent3 = new SentencePart3("We would like to combine healthcare as opposed to taking care of someones care", "RJIshak", "April 19 2020"); String[] e1 = {"We", "would", "like", "to", "combine", "healthcare", "as", "opposed", "to", "taking", "care", "of", "someones", "health"}; String[] expected2 = {"We", "would", "like", "to", "combine", "healthcare", "as", "opposed", "to", "taking", "care", "of", "someones", "healthcare"}; String[] expected3 = {"We", "would", "like", "to", "combine", "healthcare", "as", "opposed", "to", "taking", "care", "of", "someones", "care"}; String[] result1 = sent1.splitSentenceBigram(); String[] result2 = sent2.splitSentenceBigram(); String[] result3 = sent3.splitSentenceBigram(); // uncomment these to help you debug! //System.out.println(Arrays.toString(result1)); //System.out.println(Arrays.toString(result2)); //System.out.println(Arrays.toString(result3)); if (Arrays.equals(e1, result1)) score = score + 3; else if (result1 != null) System.out.println("your bigrams weren't correct 1"); if (Arrays.equals(expected2, result2)) score = score + 3; else if (result1 != null) System.out.println("your bigrams weren't correct 2"); if (Arrays.equals(expected3, result3)) score = score + 3; else if (result1 != null) System.out.println("your bigrams weren't correct 3"); System.out.println("\n***YOUR SCORE ON THIS ASSIGNMENT: ( " + score + " ) out of 16 total***\n"); //submission String command = "tar -cvf Part3.tar"; try { Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); } catch (Exception excep) { excep.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("ERROR creating tarfile -- make sure you have tar utility installed"); } } }