EMSE Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Dr. Johan René van Dorp

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EMSE 3760/6760:



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Course Description:
An introduction to the application and theoretical background of systems simulation. Topics included systems concepts, modeling systems dynamics using discrete events and the modeling of service systems through simulation. Specifically, students will build a simultation of an ATM banking operation, a printed circuit board assembly line and an emergency care department. Theoretical topics include random variable generation, model verification and validation, uncertainty analysis of output, discussion of epistemic and aleatory uncertainty and variance reduction techniques. Simple simulation problems will be introduced using Microsoft Excel combining Excel Macro's with introductory VBA programming. A high-level simulation package SIMIO will be utilized for more complex simulation problems. Students will complete an in-class simulation Midterm Exam in Microsoft Excel + SIMIO (either using a lab computer or the student’s laptop) and an in-class simulation Final Exam using SIMIO. Students will submit their midterm and Final Exam using electronic files that will be graded.

Prerequisite: ApSc 3115 or an equivalent undergraduate course in probability and statisitcs.

Text Book:
Text: “Simio and Simulation, Modeling, Analysis, Applications” by Kelton, Smith and Sturrock. 7-th edition.

Acknowledgment: The George Washington University uses SIMO under a grant from SIMIO LLC.

School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
800, 22nd Street, Suite 2800
Washington, DC 20052
Email:  dorpjr@gwu.edu
Phone: (202) 994-6638