David A. Broniatowski, Director of the Decision Making and Systems Architecture Laboratory, conducts research in decision making under risk, group decision making, the design and analysis of complex systems, and behavioral epidemiology. This research program draws upon a wide range of techniques including formal mathematical modeling, experimental design, automated text analysis and natural language processing, social and technical network analysis, and big data. His work work on systematic distortions of public opinion about vaccines on social media by state-sponsored trolls been widely reported in the academic and popular press.
Spelled: Broniatowski, Pronounced: brun-yah-TAWF-skee
PhD in Engineering Systems; Technology Management and Policy, 2010
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
SM in Technology and Policy, 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
SM in Aero/Astro Engineering, 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
SB in Aero/Astro Engineering with Information Technology, 2004
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
How should we combat the spread of misinformation and disinformation online?
How can we design very large systems such that they can be flexible and resilient?
How do technical experts make risky decisions?
How do multi-disciplinary groups share knowledge to make better decisions?
Can we use social media to understand disease spread and vaccine refusal?
Hanna Wallach and Mark Dredze wrote an excellent guide on How to be a Successful PhD Student. Although it focuses on Computer Science, machine learning and Natural Language Processing students, it’s geared for PhD students in general.
Richard de Neufville wrote an excellent guide on how to write a thesis. This manual was designed for students in MIT’s Technology and Policy program and has valuable insights for all students writing theses and dissertations.
Do you want to work with the DMSA Lab? Great! If you are a GW student, please contact us using the contact form at the bottom of this page. It is probably helpful if you have strong system modeling, data analytics, software development, or experimental design skills. If you are interested in becoming a GW student you can apply here: