Featured in ZDNet and VentureBeat

Our work “Identifying Nuances in Fake News vs. Satire: Using Semantic and Linguistic Cues” was featured in the November 5 VentureBeat article “Researchers develop AI that distinguishes between satire and fake news” and in the November 8 ZDNet article “Will AI ever ‘understand’ satire?

Pedram Hosseini
Ph.D. Student

Pedram Hosseini is a PhD student in the department of Computer Science at the George Washington University (GWU). His main areas of interest are Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Pedram’s current research focuses on providing an analytical framework for understanding how individuals make various decisions on social media and more broadly in interconnected networks. Before joining GWU, Pedram spent a year at Sharif University of Technology as a visiting researcher focusing on NLP research. Prior to this, his master’s thesis, completed at Guilan University, led to development of a sentiment analysis platform for Persian. Pedram is extremely passionate about entrepreneurship, start-ups and innovation. He spent summer of 2017 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as an intern in Delta v program, leading development of the NLP platform of a FinTech startup (SigmaRatings). Outside work, Pedram plays volleyball and ping pong (member of team A at GWU,) whenever he gets a chance.