[Google Faculty Research Award] Tharwa++: Building a multidialectal Arabic Lexical Repository. (PI) September 2015 - August 2016
[NSF CRI-P] A Unified Universal Multiword Expression Repository, (PI) September 2015 - June
- [DARPA-LORELEI] Sentiment and Emotion Detection in Low Resource Languages (SEEM) (; collaborative with Columbia University Julia Hirschberg & Kathy Mckeown)
[Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)] Optdiac: An optimal Diacritization Scheme for Arabic, (Lead PI, collaborative research with Carnegie Mellon University Qatar Co-PI Professor Kemal Oflazer).
DRATS: Detecting Relations and Anomalies in Text
and Speech, (PI; subaward from Columbia University
as Prime institution).
- [NSF-Large CRI]
Creating Resources for Multilingual Linguistic Code
Switching, (PI; with Julia Hirschberg, collaborative
with Thamar Solorio, University of Houston).
- [DARPA-BOLT] Subcontract to GWU from
BBN - Dialectal Tool and Resource Creation (PI; with at
Columbia University Nizar Habash and Owen Rambow).
- [TSWG-DOD/ODNI-NADIA] Natural Language Processing for Dialectal Arabic-Industrialization and Insertion (PI; with Owen Rambow and Nizar Habash). Total $898K, duration 1.5 yrs., Apr '12 -Jun '13.
- [Google Faculty Research Awards]
Nuanced Sentiment and Perspective Analysis for Arabic
Social Media Text (PI).
- [DARPA-MADCAT] Subcontract to BBN-Multilingual Automatic Document Classification Analysis and Translation for Arabic OCR (Co-PI; with Nizar Habash). Apr '08 -Aug '13.
- [DARPA-BOLT] Subcontract to SRI-Semantic Machine Translation for Arabic Dialects (CCLS-PI; with Kathy Mckeown, Michael Collins, Julia Hirschberg). Nov '11 -Aug '13.
- [DARPA-BOLT] Subcontract to LDC-Resource Guideline Creation for Arabic Dialects (Co-PI; with Nizar Habash and Owen Rambow). Nov '11 -Dec '12.
- [DARPA-GALE] Subcontract to IBM-Pilot Unified Framework for Semantic Textual Similarity (PI). Sep '11 -Apr '12.
- [NSA-TTO8] Subcontract to JHU-COE-Power and Modality Analysis and Prediction in Social Communication (Co-PI; with Owen Rambow). Sep '09 -Dec '12.
- [IARPA-SCIL] Power Rifts and Shifts in Social Communication (Co-PI; with Kathy McKeown and Owen Rambow). Aug '09 -Oct '12.
- [NSF-CRI Planning] Linguistic Code Switching Pilot Annotation (PI; with Julia Hirschberg). Mar '10-Mar '11.
- [TSWG-DOD/ODNI-COLABA] Subcontract to ACXIOM-Cross language blog alerts-Arabic Blog Processing (PI; with Nizar Habash and Owen Rambow). Aug '09-Apr '11.
- [DARPA-GALE] Subcontract to IBM-Rosetta-Arabic to English Machine Translation (Co-PI; with Owen Rambow and Nizar Habash). May '08-Apr '11.
- [NSA-TTO8] Subcontract to JHU-COE-Committed Belief and Modality in Multigenres Text (Co-PI; with Owen Rambow). Aug '07 -Aug '10.
- [DARPA-GALE] Subcontract to SRI-Nightingale-Arabic to English Machine Translation (Co-PI; with Owen Rambow and Nizar Habash). Sep '05-Apr '08.
- [NSF-SGER] Automatic Processing of Natural Language Code-Switching (PI; with Owen Rambow). Sep '07-Aug '08.
- [NSF-SGER] Inducing Multiword Expressions from Comparable Corpora (PI). Sep '06-Feb '07.
- [NSF-JHU Summer Workshop] Arabic Dialect Parsing (Co-PI). Jun '05-Jul '05.
- [DARPA-GALE] Subcontract to University of Colorado-OntoNotes. Building an Arabic PropBank. (PI). Sep '05-Feb '06.
Current Research Grants