EMSE Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Dr. Johan René van Dorp

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Dissertation Abstract of Amita Singh:

Geometric Brownian motion and Gaussian distributions have been used to describe financial returns, until empirical investigations presented the case of heavy tailed and asymmetric behavior. This set off a burst of interest among economists to develop new approaches to the theory of random walk in financial (asset) prices. Innovative models have been developed using the Pareto law to characterize heavy tailed behavior in the family of Lévy distributions. Subsequently, distributions with innovations to model asymmetry have matured. It is in this spirit of inherent thinking we propose a four parameter doubly-Pareto uniform (DPU) distribution over the entire real line with capability to model heavy tailed and asymmetric behavior.

The DPU density and cumulative distribution functions are constructed by seamlessly concatenating left and right Pareto tails via a uniform central stage. We present a detailed derivation of the properties of the DPU distribution. A maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) procedure is developed in analytic form. Applications and advantages of our developed methodology are illustrated in the analyses of data. Two primary motivating examples are drawn from financial markets. The DPU model is extended to a third data set describing biometric characteristics of athletes, thereby presenting applicability of the model beyond the financial realm.

An additional application of the DPU model is the utilization of the uniform distribution as an input distribution to uncertainty analysis over bounds , where the parameters of the uniform distribution are extracted via quantile specification by experts. To take this a step further, a modal range can be elicited from experts as an alternate to point estimates of central tendency where the range lies between the upper and lower quantiles. These quantile ranges contribute to the parameter estimation of the input distribution in uncertainty analysis.

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School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
800, 22nd Street, Suite 2800
Washington, DC 20052
Email:  dorpjr@gwu.edu
Phone: (202) 994-6638