EMSE Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Dr. Johan René van Dorp

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Noraida Abdul Ghani:

Noraida Abdul Ghani, D.Sc.


In Fall 2002, Noraida Absul Ghani was awarded her D.Sc. in Operations Research from the George Washington university under the direction of J. Rene van Dorp. Her dissertation topic was "The Strategic Location and Allocation of EMS Vehicles under Uncertainty" . She also holds a Masters Degree in Operations Research from the George Washington University.

Noraida joined the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia in 2003 as an assistant professor in Mathematics Section in the School of Distance Education.

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School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
800, 22nd Street, Suite 2800
Washington, DC 20052
Email:  dorpjr@gwu.edu
Phone: (202) 994-6638