Module 4: A text analysis application



By the end of this module, you will:


4.0 Audio:

Step 1: Solve a small problem


4.1 Exercise: Download and textsample.txt. You will also need Complete the exercise indicated in the comments.

Let's explain:


Step 2: Dialogue analysis


We will now develop an application that analyzes text (novels) to study these questions:

  1. How much of the text is dialogue?
  2. What is the statistical nature of the dialogue? That is, what does the histogram of dialogue lengths look like?
The larger questions of interest (which we won't answer here) are: do authors or particular periods show dialogue-size patterns?

Let's start by simply counting the number of characters within quotes (dialogue) versus not.

4.2 Exercise: Think about this for a moment and try and write down pseudocode to solve this problem before seeing the solution below. Also, write some hackneyed dialogue for an exercise below.

OK, let's take a closer look:

  • Think back to the days when you learned to read by moving your finger along text. Yes, a long time ago.

  • We'll use this idea to ask the question: as you move your finger, stop momentarily when you are on either an opening or closing quote.
    • When you hit an opening quote, say to yourself "quote begins".
    • When you hit a closing one, say "quote ends".
    • For any other character, say either "in quote" or "out of quote". (because one or the other must be true).
    Try this with the hackneyed dialogue you wrote above.

  • We'll build on this idea to know, at any given moment in the scan of text, whether we are "in quote" or "out of quote". Here is pseudocode:
    	k = getNextChar ()
            state = outofquote        // Assume initially out of quote.
    	while (k >= 0) {
                if state == inquote {
                    // Because we're in quote, seeing the close-quote changes state
                    if k is close-double-quote {
                        state = outofquote
                else {
                    // We're out of quote.
                    if k is open-double-quote {
                        state = inquote
    	    k = getNextChar ()
    Try out the above pseudocode with your dialogue.

  • What we need to do next is modify the above to also count the total number of in-quote chars vs. out-of-quote chars.

4.3 Exercise: Download and apply the above pseudocode, along with code for counting the number of chars with quotes (dialogue) vs. not in quotes. Then, download and change the text file to get the numbers for alice.txt and sherlockholmes.txt.

4.4 Audio/Video:

Step 3: Statistical analysis of dialogue


What we'll do next is analyze the statistics of the lengths of dialogue: how long are bursts of dialogue? what does the pattern look like?

Let's begin by recording the length of each bit of dialogue:

  • We will add a counter to increment each time we're in a quote and scan a char.

  • Then, when a quote ends, we'll have the length of that quote.

  • We will simply add these lengths to an arraylist.

  • After the whole file is scanned, we will have the raw data: an arraylist containing the lengths of all the dialogues.

  • The next step will be to get a histogram of this data:
    • How many dialogues are of length 1?
    • How many dialogues are of length 2?
    • ...
    We will do this by analyzing the arraylist.

  • Finally, we'll plot the histogram.

4.5 Exercise: Download and fill in the necessary code. You will also need Try it out on the dialogue you created.

Let's explain a few details for the above exercise:

  • As you can see, there are three steps to the whole process:
        static ArrayList<Integer> quoteData;
        public static void main (String[] argv)
    	// First analyze the text to pull out the dialogue-length data.
            analyzeText ("alice.txt");
    	// Build a histogram:
    	int[] histogram = makeHistogram (quoteData);
    	// Then plot.
    	plotHistogram (histogram, 100);

  • Add your code from earlier to the analyzeText() method. This is where you track whether you are "in quote" or not, and to count the length of a quote.

  • Next, consider the histogram:
    • We want hist[i] to have the number of dialogues of length i.
    • To do this, scan through the arraylist and increment the appropriate entry of the hist array.

  • The rest of the code is written for you.

4.6 Exercise: Complete the code and plot the histogram for both alice.txt and sherlockholmes.txt. What is the difference in patterns between the two?

4.7 Audio:

4.8 Audio:

On to Assignment 1

© 2017, Rahul Simha