import java.util.*; public class DialogueAnalysis { // CHANGE the numbers in here to the correct ones. static int openDouble = 0; static int closeDouble = 0; public static void main (String[] argv) { //IOTool.openFileByChar ("huckfinn.txt"); //IOTool.openFileByChar ("sherlockholmes.txt"); IOTool.openFileByChar ("sampletext.txt"); // Counters: int numCharInQuotes = 0; int numCharOutsideQuotes = 0; boolean inQuote = false; int k = IOTool.getNextChar (); while (k >= 0) { // INSERT YOUR CODE HERE. k = IOTool.getNextChar (); } System.out.println ("In quotes: " + numCharInQuotes); System.out.println ("Outside quotes: " + numCharOutsideQuotes); } }