CS 1111: Introduction to Software Development



Java API

  • What is this course all about?
    Very simply, it's about taking first steps towards programming computers. This is different from learning how to use computers in sophisticated ways, such as being an Excel expert. In this course, you will learn the tools with which applications like Excel are built.

  • What do you mean "first steps"? You mean there's more?
    Indeed. Programming is a skill, like playing a musical instrument. It can't be mastered in a day (single course). But this course will put you on the path towards mastering programming.

  • Who should take this course?
    The course is required for students in the Computer Science major or minor, and for some programs such as Systems Engineering, or SQNS. But, really, it's also for anyone who's curious about how computers work and how to "work computers".

  • What are the prerequisites? Do I need to have done some programming earlier?
    None. You need no background other than good attitude and a willingness to work at acquiring a skill.

  • I've never done any kind of programming and find computers difficult to use. Will I be at a disadvantage?
    Not at all. The course is expressly designed for the novice. We will start from scratch, and proceed at a pace appropriate to starting from scratch. Keep in mind, however, that any skill development takes time and that one can occasionally feel overwhelmed. We will provide lots of help: labs, office hours, free tutoring. Take advantage of it.

  • Will I be able to work on my own computer or do I have to do the assignments using the lab computers?
    You can certainly do assignments on your own computers. There is, however, a minor learning curve in getting started - we will show you how you can use a Windows PC or Mac for the work in this course. There is one small part of the course that's entirely in the lab: this part involves robots, for which we have special software on the lab computers.

  • Is attendance in class and lab mandatory?
    Ha ha, we know you are asking this question only in jest. But, yes, we are going to take attendance practically every class and lab, and attendance will count towards the overall grade.

  • Is it true that programming computers turns normal people into bug-eyed, pimply-faced geeks with no social life?
    Yes. Some people even develop reptilian scales on their skin, and yet others burrow uncontrollably into the ground and eat worms.