CS 1111: Introduction to Software Development

Course overview, policies


Java API
  • Instructor: Prof. Rahul Simha.

  • Email:

  • Office Hours: Tuesdays 3.30-5pm, in Phillips 717

  • Time/place:
            Class: 11.10-12.25, Tuesdays/Thursdays, Tompkins 411
            Lab: 11.10-12.00, Wednesdays, Tompkins 411

  • Teaching Assistants (TAs): James Marshall (jcmarsh AT gwmail.gwu.edu) and Carol Jim (cjim AT gwmail.gwu.edu).

  • TA office hours: 1-3pm on Mondays and Fridays in Phillips 725.

  • Tutoring hours and location: ask me.

  • Prerequisites: none

  • Official catalog description: Introduction to the solution of problems on a digital computer using the Java language. Object-oriented programming concepts; documentation techniques; design of test data. Writing, debugging, and running programs in an interactive computing environmen

  • Informal description: This course is all about learning how to program.

  • Specific learning outcomes: By the end of the course, you will be able to
    • Demonstrate familiarity with key concepts in a procedural programming language such as: variables, data types, control structures, methods, input and output.
    • Demonstrate the ability to use programming to solve problems appropriate to a beginning class in programming and software development.
    • Acquire familiarity with rudimentary processes of software development that include: design, coding, testing, and debugging.

  • Textbook: Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach by S.Reges and M.Stepp (2nd Edition), Addison-Wesley, 2011.
    Important: you must purchase a new copy of the 2nd edition, because it comes with an account on a website that we will be using.

  • Supplementary book: The Tao of Computing by H.Walker (Jones&Bartlett 2005). This book is strictly not needed for the course, but it explains many aspects of how computers work in FAQ style. Examples of questions include: How do computers work? What is a computer virus and how does it work? How is the internet organized? etc.

  • Other requirements:
    • You will be expected to have and use your Blackboard account. If you have trouble logging in, you will need to resolve this by January 13.
    • You will be expected to have and use a SEAS account. If you don't have one, we will provide you with one in the first class on January 11.
    • Please purchase a marbled-cover composition notebook, such as this one at the GW bookstore. You will need to bring this to every class and lab.
    • Some of your work will involve programming a robot. These aren't cheap, so please take good care of the robot assigned to your group.

  • Attendance: Attendance in classes and labs is mandatory; there will be points for attendance.

  • Staying on top of the course:
    • Visit the course website (this one) and the Blackboard part of this course several times each week.
    • Be responsive to email sent via Blackboard.

  • Course load: This is not a light course.

  • Coursework and grading: See approximate grade breakdown.

  • Assignment submission and late work policy:
    • All your work will be submitted either via Blackboard or via your SEAS Unix account (on hobbes).
    • Points will be taken off for late submission, approximately one letter-grade for each 24-hour period after the due-date. These points will not not be pro-rated hourly. Thus, if something is due 5pm March 19th, a submission at 5.05pm March 19th drops a letter grade.
    • If you're seeking an extension because you've been ill and have a letter from a doctor, come by and see me about it.

  • Academic Integrity policy:
    • In this course, you will be expected to work on all assigned coursework by yourself, unless otherwise specified by instructions on this site. In particular, some assigned work with robots will be done in teams. If you have any questions whatsoever regarding these policies, see me during office hours.
    • You may not, without permission from the instructor, exchange course-related code with anyone (including anyone not registered in the course), or download code for use in your coursework, or use material from books other than the textbook. Likewise, you may not look at anyone else's code or show your code to anyone else. Protect your work: for example, be careful not to leave your printouts around.
    • If you use material in your assignments that are from outside the course material, then you should be prepared to explain that material. The instructors and TAs reserve the right to question you on your use of extraneous material. Failure to answer such questions might be viewed as grounds for an integrity violation.
    • The Academic Integrity Code will apply to this course. Please read through the code carefully.
    • Penalties for violating the code or the policies described here include failing this course, and are elaborated in the Academic Integrity Code.

  • Late policy: As such, the standard university late policy will apply to most deliverables. That is, if you have a valid reason, such as a medical issue, then a late submission is acceptable if discussed with the instructor.

  • If you have a disability that may effect your participation in this course and wish to discuss academic acommodations, please contact me as soon as possible.