Unit 0: Index of Module Sections


Module 0: Your First Program
0.0    Our first program    (Exercises and media: 0.1)
0.1    The recipe-cook-dish analogy
0.2    Programming vs. computerese    (0.2)
0.3    A slight variation    (0.3)
0.4    What happens when things go (even slightly) wrong    (0.4)
0.5    A peek at a more complex program    (0.5)
0.6    GUI vs. command-line
0.7    Computer science: beyond programming
0.8    How to succeed as a student    (0.6-0.7)

Module 1: A few more getting-started examples
1.0    Comments    (Exercises and media: 1.1-1.2)
1.1    Whitespace    (1.3-1.5)
1.2    Strings    (1.6-1.12)
1.3    Case sensitivity    (1.13-1.14)
1.4    A peek at the future    (1.15)
1.5    A reminder about computerese    (1.16)

Module 2: Functions: a first look
2.0    An example with function calls    (2.1-2.6)
2.1    Calling functions from other functions    (2.7-2.9)
2.2    More about functions    (2.10-2.11)
2.3    A peek at the future    (2.12-2.14)
2.4    And now for something strange    (2.15-2.17)
2.5    Another reminder about computerese    (2.18)

Module 3: Loops: the for-loop
3.0    An example    (3.1-3.5)
3.1    Variations    (3.6-3.9)
3.2    Nested for-loops    (3.10-3.13)
3.3    Tracing through a program in detail    (3.14-3.18)
3.4    Reading and writing    (3.19-3.21)
3.5    When things go wrong    (3.22-3.28)
3.6    A peek at the future    (3.29-3.30)
3.7    Some things to keep mind   
3.8    Meta    (3.31)

Module 4: Integers
4.0    First, an analogy   
4.1    Integer variables    (4.1-4.9)
4.2    Integer operators    (4.10)
4.3    Expressions and operator-precedence    (4.11-4.13)
4.4    More about expressions and assignment    (4.14-4.19)
4.5    Problem solving and pseudocode    (4.20)
4.6    A problem-solving example with variables and nested for-loops    (4.21-4.25)
4.7    Shortcut operators    (4.26)
4.8    When things go wrong    (4.27-4.29)
4.9    Python files vs module pdf   
4.10   A peek at the future    (4.30)
4.11   Meta    (4.31)

Module 5: Strings and Characters
5.0    Strings    (5.1)
5.1    String concatenation    (5.2-5.6)
5.2    Fun with string concatenation    (5.7-5.9)
5.3    Input from the terminal    (5.10-5.13)
5.4    Strings and for-loops    (5.14-5.20)
5.5    The useful relationship between characters and integers    (5.21-5.23)
5.6    Variable names    (5.24-5.25)
5.7    A problem solving example    (5.26-5.29)
5.8    When things go wrong    (5.30-5.36)

Module 6: Real numbers
6.0    What are real numbers?    (6.1-6.4)
6.1    Going from reals to integers and strings    (6.5-6.10)
6.2    Real numbers and loops    (6.11-6.13)
6.3    Some Greek history via programming    (6.14-6.15)
6.4    A statistical application    (6.16-6.21)
6.5    Plotting a function    (6.22-6.24)
6.6    Plotting a curve with data    (6.25-6.26)
6.7    When things go wrong    (6.27-6.30)
6.8    About the reals, and math in general    (6.31)

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© 2020, Rahul Simha