Interface SpanningTreeAlgorithm

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SpanningTreeAlgorithm
extends edu.gwu.algtest.Algorithm

Interface SpanningTreeAlgorithm is implemented by algorithms that compute the minimum spanning tree of a graph. Two types of data structures are supported by the interface: (1) an adjacency-matrix and (2) an adjacency-list.

See Also:

Method Summary
 double getTreeWeight()
          Method getTreeWeight should return the weight of the minimum spanning tree that was computed most recently.
 void initialize(int numVertices)
          Method initialize will be given the number of vertices.
 double[][] minimumSpanningTree(double[][] adjMatrix)
          Method minimumSpanningTree will be given an adjacency matrix of an undirected graph and will be expected to return the adjacency matrix corresponding to the minimum spanning tree.
 GraphVertex[] minimumSpanningTree(GraphVertex[] adjList)
          Method minimumSpanningTree will be given an adjacency list of an undirected graph and will be expected to return the adjacency-list corresponding to the minimum spanning tree.
Methods inherited from interface edu.gwu.algtest.Algorithm
getName, setPropertyExtractor

Method Detail


public void initialize(int numVertices)
Method initialize will be given the number of vertices.
numVertices - an int value


public double[][] minimumSpanningTree(double[][] adjMatrix)
Method minimumSpanningTree will be given an adjacency matrix of an undirected graph and will be expected to return the adjacency matrix corresponding to the minimum spanning tree. Note that each matrix entry is a positive edge weight; if there is no edge, the weight will be zero.
adjMatrix - a double[][] value
a double[][] value


public GraphVertex[] minimumSpanningTree(GraphVertex[] adjList)
Method minimumSpanningTree will be given an adjacency list of an undirected graph and will be expected to return the adjacency-list corresponding to the minimum spanning tree. Each GraphVertex instance contains a linked list of edges that are incident to that vertex. Since the adjacency list is the array of such "edge lists", the input is an array of GraphVertex instances. Note that the list for each vertex consists of edges represented by instances of the class GraphEdge.
adjList - a GraphVertex[] value
a GraphVertex[] value


public double getTreeWeight()
Method getTreeWeight should return the weight of the minimum spanning tree that was computed most recently. The idea is, one of the two minimumSpanningTree methods will first be called and should compute the tree, including its weight. Then, this method will be called simply to retrieve the weight.
a double value