Exercise 2

  1. Pen-and-paper exercises:
    1. Check out "Hungarian sort dance" in youtube and see if it helps you better understand the various sort algorithms.
    2. Analyze the following code and provide a "Big-Oh" estimate of its running time in terms of n. Explain your analysis.
          int k = n;
          while (k > 0) {
            for (int j=0; j < n*n; j++)
              sum += data[j];
            k = k / 8;
    3. Review recursion in Module 4 of CS-1112 (at least up through palindrome checking). Read again the step-by-step example of quicksort in Module 2 of this course. Then, show how quicksort works on the array (length=6) of characters "D F C E B A", by following the pseudocode, using the bidirectional partitioning algorithm. At the beginning of each call to quickSortRecursive(), show the complete state of the stack, as in the first example from the CS-1112 material, including the values of L, R and p.
    4. Let W(n) be the "work done" (time taken) by MergeSort on an array of size n. Write the recurrence relation for W(n) and work out the solution as was done in class for quicksort.
    5. Review binary trees from from a previous course, or from an online source. Insert the following elements "A C B G H D E F" (in that order) into a standard binary search tree and draw the tree at each step.
    6. Consider a complete binary tree with n leaves. How many interior nodes (in terms of n) does the tree have? Use the appropriate summation formula as part of your reasoning.
    7. Duplicate removal, part 2. Recall the duplicate removal problem from Exercise 1. Consider a slight variation of the problem in which duplicates are removed from the original array and leaving the remaining (unique) items in the same array but packed together, with zeroes replacing all elements after the unique elements. Thus, if given the array [2,3,2,2,1], what is returned is [3,1,2,0,0], along with the new length 3. Just like in part 1, we are not interested in the order of the unique elements, so any order is permissible. Show how duplicate removal can be done in time O(n log n) in the same array as the input array. That is, write pseudocode in the style we have been using in class. Explain why your algorithm takes O(n log n) time.
    8. Who devised quicksort? Read a short bio and write down three things about this person. (We will do the occasional such exercise for you to learn about great computer scientists, most of whom are still alive.)
    Note: Credit will not be given only for answers - show all your work: your reasoning, steps you took to get your answer etc.

  2. Implement the non-recursive version of MergeSort. Also, implement the small-size cutoff optimization, with InsertionSort as the small-size sort. Experiment with various cutoff sizes to see whether this approach makes a difference. Your MergeSort will need to implement the SortingAlgorithm interface. (and therefore the Algorithm interface) so you can use the AlgorithmTest environment. Note:
    • You will also implement a main method with (at least) the following tests:
      • Create tests to make sure the merge works.
      • Test the sort with 10 elements to see if the result is sorted and that no elements were overwritten or "lost" in the sorting.
      • The same with 100 elements.
    • Note: name your basic MergeSort (without the optimization) MergeSort, and name the optimized version MergeSortOpt.
    • Use merge.props as the properties file in the test environment.
    • You do not need to implement the sort-index methods, only the sort-in-place methods. You can change the sortingTester.testComparable property to false if you (temporarily) want to avoid testing strings.
    • Recall that String's implement the Comparable interface and that anything that implements that interface can be compared using the compareTo method.
    • Submit pseudocode for your algorithm.
    • Compare your optimized (non-recursive) MergeSort with your basic (non-recursive) MergeSort in terms of actual performance.
    • Replace InsertionSort with SelectionSort for the small-size sorts. Do you see a significant difference?
