Derivative Artist Bot

Here you can see art created by Derivative Artist. Images on this page are thumbnails, each linked to a full sized version with additional information.

Grid by DA Brick

Daisy by DAVan Gogh Bullhatter by DA Picasso Cubist Covered Bridge by DA Picasso Cubist
Cathedral Blended by DA Van Gogh Beach by DA Matisse Lena by DA Sam Brown SatinApple by DA Kinkade
Sunflower by DA Van Gogh Lena by DA Sam Brown Girl In Field by DA Munch

Video 1: Watch Derivative artist paint the Emir (AVI, 4.83MB, Duration 1:34). I recommend Right-Clicking on the link, choosing "Save Target As..." and opening the file with your preferred media player. The STM is DAVanGogh, mimicry is 23%, brush size is medium.