Schedule and lectures
All due dates and topics below are tentative.
All due dates are EST.
Week 1
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 1/14 | Lecture: Lecture Notes 01: Computing basics | Bring your laptop to lecture |
Thu 1/16 | Lecture: finish notes from last class Lecture Notes 02: Parts of a program |
Mon 1/13 or Thu 1/16 | Lab: Java installation | Bring your laptop to lab |
Week 2
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 1/21 | Lecture: Lecture Notes 03: Introduction to Variables of Numeric types Begin Homework 1 – Numeric types (due 11:00am on 1/28) |
study for in-class quiz today |
Thu 1/23 | Lecture: submit server account setup work on HW1 problems |
Thu 1/23 or Mon 1/27 | Lab: Command Line and Checkstyle tutorial (checkstyle video) finish HW1 |
Week 3
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 1/28 | Lecture: Quiz 1 – GRADED: Computing Basics (10 minutes) Lecture Notes 04: Conditional statements Work on Homework 2 (due 11:00am on 1/30) |
study for in-class quiz today |
Thu 1/30 | Lecture: work on Homework 3 – Quiz 2 samples (due 11:00am on 2/13) | |
Thu 1/30 or Mon 2/3 | Lab: Work on debugging code on paper exercises |
Week 4
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 2/4 | Lecture: review debugging using hand tracing and the Java visualizer | |
Thu 2/6 | Lecture: Debugging Quiz 1 – GRADED: (20 minutes, on paper) work on HW3 |
Thu 2/6 or Mon 2/10 | Lab: pseudocode exercise |
Week 5
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 2/11 | Lecture: Lecture Notes 05: Looping and 1D Arrays | study for in class quiz |
Thu 2/13 | Lecture: work on Homework 4 – Looping and 1D arrays (due 2/18 at 11:00am) | |
Thu 2/13 or Mon 2/17 | Lab: Thursday lab is office hours, no lab on Monday due to holiday |
Week 6
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 2/18 | Lecture: Quiz 2 – GRADED: Conditional Statements work on Homework 5 – Quiz 3 samples (due 2/27 at 11:00am) |
study for in class quiz |
Thu 2/20 | Lecture: debugging with print statements example | |
Thu 2/20 or Mon 2/24 | Lab: debugging for HW5 using the visualizer work on HW5 |
Week 7
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 2/25 | Lecture: Quiz 2 REPEAT: Conditional statements work on HW5 |
Thu 2/27 | Lecture: Debugging Quiz 2 – GRADED: (10 minutes, on paper) Lecture Notes 06: Nested loops and 2D Arrays |
Thu 2/27 or Mon 3/3 | Lab: Quiz 3 – GRADED: Looping and 1D arrays work on Homework 6 – Nested loops and 2D arrays (due 11:00am on 3/6) |
study for quiz |
Week 8
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 3/4 | Lecture: begin Homework 7 – Quiz 4 samples(due 3/20 at 11:00am) | |
Thu 3/6 | Lecture: work on HW7 | |
Thu 3/6 or Mon 3/17 | Lab: no lab due to spring break |
Week 10
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 3/18 | Lecture: finish Hw7 | |
Thu 3/20 | Lecture: Lecture Notes 07: String and char. work on Homework 8 – String exercises (due 11:00am on 3/25) |
study for quiz |
Thu 3/20 or Mon 3/24 | Lab: Quiz 3 – REPEAT: Looping and 1D arrays work on HW8 |
Week 11
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 3/25 | Lecture: Lecture Notes 08: methods, scope, encapsulation | study for quiz |
Thu 3/27 | Lecture: work on Quiz 5v1, Quiz 5v2 | |
Thu 3/27 or Mon 3/31 | Lab: Quiz 4 – GRADED: Nested loops and 2D arrays work on Quiz 5v3 |
study for quiz |
Week 12
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 4/1 | Lecture: debugging on paper by memory tracing work on Quiz 5v4 |
Thu 4/3 | Lecture: Lecture Notes 09: classes and objects | study for quiz |
Thu 4/3 or Mon 4/7 | Lab: Quiz 4 REPEAT – 2D arrays finish Quiz5 samples |
Week 13
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 4/8 | Lecture: work on Homework 9 – classes and objects (due 11:00am on 4/10) | |
Thu 4/10 | Lecture: work on Homework 10 – writing your own classes exercises (due 4/15 at 11:00am) | |
Thu 4/10 or Mon 4/14 | Lab: Quiz 5 – GRADED: tracing classes and objects (25 minutes) finish Homework 10 |
study for quiz |
Week 14
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 4/15 | Lecture: work on debugging code on paper exercises begin Homework 11 – Debugging classes and objects (due 4/22 at 11:00am) |
Thu 4/17 | Lecture: work on HW11 | |
Thu 4/17 or Mon 4/21 | Lab: Debugging Quiz 3 – GRADED: (20 minutes, on paper) begin Homework 12 – review for Quiz 6 (due 4/22 at 11:00am) |
Week 15
Date | Topic | Prep |
Tue 4/22 | Lecture: Quiz 6 – GRADED (25 minutes) finish HW11 |
study for quiz |
Thu 4/24 | Lecture: optional makeup quizzes for Quizzes 1-5 and/or debugging quiz (choose up to three) | |
Thu 4/24 or Mon 4/28 | Lab: Debugging Quiz 4 – GRADED: (20 minutes, on paper) |
Finals week
There is no final exam in this course.
Make sure you report all grade corrections/concerns to the professor by 5/1