EMSE Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Dr. Johan René van Dorp

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Sheng Yu:

Sheng Yu , Phd

EMSE Department
1776 G Street NW,
Room 139
Washington, DC  20052

(202) 994-1563
email: caner@gwu.edu


Mr. Sheng Yu completed his doctoral degree requirements in Systems Engineering with focus on Operations Research and Management Science at the George Washington University under Dr. Johan René van Dorp. The first 2.5 years of his doctoral study and his dissertation “Adaptive Convex Enveloping for Multivariate Convex Dynamic Programming” are guided by Dr. Enrique Campos-Náñez. Mr. Yu has won two paper awards during his doctoral study: the 2011 INFORMS ENRE Student Paper Travel Award and the 2012 IIE ISERC Best Paper Award of Operations Research.

Mr. Yu holds a Master’s and a Bachelor’s degree in statistics, from the University of Michigan and Nankai University, respectively.

Currently, Mr. Yu is doing natural language processing on electronic medical records and developing disease classification methods at Harvard University as a postdoctoral research fellow.

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School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
800, 22nd Street, Suite 2800
Washington, DC 20052
Email:  dorpjr@gwu.edu
Phone: (202) 994-6638