EMSE Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Dr. Johan René van Dorp

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Leon Adams:

Leon Adams
Doctor of Science

EMSE Department
1776 G Street NW,
Washington, DC  20052


Phone: (240) 463-2731

Contemporary engineering applications are fraught with high levels of complexities necessarily leading to high levels of uncertainties. One tool that may be relevant in such situations is the creation of mathematical models to investigate and study these complex engineering applications. Generally speaking my academic and research interest lies in the construction and use of such models for the purpose of facilitating decision support.

More specifically, my work at the direction of Dr. Rene van Dorp is focused on better understanding the influence of dependencies in uncertainty analysis applications. As a doctoral candidate at the School of Engineering and Applied Science, I am currently investigating the use of copula theory in the construction of multivariate distributions. A particular interest is the copulas' facility to allow for the separate study of the dependency structure from that of the marginal uncertainties.

Leon Adams received his Masters degree from the University of Maryland in 2005 from the mechanical engineering department and his Bachelors degree in the same field from San Jose State University. He held the positions of Associate R&D engineer at the COEN Company, Burlingame CA, from 200-2004 and Graduate Engineer at the SmithGroup in Washington DC in 2007.

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School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
800, 22nd Street, Suite 2800
Washington, DC 20052
Email:  dorpjr@gwu.edu
Phone: (202) 994-6638