Jason T. Brown
MSc. Student
1776 G Street NW,
Washington, DC 20052
Brown is pursuing a Master of Science in Systems Engineering, concentrating
on Operations Research and Management Science. His thesis topic is “Uncertainty
analysis of a computational social science simulation”, which
is being advised by Dr. René van Dorp. This addresses the application
of a simulation from decision analytic and subjective probability perspectives.
Mr. Brown is employed at
Northrop Grumman Corporation as an operations research analyst. In this
capacity, he has worked for a variety of clients in the Department of
Defense on wide variety of projects involving simulation development,
mathematical programming, and data analysis.
Mr. Brown received his Bachelor
of Science Summa Cum Laude from Virginia Tech in Industrial and Systems
Engineering in 2004. At Virginia Tech he studied operations research
in an applied and probabilistic framework.