Package Name: java.lang.threadgroup

Return to: Package List

with java.lang; use java.lang;
with java.lang.Thread; use java.lang.Thread;
with java.lang.Runnable; use java.lang.Runnable;
with java.lang.Throwable; use java.lang.Throwable;
with java.lang.String; use java.lang.String;

package java.lang.ThreadGroup is
    type ThreadGroup_Obj is new Object with null record;

    type ThreadGroup_Ptr is access all ThreadGroup_Obj'Class;
    function new_ThreadGroup(
        name : String_Ptr)

      return ThreadGroup_Ptr;
    function new_ThreadGroup(
        parent : ThreadGroup_Ptr;
        name : String_Ptr)

      return ThreadGroup_Ptr;

    function getName(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj) return String_Ptr;

    function getParent(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj) return ThreadGroup_Ptr;

    function getMaxPriority(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj) return Integer;

    function isDaemon(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj) return Boolean;
    procedure setDaemon(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj;

        daemon : Boolean);
    procedure setMaxPriority(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj;

        pri : Integer);
    function parentOf(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj;
        g : ThreadGroup_Ptr)

      return Boolean;

    procedure checkAccess(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj);

    function activeCount(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj) return Integer;
    function enumerate(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj;
        list : Thread.Thread_Array)

      return Integer;
    function enumerate(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj;
        list : Thread.Thread_Array;
        recurse : Boolean)

      return Integer;

    function activeGroupCount(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj) return Integer;
    type ThreadGroup_Array is array(Positive range <>) of ThreadGroup_Ptr;
    function enumerate(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj;
        list : ThreadGroup_Array)

      return Integer;
    function enumerate(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj;
        list : ThreadGroup_Array;
        recurse : Boolean)

      return Integer;

    procedure stop(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj);

    procedure suspend(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj);

    procedure resume(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj);

    procedure destroy(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj);

    procedure list(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj);
    procedure uncaughtException(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj;
        t : Thread_Ptr;

        e : Throwable_Ptr);

    function toString(Obj : access ThreadGroup_Obj) return String_Ptr;
    pragma Import(Java, setDaemon);
    pragma Import(Java, getParent);
    pragma Import(Java, destroy);
    pragma Import(Java, isDaemon);
    pragma Import(Java, getName);
    pragma Import(Java, suspend);
    pragma Import(Java, uncaughtException);
    pragma Import(Java, enumerate);
    pragma Import(Java, getMaxPriority);
    pragma Import(Java, checkAccess);
    pragma Import(Java, parentOf);
    pragma Import(Java, activeGroupCount);
    pragma Import(Java, stop);
    pragma Import(Java, list);
    pragma Import(Java, resume);
    pragma Import(Java, toString);
    pragma Import(Java, setMaxPriority);

    pragma Import(Java, activeCount);

    pragma Import(Java_Constructor, new_ThreadGroup);
    -- The following are constructors for Threads

    -- NOTE: these need to be here, so ThreadGroup_Ptr is fully defined.
    function new_Thread(
        group : ThreadGroup_Ptr;
        target : Runnable_Ptr)

      return Thread_Ptr;
    function new_Thread(
        group : ThreadGroup_Ptr;
        name : String_Ptr)

      return Thread_Ptr;
    function new_Thread(
        group : ThreadGroup_Ptr;
        target : Runnable_Ptr;
        name : String_Ptr)

      return Thread_Ptr;
    -- This is actually a Thread method:

    function getThreadGroup(Obj : access Thread_Obj) return ThreadGroup_Ptr;
    pragma Import(Java, getThreadGroup, "java/lang/Thread.getThreadGroup");

    pragma Import(Java_Constructor, new_Thread, "java/lang/Thread.");
end java.lang.ThreadGroup;