The Purpose of these Posts

Posted on December 26, 2015 by Gabe Parmer

I’m trying out something to fix a practical problem that our research group is having. We don’t have any one person that is in charge of the entire Composite design besides me. Each PhD student is specialized into their area of contribution, and as they graduate, they take their knowledge with them. As new students (at the undergraduate level, and graduate) begin working within the ecosystem, they encounter the same issues, and have the same questions.

This likely sounds familiar to anyone who maintains a large body of software. Certainly it will sound familiar to academics who focus on system building. Our documentation in Composite (in doc/) suffers from the normal problems. It is outdated. It has significant omissions. The community contributing to it is smaller than the developer community.

So I wanted to create an informal set of posts that provide documentation for different aspects of the Composite system. Though I think some of these posts will be of general appeal, the intention is to help solve this problem. It is easier for me to leverage a more lenient format than code documentation to provide context for many aspects of the system. As these posts get out of date, I can hopefully point our researchers to other, more up-to-date posts. As students become the sole experts in parts of the system, hopefully they can write posts themselves.

So this is not intended to be a blog. It is not focused primarily on the greater CS community. Instead, I believe its value is:

  1. To provide context for aspects of Composite that will be used by researchers at GWU.
  2. To enable prospective students to see and understand the type of work we do to inform their own decisions.
  3. Tangentially: to occasionally provide a little entertainment and knowledge to the broader CS community.

Hakyll/Bootstrap experts. If you’re a Hakyll or Bootstrap expert, and have any suggestions on how to make this site more interesting or useful, please let me know.