CS 1012: Introduction to Programming with Python

Grade breakdown


The following is an approximate assignment of points to various deliverables and submissions:

  • Generally, an average of 10 points per module exercise. Some exercises may have more weight. In some modules, there will be 20 points per exercise.
  • 500 points per assignment.
  • 100 points for being on schedule (not using any extensions or submitting anything late).
  • 1000 points for the exam.
    You must pass the final exam to pass the course.. The exam is designed so that you will succeed in the exam only if you actually do the assigned work.


  • The above breakdown and relative weighting of points is only intended as a rough guideline and is subject to change.
  • There are no fixed boundaries for letter grades and thus letter grades may depend on the relative performance of others in the course. The only way to do well is to work on all aspects of the course.
  • Our experience is that a few students get a bit too much help from peers for modules/assignments, which results in high scores on modules/assignments but low scores when actual learning is tested on the exam.
  • Important: To maximize your learning, avoid looking at others' code. There is struggle involved in doing it yourself, but you will eventually learn and learn well.
  • A significant discrepancy in performance between submitted work and the final exam may require explanation, especially if the exam score is significantly lower than the average of other submitted work.
  • The instructional team reserves the right to question students about their submitted work. A failure to sufficiently explain may be construed as unfamiliarity or mere luck, in which case points may be taken off, or the weighting of accrued points in determining the final letter grade may be adjusted for such students. Exams will not be returned to students.
  • Note about Blackboard: all modules and assignment uploads allow up to 3 attempts to upload your zip. This is only there in case an upload fails due to connectivity problems. It is NOT to be interpreted as having multiple tries at doing the work. Only the most recently uploaded version will be used.