Bees Saal Baad: Return to Pilani


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We simply had to visit our old rooms. Here's the front entrance to Krishna Bhavan, my residence for the first three years. Bikes, and more bikes again. And, if you zoom in on the Front Wing, you'll see a different, not-so-gulag grill design.

These are some students, among which are my "great, great, ..., grandson" (room occupant) and the more nattily attired student union president on the left.

Here's my first-year room, Back Wing (towards the insti). I am reminded of many pivotal first-year events: the summer term, ragging, Bhavan-night, wing dinners, and of course, Oasis.

The room was more or less the same, even the bed position. What's changed is that the ancient, warped but warm wood has been replaced by dull-mauve metal. If you're wondering what happened to our old beds, they're awaiting their bonfire fate:

I couldn't resist checking out my third-year New Wing room for its grand view of the insti.

Next: Bhavans Part II