CS 4342/6342: Linear Algebra: A Computational Introduction

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Java API

Note: this course will NOT be offered every year. The next offering (after Fall 2021) is likely to be in Fall 2023.

  • Make sure that the angle you compute is in radians and between 0 and 2π. (Sometimes atan2() can give you a negative angle).
  • (August) There is a subdirectory called useful in which I will occasionally place classes like UniformRandom.java and DrawTool.java, and libraries like lintool.jar that will be useful to the class. These Java objects will themselves be periodically modified - I will try to remember to post a notice here when I've made such a modification.
  • (January) To get a SEAS Unix account, go to the B2 level of SEH. For more information see the SEAS computing website.