Module 5: Conditional Statements

An example with integers

We will write an applet to customize a greeting based on age:

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*; 

public class AgeSpecificGreetingApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener {

  // The string variable for the greeting.
  String greeting;

  // The text fields in which the user enter strings.
  TextField nameField;
  TextField ageField;

  public void init ()
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    // GUI stuff
    setLayout (new BorderLayout());
    Panel bottomPanel = new Panel ();

    Label nameLabel = new Label ("Name: ");
    bottomPanel.add (nameLabel);

    nameField = new TextField (15);
    bottomPanel.add (nameField);

    Label ageLabel = new Label (" Age: ");
    bottomPanel.add (ageLabel);

    ageField = new TextField (2);
    bottomPanel.add (ageField);

    Button doneButton = new Button ("Press when done");
    bottomPanel.add (doneButton);

    doneButton.addActionListener (this);

    add (bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------

    // Initial value of greeting:
    greeting = "";
  // The method actionPerformed is called when the button is clicked.

  public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent click)
    // Retrieve the strings from the two text fields:
    String name = nameField.getText ();
    int age = new Integer (ageField.getText().trim()).intValue();

    if (age < 2) {
      greeting = "Coo coo, little baby " + name;
    else if (age < 10) {
      greeting = "Yo, kid, what's up?";
    else if (age < 17) {
      greeting = "Hi " + name + ", how's school these days?";
    else {
      greeting = "Good day " + name + "!";

    // Redraw the applet:
    repaint ();
  public void paint (Graphics g) 
    // The Face, as before:
    g.drawOval (40,40, 120,150);         // Head
    g.drawOval (57,75, 30,20);           // Left eye
    g.drawOval (110,75, 30,20);          // Right eye
    g.fillOval (68,81, 10,10);           // pupil (left)
    g.fillOval (121,81, 10,10);          // pupil (right)
    g.drawOval (85,100, 30,30);          // Nose
    g.fillArc (60,125,80,40, 180,180);   // Mouth
    g.drawOval (25,92, 15,30);           // Left ear
    g.drawOval (160,92, 15,30);          // Right ear

    // Draw the greeting:
    g.drawString (greeting, 190,150); 

Let's consider some alternate ways of writing the same logic:

In-Class Exercise: Add a few more age ranges and responses to the applet above.

String comparisons

Consider this example in which two names are compared for alphabetical order:

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*; 

public class AlphabeticalNamesApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener {

  // Once they are alphabetically sorted, we'll place
  // the names in these variables for use in paint()
  String firstOne, secondOne;

  // The text fields in which the user enter strings.
  TextField nameField1, nameField2;

  public void init ()
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    // GUI stuff
    Label nameLabel1 = new Label ("Name #1: ");
    add (nameLabel1);

    nameField1 = new TextField (10);
    add (nameField1);

    Label nameLabel2 = new Label ("Name #2: ");
    add (nameLabel2);

    nameField2 = new TextField (10);
    add (nameField2);

    Button doneButton = new Button ("Press when done");
    add (doneButton);

    doneButton.addActionListener (this);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------

    // Initial values of names: note the use of the reserved word "null"
    firstOne = null;
    secondOne = null;
  // The method actionPerformed is called when the button is clicked.

  public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent click)
    // Retrieve the strings from the two text fields:
    String name1 = nameField1.getText ();
    String name2 = nameField2.getText ();

    if (name1.compareTo (name2) < 0) {
      // name1 comes alphabetically ahead.
      firstOne = name1;
      secondOne = name2;
    else {
      // name2 comes alphabetically ahead.
      firstOne = name2;
      secondOne = name1;
    // Redraw the applet:
    repaint ();
  public void paint (Graphics g) 
    // If neither string has been set, don't do anything.
    if ( (firstOne == null) || (secondOne == null) ) {
      // Executing a "return" simply quits the method.
    // Now we know both strings are non-null, so draw the strings.
    g.drawString ("In alphabetical order: ", 30, 120);
    g.drawString ("  " + firstOne, 30, 140);
    g.drawString ("  " + secondOne, 30, 160);
In-Class Exercise: Add a third name to the above applet and display in correct alphabetical order.

For illustration, let's consider another way of writing the same program:

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*; 

public class AlphabeticalNamesApplet2 extends Applet implements ActionListener {

  String name1, name2;

  // The text fields in which the user enter strings.
  TextField nameField1, nameField2;

  public void init ()
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    // GUI stuff
    Label nameLabel1 = new Label ("Name #1: ");
    add (nameLabel1);

    nameField1 = new TextField (10);
    add (nameField1);

    Label nameLabel2 = new Label ("Name #2: ");
    add (nameLabel2);

    nameField2 = new TextField (10);
    add (nameField2);

    Button doneButton = new Button ("Press when done");
    add (doneButton);

    doneButton.addActionListener (this);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------

    // Initial values of names: note the use of the reserved word "null"
    name1 = null;
    name2 = null;
  // The method actionPerformed is called when the button is clicked.

  public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent click)
    // Retrieve the strings from the two text fields:
    name1 = nameField1.getText ();
    name2 = nameField2.getText ();

    // Redraw the applet:
    repaint ();
  public void paint (Graphics g) 
    // Print only if both strings are set.
    if ( (name1 != null) && (name2 != null) ) {
      g.drawString ("In alphabetical order: ", 30, 120);

      if (name1.compareTo (name2) < 0) {
        // name1 comes alphabetically ahead.
        g.drawString ("  " + name1, 30, 140);
        g.drawString ("  " + name2, 30, 160);
      else {
        // name2 comes alphabetically ahead.
        g.drawString ("  " + name2, 30, 140);
        g.drawString ("  " + name1, 30, 160);
    // Nothing is needed in else clause
In-Class Exercise: Suppose we change the code in the above program so that the method actionPerformed looks like this:
  public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent click)
    // Retrieve the strings from the two text fields:
    String name1 = nameField1.getText ();
    String name2 = nameField2.getText ();

    // Redraw the applet:
    repaint ();
What happens? Does it compile? Does it work? Explain.
In-Class Exercise: Add a third name to the above applet and display in correct alphabetical order. Add colors to improve the display.